Agree... it's a fact that Nvidia have 30% faster RT. However 30 faster than slow is still mediocre and without DLSS they cannot push good framerates at higher resolutions.
For me the real kicker is going to be how AMD's interpretation of AMDLSS turns out. Like it or not, DLSS/AMDLSS is going to be a significant feature, maybe even a necessary one, in many new games in 2021/2022. People need to stop looking at the point in time situation of these technologies "where not many games have implemented DLSS" and think a little ahead, because we are only now at the start of the road of this technology going mainstream. Ampere will bring RT and DLSS to almost every price bracket and so will AMD when they get theirs sorted... the question is if AMDLSS will be strong out of the gate or take a generation or two to catch up.
I think it's not worth (to me, of course) buying a card until the start of next year when we have a full view of how AMD and Nvidias's software stack will pan out for the next 12-24 months.