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The thread which sometimes talks about RDNA2

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3 Mar 2012
People that were saying that clearly have zero clue about the industry and/or straddling a brand a bit too much.

Watch any interview with Lisa Su even going back to her initial appointment and she made it a very clear what she was going to do and that it would take a few years to get there. She has done an amazing job on refocusing AMD.

I agree, however you still to this day have to take AMDs announcements with a pinch of salt. They never just show their GPU vs nvidia, its always best case scenario, using this AMD feeature, or picking these specific AMD favoured games. I am rooting for AMD btw.
18 Oct 2002
It would be at 1440p 144hz, however I dont really play latest games, I play steam games, origin stuff like BF, new need for speed, rocket league etc. I also like to turn AA off. Reckon its still my best bet? Im just really cautious about th 8GB vram but I guess I could always sell it for the same price if I do somehow manage to get one

Yeah man you'll be fine imo.
29 May 2005
Wow, missed the event just caught up on it.

i am so surprised that AMD has a product directly aimed at 3090.

incredible. Can’t wait to see the benchmarks, prices and availabilities.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Exactly. Thats pretty pathetic IMO.
From those 14 games released, I personally only really fancied playing Metro Exodus and SOTRR and they destroyed my FPS.

People keep talking about DLSS and RTX as if its in every single game when its far from the truth. There is a strong likelyhood that dependant on gaming habits and preferences, maybe 5% of your gameplay time will benefit from RTX/DLSS.

Yes, a sense talker. Too many jibe on about them features like they are abundant and your prehistoric. The truth is its in its infancy and still runs like a dog even on the latest hardware. We are at least another gen from it being where they think it currently is.

People screamed its AMD's fault for not competing at the high end.
Some blurted its AMD's fault nvidia are so expensive.

Well here's the reality, AMD has got something to think about so you can quit moaning. You can also suck it up as its proof that the reason nvidia are so expensive is not down to competition at all, its they know the market will pay it, so change the broken record.
21 Oct 2013
I agree, however you still to this day have to take AMDs announcements with a pinch of salt. They never just show their GPU vs nvidia, its always best case scenario, using this AMD feeature, or picking these specific AMD favoured games. I am rooting for AMD btw.
true, but even removing the bias from those slides they are still in the ballpark performance-wise and that leaves the massive power hungry "titan class" 3090 looking fairly stupid.
10 Mar 2013
You are Wrong. It's not limited to 2015MHz.

I mean, sure if you want to claim that the game clock is actually the base clock go ahead but if you remember the 5xxx range that's clearly not the case
Tell me I'm wrong all you want, but when Steve at GN is saying the exact same thing as me I'd be inclined to feel somewhat validated

And seriously, turning this into a "haha you just have buyer's remorse cope harder lolololol" thing? Very classy
27 Sep 2005
London innit
Pretty much exactly as expected, I think they last minute bumped the price of the 6800 up a bit as they realise the 6700xt will be comparable to the 3070 and they are pre-emptively countering the 2070 ti.

There's not much for me in this generation, there's some good gains; but a 6700xt @ 2080ti performance is not enough of a jump from a 5700xt for £400 or whatever it will be. It's going to take a year or so before console games really start to leverage RT etc.

Nvidia still have a lot of mindshare, and arguably a stronger feature set so the pricing feels slightly high to me - but then again RRP seems to mean nothing these days.

Very pleased to see some competition opening up, hopefully Intel can shake things up in the low - midrange also.
18 Oct 2002
Try Call of Duty World War 2 (maximum details) and Farcry 5 maximum details with HQ Texture pack. Very old games now, but they'll gobble up 10GB of video memory like its going out of fashion.

Best of luck to you Si. :)

I will if I can find a cheap copy of either, it'll be a good test and to see if the Tensor compression really works or is just BS.
18 Oct 2002
Nvidia still have a lot of mindshare, and arguably a stronger feature set so the pricing feels slightly high to me - but then again RRP seems to mean nothing these days.

As I said earlier, AMD must be happy with their current small amount of marketshare because these cards are going to do nothing to change that! Tbf to them though they are biiiiiiiiiiig chips to produce and no doubt expensive!! I doubt they were expecting the 3080 to come in so reasonably priced as it was.
6 Feb 2019
Zen3 enables big navis smart cache access for more performance with amd cards.
Nvidia and Intel cant do that
Game over

So the GPU has features that only enabled when Zen 3 is detected? How unconsumer friendly of AMD, learning from Nvidia and Intel everyday - I like it
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