By blocking nvidia cards from enabling it ingame. Stop personally attacking me, i'm not out of my mind because you have no knownledge or understanding.
Directx 12u is supported on the 3080, this includes DXR. The game has to enable the use of this feature on nvidia cards. Godfall blocks use of DXR on nvidia cards. DXR is a standard which means all cards support the same commands and run DXR a standard way. Otherwise DSR games would not run on different hardware. Completely undermining the whole point of having a DXR standard in the first place. Godfall uses Directx DXR as reported here
The standard sets out how a game should impliment DXR and all cards that want to run DXR games must conform to that standard to be able to state they support DXR. Both AMD and NVidia cards support DXR thus the game will run on nvidia cards. Give they use Unreal Engine 4 and this uses DX12u, there should be no problems what so ever running DXR on nvidia. So why is DXR disabled on nvidia cards? No one knows. Even Control a DXR game that was developed with nvidia help, run fine on AMD cards.