Just a I predicted, he favors RTX.
One glaring omissions:
1. He didn't provide direct FPS comparison between the console and the 2060.
2. There is a way to mod the IQ of WD: Legions that go way beyond the settings in the menu. I won't go into detail but he shows your IQ settings not found in the game menu. Yet claims the 2060 is better. Yet didn't copy the xbox's IQ settings over to the PC (since they are all the same except the numeric value for them) and post results of the 2060 performance using xbox settings. You want to know why? IMO, the console would still perform better.
But no, he claims RTX IQ victory omitting the performance penalty associated with it. Which would make playing the game at that level of RT IQ unplayable on a 2060. Which is why he's bias for RTX. Sad reallly. As it's really uncalled for. Only a few times did you see that 2060 in the 20-30 fps range which is more then enough to show that IQ means nothing if you can't play the game smooth.
Lets be clear, no one expected the RT to be better on console. That was proven in the Grand Turismo video. However, just as I predicted/though he would claim IQ victory for the RTX at the expense of performance.
Nope, they didn't point out the pitfalls of RTX. They only praised Nvidia's RTX, just as predicted.
That DF reviewer is pure trash IMO.