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The thread which sometimes talks about RDNA2

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13 Jan 2018
I have estimated 6900XT's RT perf to be anywhere between 30-60% slower than RTX3080.. havent updated for AIB clock speeds
The range is wide because nvidia uses an opaque 10 gigarays/sec metric which needs more assumptions on scene structure

There are synthetic benchmarks out in the wild though but they do not fully compensate for navi's mixed mode hardware
(widely believed to be 6800XT)
Still thats pretty good for a first generation card - looks like its up there with the 2080ti
1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
Fancy trying to get one of these next Wednesday, my main game will be Cyberpunk but I'm concerned about Ray Tracing performance on these cards, anyone else?
Nah not worried. Raytracing is in early days from all sides and a handful of games use it. It's just not enough of an impact on what I'm gonna play to be a considered factor for me.

Yeah I'll play cyberpunk. With RT will be a bonus. Will i spend more on a GPU for better RT for that one game?

Pfft. Nope :)

Besides. Did anyone see that Riftbreaker video posted by AMD last night? They talked about the RT tech in that and it didn't look like the RT affected the performance! Yeah I know it's a sponsored video and that but it just makes me excited for the reviews next week :)
19 Jun 2017
Still thats pretty good for a first generation card - looks like its up there with the 2080ti

That synthetic benchmark looks like the best case to me..
If you check the Big Navi SKUs.. the TMU count is exactly 4 times the RA count.
There was a leaked Xbox slide which suggested that a CU can either do 4 ray-box intersections or 4 texture operations per clock
In real life gaming scenarios the balance between RA and TMU allocation might not be so favourable.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Nah not worried. Raytracing is in early days from all sides and a handful of games use it. It's just not enough of an impact on what I'm gonna play to be a considered factor for me.

Yeah I'll play cyberpunk. With RT will be a bonus. Will i spend more on a GPU for better RT for that one game?

Pfft. Nope :)

Besides. Did anyone see that Riftbreaker video posted by AMD last night? They talked about the RT tech in that and it didn't look like the RT affected the performance! Yeah I know it's a sponsored video and that but it just makes me excited for the reviews next week :)

Agree, people have got far too brainwashed by RT and even fell for the Jensen spin in some cases. I would concede point if it was utilised in lots of games and it was hard to ignore it, however severe lack of uptake on the games side and when the best card on offer struggles to keep high frames with settings high its not ready for mainstream by a long shot yet.
17 Sep 2018
Excellent insight. Thanks for sharing it. :D

Rumor back in the day had 5nm Navi23 but nothing has surfaced as of yet regarding it and remains unconfirmed rumor. Something sneaky about that. Because that's how the other AMD mega thread started if you read the title.

However, new rumor has it that Sapphire is going to release a Toxic sku. Which is higher then Nitro + sku. Sapphire hasn't released a worthy Toxic card in YEARS. In which it's game clock is going to 2400Mhz+ or there abouts. If that turns out to be true I can't see it not beating Ampere even at 4k.

I have said and posted several games that show gains for the 5700xt beating or tie 2070s.
-Gears 5
-Formula 1 2020
-Death Stranding
-Red Dead Redemption 2
-Horizon Zero Dawn

Now it's on par with a 2080 in Valhalla. Something unheard of!!! At a guess AMD's Developer Relations are much stronger then in years past and are getting gaming engines more inline and optimized for Radeon do to next gen consoles. IMO.

I've said it once and will say it again. Although I'm taking a guess, for me the writing is on the wall, if you want to seemless PC gaming in the not so distance future AMD's PC ecosystem is the way to go: Zen 3, RDNA/RDNA 2, 3600Mhz ram.

The other thing that's unheard of is how AMD are outperforming Nvidia in Assassin's Creed game, which in the past performed vastly better on Nvidia cards. Even Vega are beating the 1080 cards. It looks like Ubisoft are optimising their engine to AMD cards to get it performing better on the AMD consoles.
10 Nov 2006
Agree, people have got far too brainwashed by RT and even fell for the Jensen spin in some cases. I would concede point if it was utilised in lots of games and it was hard to ignore it, however severe lack of uptake on the games side and when the best card on offer struggles to keep high frames with settings high its not ready for mainstream by a long shot yet.

I don't follow this on a regular basis so not brain washed by any-one, however gaming (my main hobby) has been utter rubbish this year for me to the point I'm wondering if having a £4K PC is worth it. The only game on my horizon that still excites me is Cyberpunk, I don't want to be buying a new card is its 60% slower than its opposition, or slower than my 2080ti - that is all.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
I don't follow this on a regular basis so not brain washed by any-one, however gaming (my main hobby) has been utter rubbish this year for me to the point I'm wondering if having a £4K PC is worth it. The only game on my horizon that still excites me is Cyberpunk, I don't want to be buying a new card is its 60% slower than its opposition, or slower than my 2080ti - that is all.

Eh? What card are you referring to then, as the 6800/6800XT/3080/3090/6900XT are all faster than your 2080ti. What uplift you get though is not so great as your card was excellent to begin with. I have a vega56 so all these cards are a worthy upgrade. If you can afford a 2080Ti and a £4k gaming PC then money isnt really a problem for your demands..
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
The other thing that's unheard of is how AMD are outperforming Nvidia in Assassin's Creed game, which in the past performed vastly better on Nvidia cards. Even Vega are beating the 1080 cards. It looks like Ubisoft are optimising their engine to AMD cards to get it performing better on the AMD consoles.

