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The thread which sometimes talks about RDNA2

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7 Aug 2017
by the tower the one up north ..
You are aware that unlike most, when AMD say "boost" clock they mean "this is what it can sometimes achieve for a split second under ideal circumstances"?
"game" clock is what most refer to as boost clock. That is to say the average clock maintained under boost
you hit itwith more power it's going to go a lot more hence the price tag .. i'm sure a 5800 at 350w will go up against the 3090 ... amd oc crown again ..
6 Aug 2009
Some salty people in here. Either there is now a challenge to their "superior" hardware or the prices aren't low enough to pull Nvidia prices down appreciably. Neither camp would ever consider AMD hardware, for everyone else it looks like a win ;)

Edit: typo
10 Mar 2013
you hit itwith more power it's going to go a lot more hence the price tag .. i'm sure a 5800 at 350w will go up against the 3090 ... amd oc crown again ..
It very well may do. That remains to be seen.
What I said remains true however

You are Wrong. It's not limited to 2015MHz.

spoken like someone eagerly awaiting their 3090

Trying to defend their purchase

8 Jul 2003
In a house

Would have liked to have gotten some RT performance, as we'll get game, after game, after game coming with it now.
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
I see you have a 5000 CPU Grim? Should have waited instead of two feet into the 3090 ;)
So the GPU has features that only enabled when Zen 3 is detected? How unconsumer friendly of AMD, learning from Nvidia and Intel everyday - I like it

It's a by-product of the fabric advantages I keep talking about. Put simply you can't do this stuff without the fabric. it's not a lock in feature it's simply taking advantage of their fabric.
8 Jun 2018
2015MHz is monstrous now?
Wrong, it's not limited to 2015Mhz (charts provided in previous reply to you)

I mean, sure if you want to claim that the game clock is actually the base clock go ahead but if you remember the 5xxx range that's clearly not the case
Tell me I'm wrong all you want, but when Steve at GN is saying the exact same thing as me I'd be inclined to feel somewhat validated
You are still wrong

And seriously, turning this into a "haha you just have buyer's remorse cope harder lolololol" thing? Very classy
That's not what I communicated with you. That's an example of how you feel internally being projected in your reply to me.
I cannot help you with that.

People wasn't expecting this shake up :D The best thing we all win here.
And the icing on the cake, no nvidia price drops.
6 Aug 2009
You didn't need to tell me. I knew what was going down. Literally they said to the cpu guys sort this mess out... Guess what they did. :)

Smart thinking to use the skills you have. The nice thing is AMD is a very viable option if you want an all red system, no compromising necessary now. Everyone else has the Intel/Nvidia option, win, win I'd say.
8 Dec 2004
Folks what is "Rage Mode" and this "Smart Memory" thing they refer to in the benchies?
Am I reading it correct that basically 6800 is on par with the 3080 and same with 6900 vs 3090? (ish?)
9 Mar 2012
West Sussex, England
So here's a question for someone in the AMD know.

If you're running Windows in a VM and passing through the GPU will smart access memory still be an option you can enable since the 5000 series CPU will be bare metal with cores assigned to the VM rather than the whole CPU being passed through?
3 Apr 2007
Nice showing from AMD it seems, caveats aside, it looks like they are back fighting it out at the top end.
I'm cautiously optimistic for the reviews now to see just where they stack.
Few thoughts...

Rage Mode -
horrible name, horrible feature imo.
It's - to me at least - something that should be part of the cards base spec.
What they've probably done is not add a mode that when 'enabled' gives more performance, but rather adjusted the typical values of the power limit slider and added a mode that when 'disabled' drops the power limit.
This way they can then say they beat nVidia on power when it is 'disabled' but then turn around and say they beat them on performance when 'enabled'.
It's not a perf boost mode - imo - more a power save mode.
So their 300W Vs 320W/350W is probably out the window when this is taken into effect.
Don't like it, not needed/shouldn't be a thing at all, most people will probably just leave it on.
Again, this is all pending proper reviews etc but it just seems to me like an engineers answer to being pushed to get extra bullet points listed to get one over on nVidia and then marketing and promotion getting involved.

Ray Tracing -
lots of unanswered questions over this one.
Hoping the fact that the new consoles are basically custom AMD PCs will help them out here and that the only reason they haven't mentioned it yet is because current RT titles are a Crysis 3(?) nVidia/Tessellation situation.
Not that exactly but a short hand for what I mean.

DLSS / Super Resolution -
Despite a lot of people seeming to miss this, judging by all the 'no answer to DLSS' comments it was mentioned in the presentation.
Thoughts on this are similar to the above RT thoughts.
Waiting for games to show it off, driver support etc.
Hope they can leverage cross development with the consoles.

Still too pricey for my liking but I guess that is where we are with tech at the moment.
Want to see what they offer in the sub £400/£500 range.
But if they hit the performance claims against the nVidia equivalents then prices look decent.

Smart Access Memory
Part of me doesn't like this, part of me is like finally! Good on them for leveraging and making the most of their Eco system.
If it's just used as a boost for those that have it then great, if it starts to look like that boost is being pushed at the expense of people running mixed h/w then not so much.
I'm also wondering how baked into the new Zen3 CPUs this is? Or once they have shifted a load of them will it magically appear in a f/w update for older CPUs?
Was a bit worrying that they kept saying things like 'latest 500 series motherboards'. Why not just say current 500 series boards?
Is it purely baked into the CPU, do current boards need a f/w update? Can it be rolled back down the stack a bit?

That probably all sounds more negative that it should but I am genuinely happy that they came out fighting and it looks like they have a great showing at the top end again.
Reviews can't come soon enough and I hope that - for those that can afford it - they don't screw up the launch too badly.
Also, if the Zen to Zen3 journey has shown us anything... bring on RDNA 3 :D :D
25 Oct 2004
Sunny Torbaydos
(snip) but when Steve at GN is saying the exact same thing as me I'd be inclined to feel somewhat validated

And seriously, turning this into a "haha you just have buyer's remorse cope harder lolololol" thing? Very classy

Having had a 5700XT reference since launch, I have never seen my card drop below "boost clock" its always running at or around that speed, even under intense game loads.
9 Dec 2006
Folks what is "Rage Mode" and this "Smart Memory" thing they refer to in the benchies?
Am I reading it correct that basically 6800 is on par with the 3080 and same with 6900 vs 3090? (ish?)
rage mode high power target,eg msi afterburner power limit to say 110%
smart memory cpu communication directly to gpu (zen3 only)
27 Sep 2005
London innit
As I said earlier, AMD must be happy with their current small amount of marketshare because these cards are going to do nothing to change that! Tbf to them though they are biiiiiiiiiiig chips to produce and no doubt expensive!! I doubt they were expecting the 3080 to come in so reasonably priced as it was.

I agree, this generation should have been about building mindshare; then they can position themselves as premium when RDNA3 drops. Nvidia are in a big architectural heavy compute hole, and it's going to take some time to dig themselves out. Don't know what the BOM for each SKU is, but they could have dropped the 5800xt in at $599 and 5800 in at $499; and given the AIB some room to make some margin with coolers. Pretty sure there's not much love lost between the partners and Nvidia atm.
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