Wazz-1 what do you think?
Well its typical usa to uk pricing, they normally just change the symbol from $ to £ lol
But it looks like a good bit of kit and more than Just an ohm reader... its almost an unregulated box mod of its own...
Just having a clear out and found a box with some juice that I put away to steep. In May 2011.
Looks and smells OK so will be giving it a go later.
Nice gadget, don't get what it does that your average regulated mod can't do?
and $170 in that link!
Cool gadget tho
Picked up the dual coil deck for the TFV4 this morning no more leaks!
Also purchased a Council of Vapour - Royal Hunter dripper in stainless, very very nice dripper
Decided to try an RDA.
Ordered an authentic Doge V2 (saw the clones but i thought for the first go, use an authentic), some Kanthal A1 27AWG and some organic cotton. Got the Doge as it can do single and dual coil builds. Going to try a single coil 6 wrap @ 3mm diameter for a 1 Ohm build to begin with. Should need about 18w?
Haha What's up with the nameMajnuTwirly?
Nice gadget, don't get what it does that your average regulated mod can't do?
and $170 in that link!
Cool gadget tho
He suggested efest 18650 batteries and a trustfire charger. I've found these on eBay for £13 for two batteries and the charger for £9. I did a general search for a 18650 battery and charger, and found one on 7dayshop for £10. Perhaps I'll stick to what he's suggested?
Any help/comments/suggestions appreciated
I got the Kanger from here:
They have a 15% Bank Holiday off code: http://us8.campaign-archive2.com/?u=7813b863e0fbb4ef8ac4fd424&id=34f177df60
It bought it down to £39.93 and it was delivered next day. The one on FT would have been a fiver cheaper but it's not even in stock yet and would take 2 weeks to deliver minimum.
I need to get rid of my charger...