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Just having a clear out and found a box with some juice that I put away to steep. In May 2011.

Looks and smells OK so will be giving it a go later.
Wazz-1 what do you think?

Haha What's up with the name Majnu Twirly?:D

Well its typical usa to uk pricing, they normally just change the symbol from $ to £ lol
But it looks like a good bit of kit and more than Just an ohm reader... its almost an unregulated box mod of its own...

Nice gadget, don't get what it does that your average regulated mod can't do?
and $170 in that link!:eek:
Cool gadget tho:D

Just having a clear out and found a box with some juice that I put away to steep. In May 2011.

Looks and smells OK so will be giving it a go later.

:eek:That just got Wrong written all over it

Let us know if you live:D
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Nice gadget, don't get what it does that your average regulated mod can't do?
and $170 in that link!
Cool gadget tho

I love my gadgets, and your right, it can do little more than a regulated mod, but the fact you can use the croc clips to test the ohms of a coil without putting it in a deck is new and handy, plus for those real low ohm builds, id rather test fire on a fairly cheap box than one of my more expensive DNA's.. in case something goes critical.
Plus it looks cool :)
But i would not buy the $170 version, i just ordered the cheaper Coil Master 521 instead...

Vaping and box mods is like pokemon... gotta have em all....
Picked up the dual coil deck for the TFV4 this morning no more leaks!

Also purchased a Council of Vapour - Royal Hunter dripper in stainless, very very nice dripper ;)
Picked up the dual coil deck for the TFV4 this morning no more leaks!

Also purchased a Council of Vapour - Royal Hunter dripper in stainless, very very nice dripper ;)

Dual deck much easier to wick , just built a dual parallel coil , 28 gauge about 6 turns on a 2mm drill, ohms out @ .3 .Very fast firing , wicking like a Trojan , went up to 70 watts , no dry hits but getting a little warm.50w with the airflow about 2/3 is a really nice vape.
Decided to try an RDA.

Ordered an authentic Doge V2 (saw the clones but i thought for the first go, use an authentic), some Kanthal A1 27AWG and some organic cotton. Got the Doge as it can do single and dual coil builds. Going to try a single coil 6 wrap @ 3mm diameter for a 1 Ohm build to begin with. Should need about 18w?
Decided to try an RDA.

Ordered an authentic Doge V2 (saw the clones but i thought for the first go, use an authentic), some Kanthal A1 27AWG and some organic cotton. Got the Doge as it can do single and dual coil builds. Going to try a single coil 6 wrap @ 3mm diameter for a 1 Ohm build to begin with. Should need about 18w?

going by my coil app thingy, 6 wraps will be about 1.1ohm.
best watt range is 16w to 24w

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Mushtafa, the Subox kit is a good way to get into Sub ohm vaping if thats what you are looking to do, the tanks are good for flavour and vapor and the box mod has plenty of power to get the most from the tank, its more for direct lung inhales, but on the smallest air hole it can be mouth to lung inhaled, though far less restrictive than what you may be used to on the evod you have now.
Make sure the batteries you "Found" are suitable, at least 20amp continuous output...
Do Not buy Batteries from Fasttech as they may slow down delivery of your order and may not be genuine and you dont want to mess with bad batteries...
I was using the evod last winter as don't smoke in the house, but wasn't fully enjoying it. Anyway, had a chest infection at the start of the month and cracked it out again. (I want to cut down and eventually quit the fags). I cleaned it out, new coil, new juice, and charged the battery, but it just doesn't produce enough smoke.

Was speaking to a mate tonight, he recommended that site and that specific kit as a good starter to a 'proper' vaporiser.

He suggested efest 18650 batteries and a trustfire charger. I've found these on eBay for £13 for two batteries and the charger for £9. I did a general search for a 18650 battery and charger, and found one on 7dayshop for £10. Perhaps I'll stick to what he's suggested?

Any help/comments/suggestions appreciated

Haha What's up with the name Majnu Twirly?:D

Nice gadget, don't get what it does that your average regulated mod can't do?
and $170 in that link!:eek:
Cool gadget tho:D

It's a cool looking gadget, I wonder if it welds non resistance to resistance wire too, that would be cool although I guess those type of atomozers that use that wire like the penelope are long dead. I guess it is wiser though if someone is starting out to put the money towards a better mod as that will read resistance anyway.

Twirlywoos are great.

He suggested efest 18650 batteries and a trustfire charger. I've found these on eBay for £13 for two batteries and the charger for £9. I did a general search for a 18650 battery and charger, and found one on 7dayshop for £10. Perhaps I'll stick to what he's suggested?

