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The thread which sometimes talks about RDNA2

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With scalping prices you are right that the 3070 makes zero sense and anyone who bought one for near the price of the 3080 is simply a FOMO-driven lunatic. In fact, anyone who was not lucky enough to get one for MSRP at launch and then buys any of these cards for the hugely inflated prices that stores have been charging at least partly deserves the buyers remorse that will come to them sooner rather than later.

It will be interesting to see how much initial stock of Big Navi there will be and if those also go way up in price. If I miss one at launch then I will just wait till next year when stock levels improve. My tolerance for paying over the odds in these kinds of largely manufacturer-created situations is very, very low.

Agree @Richdog . I would accept a 3070 myself if that was an upgrade from my vega, it is in raw spec, but its not worth even £469 FE price which is why its not even ticking many boxes.
In reality it's an anti-customer measure to hide reviews until the last second.

Want to know the best bot and scalper countermeasure? Actually make enough units.

You can always order then cancel if the reviews don't pan out.
So.... The 6800XT vs the 6900XT.

I've been thinking. Is the 6900XT really worth an extra £300ish for an extra 8 compute units?

Will those extra 8 make that much of a difference? As it's only less than 10% more.

Or do you guys think the 6900XT will have the better silicone?

If the 6900XT had 20/24GB it would have been a no brainer for me. But cant get my head around the above.

For 1080p and 1440p, no.
4k, yes.
Your gpu bound at 4k so fastest gpu makes a difference there.

that all depends. If it can beat a £1400 3090 in games and comes in at £900 to £1000 reference model then I’m sold.

1080p and 1440p even the 6800 beats the 3090 in some game engines and games.
so a $580 card beats the highest end of nvidia 3090 at less than half the price...
It is called a Nvidia Killer for a reason

so I am happy your buying the 6800.
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