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The thread which sometimes talks about RDNA2

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2 Sep 2017
As I predicted SAM is not something that only RDNA2 can do. Nvidia have confirmed that they already have SAM working on Ampere GPUs and are getting the same performance improvements AMD showed off - the feature will be released in a new driver

SAM or BAR doesn't look like a GPU feature but a CPU feature since the access is granted to the CPU to see the VRAM, and not the other way round.

AMD can easily lock this feature for its CPUs not to work when an Nvidia GPU is detected.
19 Jan 2012
SAM or BAR doesn't look like a GPU feature but a CPU feature since the access is granted to the CPU to see the VRAM, and not the other way round.

AMD can easily lock this feature for its CPUs not to work when an Nvidia GPU is detected.

Does that mean that Zen 2 (in particular 3900x) wont ever get this feature?
Even with a AMD 6000 series GPU Detected.
5 Sep 2014
5700XT doing so well shows that AMD will finally have upper hand with titles optimised for its uarch on consoles

NVIDIA will have to work doubly hard to beat it with brute force
22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Tell ya what, there's going to be some seriously cheesed off 3080/3090 owners, when the 3080TI (which must just be a rebadged 3090) with 20Gb comes to down for £999 in January... hahaha... jesus, nVidia really have, no matter what you think, underestimated AMD for once... they got it sooooo wrong.

I think the main thing they go wrong though (apart from supply obviously) was the 3090... should never have existsed and left on the top shelf for situations exactly like this... they really can't go anywhere now only down.... the 3090 looked ridiculous when it came out (12% performance for 100% the cost) and is now looking absolutely stupid at the minute and will in especially in January when I think they'll simply not sell the thing surely? With a 3080TI available?... I mean... who in the their right mind right now would buy a 3090 at that price? Seems to me, they should've had 3080... done... AMD come along, beat it... fine, we also have a 3080TI (3090 performance).... AMD come along and say yeah but we have a 6900XT.... nVidia take the hit... and just wait until 2021 to take the crown back.

However, I have a sneaky sneaky suspision that AMD by summer next 2021 will have a 6950XT... EITHER WAY IT'S ALL GREAT FOR US WHEN THE SCALPING AND SUPPLIES SORT THEMSELVES OUT. Hopefully all the prices will settle and come next spring, we'll all be 4k gaming like gods lol
8 Jun 2018
Tell ya what, there's going to be some seriously cheesed off 3080/3090 owners, when the 3080TI (which must just be a rebadged 3090) with 20Gb comes to down for £999 in January... hahaha... jesus, nVidia really have, no matter what you think, underestimated AMD for once... they got it sooooo wrong.

I think the main thing they go wrong though (apart from supply obviously) was the 3090... should never have existsed and left on the top shelf for situations exactly like this... they really can't go anywhere now only down.... the 3090 looked ridiculous when it came out (12% performance for 100% the cost) and is now looking absolutely stupid at the minute and will in especially in January when I think they'll simply not sell the thing surely? With a 3080TI available?... I mean... who in the their right mind right now would buy a 3090 at that price? Seems to me, they should've had 3080... done... AMD come along, beat it... fine, we also have a 3080TI (3090 performance).... AMD come along and say yeah but we have a 6900XT.... nVidia take the hit... and just wait until 2021 to take the crown back.

However, I have a sneaky sneaky suspision that AMD by summer next 2021 will have a 6950XT... EITHER WAY IT'S ALL GREAT FOR US WHEN THE SCALPING AND SUPPLIES SORT THEMSELVES OUT. Hopefully all the prices will settle and come next spring, we'll all be 4k gaming like gods lol
Excellent insight. Thanks for sharing it. :D

Rumor back in the day had 5nm Navi23 but nothing has surfaced as of yet regarding it and remains unconfirmed rumor. Something sneaky about that. Because that's how the other AMD mega thread started if you read the title.

However, new rumor has it that Sapphire is going to release a Toxic sku. Which is higher then Nitro + sku. Sapphire hasn't released a worthy Toxic card in YEARS. In which it's game clock is going to 2400Mhz+ or there abouts. If that turns out to be true I can't see it not beating Ampere even at 4k.

I have said and posted several games that show gains for the 5700xt beating or tie 2070s.
-Gears 5
-Formula 1 2020
-Death Stranding
-Red Dead Redemption 2
-Horizon Zero Dawn

Now it's on par with a 2080 in Valhalla. Something unheard of!!! At a guess AMD's Developer Relations are much stronger then in years past and are getting gaming engines more inline and optimized for Radeon do to next gen consoles. IMO.

