I've somehow managed to do just over 500 miles in a week since receiving my LR. Still using a granny charger mainly because we are extending the house in March/April and it seems silly to get a charging point installed when it will need to be moved then. I only do about 30 miles a day normally so using the mains is fine, if not very neat. You really have to get in to the habit of plugging your car in every time you're home though, yesterday my other half was working late at the hospital and a couple of her trains home were cancelled. I did think I might have to go and get her at one point which would have been a 60 mile round trip and perhaps a bit tricky because but i'd left my car with 90 miles of range. With my ICE car, i drive it around from full to nearly empty, but with electric cars I think the key is to just top up as often as possible. Just a little mindset/habit change.
I've used a supercharger twice now, once on the way back from collecting (car was delivered with only 40% battery) and secondly on the way back from dropping off some christmas presents at my mum's, around 100 miles away. I probably had the range to get back home, but it was touch and go because I only charged up about 70% or so before I left that morning. I stopped at South Mimms services, unfortunately there are only 4 super charger stalls there and all were occupied when I arrived with one other car waiting to use them as well. So I had to wait about 15 minutes to use one, then I charged for about 20 mins. I don't know how you could own an EV for your 'only' car without access to the supercharger network, especially with the range of some electric cars. Also noticing that some fast chargers (ionity etc) charge £0.60/kwh! Really glad I chose the Tesla in that respect.
I've used a supercharger twice now, once on the way back from collecting (car was delivered with only 40% battery) and secondly on the way back from dropping off some christmas presents at my mum's, around 100 miles away. I probably had the range to get back home, but it was touch and go because I only charged up about 70% or so before I left that morning. I stopped at South Mimms services, unfortunately there are only 4 super charger stalls there and all were occupied when I arrived with one other car waiting to use them as well. So I had to wait about 15 minutes to use one, then I charged for about 20 mins. I don't know how you could own an EV for your 'only' car without access to the supercharger network, especially with the range of some electric cars. Also noticing that some fast chargers (ionity etc) charge £0.60/kwh! Really glad I chose the Tesla in that respect.