The Updated X2 3800+ Overclocking Thread ...

6 Nov 2005
This is a table compiled from the Old X2 3800+ Overclocking Thread and from other threads that I've browsed with people clocking this chip.

The table should be pretty useful for people who want a guide when clocking their X2 3800+s. If you want to be added or have your data changed / updated then post in this thread and I'll do my best ;) :p!

If people want to use / process this data themselves, feel free - I've now got the data hosted online in the OpenOffice (.ods) and the MS Office Excel (.xls) formats ready to download. I will try to update these files whenever I make a table update, but if they aren't current, an update will probably be on it's way shortly (e-mail me - hotmail in trust - if you want or if the links die). The files are hosted using blighter's uploader (here), so a big thank you to him.

The clocks highlighted red were suicide shots and unstable / too hot for day-to-day use. If you are using this thread for a guide, don't attempt those sort of speeds - go for the 2500ish area. Overclocks in green are with the AM2 processor.


The average overclock is ... 2640 MHz ... well done lads!
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@ Foehammer
There should be an option in BIOS called command rate or something. Open up all of the options and take a look (just don't change the ones you don't know about) - there will only be a 1T and 2T option for this one. It also depends on how you have your RAM configured. If you have 2 sticks, running in dual configuration, it will probably autoset 1T. If you have more than 2, running at 1T will not be possible.

@ StevenG
You can determine 1T/2T in CPUz, which I would imagine you have? On the memory tab, it's put as 'command rate'.

// EDIT // Only just read all of lee's post ... I didn't need to type any of this :rolleyes:
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Right-o. Thanks for your input guys. I've updated the table in the OP, so that you don't have to find the latest revision in the thread.

I've added some more people (such as that slacker Otacon :rolleyes:!) and a running average as well.

I've got quite a few holes in the table now though! If you are one of those sinners, give me some more info please :)
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Good work tom! I still need some of your information though :)

Thanks Melchy.

I'll update the table this evening.

Can everyone point the aforenamed sinners in the direction of this thread if you see them about.
Updated the table.

As requested, Stan's been left out for the minute. Also, weescott, you're not going in until you give me some more information ;)!

// EDIT // As much as I'd like to put you in, lawrywild, this is an overclocking thread for the AMD X2 3800+. Sorry!
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A well deserved bow I think!

I'm getting a custom water cooling setup over the summer, so we'll see if I can't boost my OC, although I doubt I'll quite match yours :o.
Thanks guys, I'll update the table this evening.

Bad luck Stan :( maybe with phase ;)! Does a nice Pi time though - not too shabby at all. Like your desktop btw :p
Foehammer2003 said:
Now i have tighter timings will this have any impact on my CPU OC? just i think i remember reading somewhere that A64 like tight timings, as before getting over 2.4Ghz was a big no no!
It's better to have tight timings if you can, but it doesn't make a massive difference with A64. The Socket A chips really benefitted from having a 1:1 CPU:RAM and tight timings, but modern AMDs aren't quite the same.

Nevertheless, good stuff! I'll update the table accordingly - probably some time tomorrow now.
Foehammer2003 said:
I just read on a different forum post that if i disable the 'spread spectrum' option this is the lock option, if it is, does that mean i should be able to get further with my OC?
Some people say they get a few 100 extra MHz by disabling it - I couldn't tell you, personally. However, I would tend to trust those who know ^looks upwards^.

Well done, Foehammer2003 - the VCore drop made you move up a place! :) If people hadn't worked it out by now, the table is sorted by clock (descending), VCore (ascending) and then by name (ascending).

Keep me updated with you indormation people. And point any people who you know have clocked their X2 3800+s but aren't in yet to come and give me some data.
Will do :)

// EDIT // Why do you have a 9x multi? You won't see an improvement having a 289 FSB over a 260 afaik. Have you compared the two or just gone straight for that setting?
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