I've said it once and will say it again. Although I'm taking a guess, for me the writing is on the wall, if you want to seemless PC gaming in the not so distance future AMD's PC ecosystem is the way to go: Zen 3, RDNA/RDNA 2, 3600Mhz ram.
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6 Feb 2019
Another debunked microsoft claim. Microsoft: Xbox Series X runs gears 5 in native 4k and beats the PC!

Reality: It uses dynamic resolution and can drop as low as 1080p, with an 1800p average resolution

8 Jun 2018
Another debunked microsoft claim. Microsoft: Xbox Series X runs gears 5 in native 4k and beats the PC!

Reality: It uses dynamic resolution and can drop as low as 1080p, with an 1800p average resolution

We've been through this already

I also have the game on PC and haven't received an update for those expensive features yet. And there is no mention of it in the video description. And from the look of it doesn't appear to be using the updated version on console either.
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12 Nov 2020
Think I’ve typed this a few times now but you’ll be fine with VRR over HDMI 2.1.

You don’t need FreeSync on the C9, VRR does the same thing!


Having watched that video, Vincent doesn't explain what happens when we have a game with dips in frame rate, or am I missing something? He showed us vrr doubling frame rate to 60. But how does it work between 40hz and 120hz? Is it the same as Gsync or not? With my 2080 Ti, I played 100-120hz @ 1440p supersampled to 1800p in MW. Sometimes there would be dips into low 80's. You'd absolutely notice that if you don't have Gsync or freesync turned on and I'm wondering would variable refresh rate absolutely work the same way. I bloody hope it does.
14 Dec 2016
Tell ya what, there's going to be some seriously cheesed off 3080/3090 owners, when the 3080TI (which must just be a rebadged 3090) with 20Gb comes to down for £999 in January... hahaha... jesus, nVidia really have, no matter what you think, underestimated AMD for once... they got it sooooo wrong.

I think the main thing they go wrong though (apart from supply obviously) was the 3090... should never have existsed and left on the top shelf for situations exactly like this... they really can't go anywhere now only down.... the 3090 looked ridiculous when it came out (12% performance for 100% the cost) and is now looking absolutely stupid at the minute and will in especially in January when I think they'll simply not sell the thing surely? With a 3080TI available?... I mean... who in the their right mind right now would buy a 3090 at that price? Seems to me, they should've had 3080... done... AMD come along, beat it... fine, we also have a 3080TI (3090 performance).... AMD come along and say yeah but we have a 6900XT.... nVidia take the hit... and just wait until 2021 to take the crown back.

However, I have a sneaky sneaky suspision that AMD by summer next 2021 will have a 6950XT... EITHER WAY IT'S ALL GREAT FOR US WHEN THE SCALPING AND SUPPLIES SORT THEMSELVES OUT. Hopefully all the prices will settle and come next spring, we'll all be 4k gaming like gods lol

Problem is, we have been here before with previous Nvidia launches, launching their Ti cards a little later and screwing all the xx80 and Titan series buyers, but each gen they still come back for more.

It will continue to happen all the time people blindly buy their cards as it justifies their horrendous business practices
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Problem is, we have been here before with previous Nvidia launches, launching their Ti cards a little later and screwing all the xx80 and Titan series buyers, but each gen they still come back for more.

It will continue to happen all the time people blindly buy their cards as it justifies their horrendous business practices

Yep, they dont realise how much of a problem they cause themselves. Its not like some generations were a leap in performance, if nvidia didnt smoke and mirrors the naming and release a flavour every six months some of them would compare and contrast the nonsense of it all..
19 Jun 2017
Fancy trying to get one of these next Wednesday, my main game will be Cyberpunk but I'm concerned about Ray Tracing performance on these cards, anyone else?

I have estimated 6900XT's RT perf to be anywhere between 30-60% slower than RTX3080.. havent updated for AIB clock speeds
The range is wide because nvidia uses an opaque 10 gigarays/sec metric which needs more assumptions on scene structure

There are synthetic benchmarks out in the wild though but they do not fully compensate for navi's mixed mode hardware
(widely believed to be 6800XT)
8 Oct 2020
Looks like SAM is coming to Nvidia cards with support for both Intel and AMD CPUs being that it’s a PCIe technology and not proprietary.

Full chain here:
From NVIDIA, re:SAM: “The capability for resizable BAR is part of the PCI Express spec. NVIDIA hardware supports this functionality and will enable it on Ampere GPUs through future software updates. We have it working internally and are seeing similar performance results."
Hard to fit in a tweet, but basically, they're working on enabling the same feature as AMD Smart Access Memory (AMD GPU+CPU=Perf uplift) on both Intel and AMD. No ETA yet. Doesn't look like it'll be ready before RX 6000 launch, but we'll keep an eye on development.
Does not require PCIE Gen 4
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