Thats looking likely they are opening up improvements that could either have been locked in to benefit the nvidia drivers or there is a 'to the metal' element that they can access akin to the mantle days to get some leverage. Also nvidia drop the old gens like a stone when it comes to performance they have form for that.
19 Jun 2017
I don't follow this on a regular basis so not brain washed by any-one, however gaming (my main hobby) has been utter rubbish this year for me to the point I'm wondering if having a £4K PC is worth it. The only game on my horizon that still excites me is Cyberpunk, I don't want to be buying a new card is its 60% slower than its opposition, or slower than my 2080ti - that is all.

RTX3080 is a superior choice compared to RX6800XT (DLSS+faster RT+faster mining (for some) for an additional $50) but only if you can get one at suggested prices.. the reality is that the prices on street are nowhere close to nvidia's advertised prices.. so the only practical option is to wait for reviews and then decide basis real world pricing & availability, RT is not so big that I would be disregarding pricing & availability
9 Mar 2017
RTX3080 is a superior choice compared to RX6800XT (DLSS+faster RT+faster mining (for some) for an additional $50) but only if you can get one at suggested prices.. the reality is that the prices on street are nowhere close to nvidia's advertised prices.. so the only practical option is to wait for reviews and then decide basis real world pricing & availability, RT is not so big that I would be disregarding pricing & availability
I'd agree with that if they hadn't gimped it with 10GB of memory.
23 Aug 2005
I don't follow this on a regular basis so not brain washed by any-one, however gaming (my main hobby) has been utter rubbish this year for me to the point I'm wondering if having a £4K PC is worth it. The only game on my horizon that still excites me is Cyberpunk, I don't want to be buying a new card is its 60% slower than its opposition, or slower than my 2080ti - that is all.
Wait for Cyberpunk benchmarks to come out then decide how much of £4K you want to spend. I only just tried Witcher 3, wasn't too impressed by gameplay then the second quest bugged out twice, game uninstalled :) Not all games live up to the hype.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
RTX3080 is a superior choice compared to RX6800XT (DLSS+faster RT+faster mining (for some) for an additional $50) but only if you can get one at suggested prices.. the reality is that the prices on street are nowhere close to nvidia's advertised prices.. so the only practical option is to wait for reviews and then decide basis real world pricing & availability, RT is not so big that I would be disregarding pricing & availability

Agree, people have however decided the deal-winner is the RT/DLSS which is fine, but when a AIB custom card costs £800 its another £150 over the FE price - this is when the is the money your paying worth the feature trade-off kicks in, and as some have pointed out if its only one game you play then its not really sensible.
21 Oct 2013
What PC costs 4 grand and has been utter rubbish for gaming? :confused:

Or are you saying that the games have been rubbish, and wondering if its worth having the PC? :)
Probably talking about quality of games and he's probably right, let's hope cyberpunk is not a turd when it gets released
10 Nov 2006
Eh? What card are you referring to then, as the 6800/6800XT/3080/3090/6900XT are all faster than your 2080ti. What uplift you get though is not so great as your card was excellent to begin with. I have a vega56 so all these cards are a worthy upgrade. If you can afford a 2080Ti and a £4k gaming PC then money isnt really a problem for your demands..

Money isn't the problem, buying the right card is, like I said I don't want to be hindered by 60% with a new card if I can help it, hence asking in here.

What PC costs 4 grand and has been utter rubbish for gaming? :confused:

Or are you saying that the games have been rubbish, and wondering if its worth having the PC? :)

Games this year have been rubbish, apart from WZ - but I'm done with that now.

I'd agree with that if they hadn't gimped it with 10GB of memory.

This is also my worry when going for a more solid RT card, it'll only have 10GB, I game at 3840x1600p so nearing 4K.
19 Jun 2017
Money isn't the problem, buying the right card is, like I said I don't want to be hindered by 60% with a new card if I can help it, hence asking in here.

RTX3090 in that case..
its expected to be in range of RX6900 XT's raster performance (slightly slower but not a deal breaker, especially now with nvidia claiming SAM compatibility)..
But is expected to be much ahead of AMD's fastest card in other significant features (DLSS+RT) and comes with 24GB of GDDR6X
8 Oct 2013
RTX3090 in that case..
its expected to be in range of RX6900 XT's raster performance (slightly slower but not a deal breaker, especially now with nvidia claiming SAM compatibility)..
But is expected to much ahead of AMD's fastest card in other significant features (DLSS+RT) and comes with 24GB of GDDR6X

We have no idea how much SAM will benefit across the board (remember its been available for AMD and nVidia to use for a while now, and up to now its not been made use of, could well be that RDNA2 benefits from it more than most)

We need to wait for reviews on the 6800/6900 cards as we have no idea on the real world RT performance hit taken in games will be. For context Watch Dogs Legion takes a 40%+ hit at 1440p and 4k on RTX 3000 cards.


With the way RDNA2 is built it may end up better off in situations where its not just ray tracing (but we just dont know yet :) )
8 Sep 2005
RTX3090 in that case..
its expected to be in range of RX6900 XT's raster performance (slightly slower but not a deal breaker, especially now with nvidia claiming SAM compatibility)..
But is expected to be much ahead of AMD's fastest card in other significant features (DLSS+RT) and comes with 24GB of GDDR6X
Awful recommendation to spend £1700 on a 3090, considering there will VERY likely be a 3080Ti in Q1 2021.
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