Personally think they should drop the celebrity section, it really doesn't fit with the rest of the show.
Agreed, outstayed it’s welcome now.
I really enjoyed tonight’s episode, thought it was great
Personally think they should drop the celebrity section, it really doesn't fit with the rest of the show.
I’m just watching Extra Gear. They are saying heat on that day was 37c+ which meant the tyres were struggling to maintain a consistent lap and the engines were not producing expected peak power.Odd he didn't mention that when he lapped portimau with the P1 last time (with the Porsche etc) he did it in 1 minute and 51.78 seconds.
Thus 3 that's three seconds faster than tonight, and 3.5 faster than the 720S.
Plus... 800k for a P1? Where?!? Looking at near double that now.
Rory is just a passenger isn’t he. I’m liking the Matt and Chris double act.
Great episode!
Rory is useless.
he's not a presenter who can read from a script well.
Odd he didn't mention that when he lapped portimau with the P1 last time (with the Porsche etc) he did it in 1 minute and 51.78 seconds.
Thus 3 that's three seconds faster than tonight, and 3.5 faster than the 720S.
so same temp