I don’t understand what’s so bad about the climate here?
It has proper 4 seasons (4 might be a stretch, winter can be very mild). I was just a Singapore less than 2 weeks ago, the weather there is either hot or VERY hot, every day, all year round. Boring as heck, sticky humid to boot as well.
The winters here are mild, we don’t get the snow level of Hokkaido. In the summer it’s only hot for 2 weeks at most. Out of the 52 weeks of the year, I can pretty much get away with a hoody and jeans in about 40 of those weeks.
No Hurricane or typhoon, no active volcanos, no earthquakes, no floods on the level like Bangladesh (or Tokyo, have you seen their underground rainwater system to drain the city in case of hurricane?!). We don’t get draught like Australia experienced last year.
It’s very green, very mild, clean air (even in London, compared to say Delhi).
The weather here is great! The brits don’t know how good they have it. I’d swap “boring and grey” 4 seasons over the threat of an earthquake or having to board up your windows preparing for a hurricane in the summer.