Any help/comments/suggestions appreciated

I got the Kanger from here:

They have a 15% Bank Holiday off code: http://us8.campaign-archive2.com/?u=7813b863e0fbb4ef8ac4fd424&id=34f177df60

It bought it down to £39.93 and it was delivered next day. The one on FT would have been a fiver cheaper but it's not even in stock yet and would take 2 weeks to deliver minimum.

For batteries if you're on a budget then the Samsung 25R or LG HG2 are a good option. Make sure you buy genuine ones though if going through Ebay. Torchy sells these also:

For the charger then the XTAR VC2 2 is a good option. The Subox does pass through charging through the micro USB port also.
Looks like a decent enough kit to get started with.

You do have to be careful with batteries though. You CAN buy them from Fasttech, but as mentioned, they will slow down the delivery of everything. Depends on how quickly you want the kit to arrive really.

I bought these : https://www.fasttech.com/p/2204402 Genuine and cheap.
I also have this charger : https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10001638/2288601-nitecore-digicharger-d4-lithium-li-ion-ni-mh-ni It's excellent.

Pretty sure that the mod there supports onboard charging. So while not the best method, it would at least get you started if you decided to order from China, although I suspect you would get the charger through at the same time as the kit anyway, and just order batteries separately.

There is only really one place I would get my batteries from in the uk though. Torchy.


These are basically the 25r's I linked earlier, but coming from a UK seller, they will obviously come a lot earlier. So you could order the kit plus charger from FT and the batteries from Torchy. But go though UKVapers for the batteries, as they will be a little cheaper too.

I would not get a trustfire charger. I got one with my first kit and it never stopped trying to charge batteries, even once they were full. Sent it back twice as failed units, both were the same. Bought a Nitecore and never looked back. I use it for charging my AA rechargables too (Eneloops, also bought from FT and Costco). Xtar and LUC apparently also make good chargers.
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I have the Nitecore D2 charger which is a mains charger for 2 batteries. Seems to work a treat and it has independent displays for each battery, and shows a lot of data..

I like the KBOX Mini mod, haven't had any issues with it and it can take a knock.
I need to get rid of my charger, I bought a nitecore charger from ebay and it took a while to arrive, in the mean time I bought another charger and on the day that arrived the other bloody charger arrived as well.
Apart from trying to send it back to the seller where's the best place to sell vape stuff? It's still in all it's packaging too :(
I got the Kanger from here:

They have a 15% Bank Holiday off code: http://us8.campaign-archive2.com/?u=7813b863e0fbb4ef8ac4fd424&id=34f177df60

It bought it down to £39.93 and it was delivered next day. The one on FT would have been a fiver cheaper but it's not even in stock yet and would take 2 weeks to deliver minimum.

I can't see anywhere on the fasttech page saying it's not in stock?

Gocigarette is showing out of stock though in both colours.

I need to get rid of my charger...

Which charger is it? Send me a trust :)

Are efest good? How do you know what's genuine? How do they compare to those torchy batteries? I found these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111501083379?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
Purple Efest are good, but there have been a lot of fakes in the past, if you buy from Torchy you are guaranteed genuine batteries.

I just got 4 x 2800Mah 35amp Efests from Torchy for £25 inc delivery, i still have a few of the 2500mah 35amp Efests that i use in my DNA40 mods and my 50/60w mods and in my parallel boxes is use the Purple 3100mah 20amp Efests, all bought from Torchy and had no problems with any of them.
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Finally sussed out single coil wicking on the TFV4 with no leaks at all when filling.

Using a piece of muji cotton about 10mm wide, cut the cotton so its level with the juice channel that runs around the mod which feeds the juice slots, cut the cotton to a point push the point into the juice hole on the deck, then put the remainder on the cotton flush on the deck itself.

Seems to wick well and no leaks at all when filling.

Cheers all
Happy days Roman, glad you stuck with it, the RBA is great when its not leaking on you.
I have a second Smok TFV4 on order as i love mine so much.. but for flavour i still prefer my Lemo 2, the smok just does clouds so well and with the airlfow shut down, can do good flavour too.
After smoking for 50 years and I am still reasonably healthy but I have decided to try this vaping.
To save me trawling through 250 pages of this thread what is the best one to buy and does the nicotine strength matter when first starting.
At the moment I smoke JPS kingsize which I assume is a medium strength.
What would people suggest looking at as an upgrade to a Nautilus Mini, not necessarily sub ohm, just something similar but a bit more capacity and maybe a fill method that doesn't need pulling the whole lot apart. To sit atop an iStick 30W
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