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Merlin, with the RBA deck in the Base try pushing the center of the 510 pin inwards to make sure they are making good contact, this sorted out my dodgy Subtank Mini

How did you push yours in? I screwed the deck into the Kanger base and I've tried pushing it in really hard using the butt end of a small metal screwdriver but it doesn't budge. You're referring to pushing in the brass centre pin in my picture, right?

How did you push yours in? I screwed the deck into the Kanger base and I've tried pushing it in really hard using the butt end of a small metal screwdriver but it doesn't budge. You're referring to pushing in the brass centre pin in my picture, right?


Yea, I may have had the RBA deck unscrewed from the Base but it was I while back so I'm not sure which way around I did it
Yea, I may have had the RBA deck unscrewed from the Base but it was I while back so I'm not sure which way around I did it

I tried it unscrewed as well, but still can't make that pin move. Stupid POS tbh, think I'll cut my losses and buy something better.
Continuous discharge rating of the battery is largely irrelevant for the DNA200, the board is internally fused for a max 23amp input, but the output is firmware limited to 500 so it's or until you start to build at 0.08ohm or below you need to be concerned about amp limits, and even then the board will limit the wattage to keep you below 50A

Yeah I know that, it's more for the sake of battery longevity than safety. Can't say I aimed to make the coil 0.22ohms, I just ran the numbers for 30A last night and got that, then built a coil that coincidentally was the same :D

Thanks, that looks like a good fix but I'm not clear on exactly what he did.
I've marked a couple of things in colour. In yellow, I presume that's the DIY ring he's talking about. On my RBA deck it doesn't seem like I can pull anything out or unscrew anything to make the pin longer. :confused:


I couldn't tell you how to get that centre pin out unfortunately, might be a "slot something through and brute force it" jobby. I do think the yellow line is in the wrong place though, I think it goes at the end of the centre pin, so your line would be after the second, smaller, white insulator
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So what's everyone all-day vapes at the moment? I have loads of kit but a lot of it never leaves the house.

So, I always carry two mods with me at all times. At the moment my daily carries are the Hcigar VT200 with a Uwell Crown, 0.5 ohm coils, running in TC mode, and an SX-Mini M-Class with a 6ml Aromamizer, dual titanium coils.
Those two seem to cover all the bases for me at the moment and are the ones I reach for when leaving the house.
How much juice do you guys get through in a week.
I just finished a 15ml bottle from Friday 6pm to now.

Strangely though, I had to ditch the last drop of (custard cream) juice from the tank as it had gone really dark and tasted bad.
I changed the atty and cleaned out the tank and replaced with CF milk and honey.

I am sure the juice wasn't dark when I left the mod charging in the garage... I wonder if it's been firing up on it's own causing the coils/wick to burn.
Around 9ml for me (1.5 mg nic) . Usually full up the Aromomazier when I get home from work with around half a tank left by bed time.

My daily carry is my DNA200 with dial twisted in the Aromomazier, unless I'm going away from home as such I don't bother carrying two mods
I have the Koopor Mini with 0.5 Kanthal Coil in a Lemo 2 tank. Only one I take with me. Usually go through 6-8ml per day but looking to mix my own in the future and thinking of Lychee, mango and grape.

I have a Subtank Nano on a Heatvape Defender but it is pretty much redundant along with a Darkhorse Mini RDA. Much prefer single coils as it is quicker and easier to build.

Thinking of getting the Eleaf TC60w with the Melo 2 tank or another single deck top fill tank (when more are released). Not tried temp mode on the Koopor mini and not sure about it either as the only batteries I have are the brown LG 20A 3000Mah but more research will ensue lol. Any one got a Ti coil spare? :D
My daily carry is normally My home made DNA200 1550p box with an Aromamizer running dual twisted TI coils, and for when im driving i normally have a Cloupor Mini (DNA40 conversion) running a Uwell Crown with the RBA deck and a single twisted TI coil, though today im running the Crown with the stock 0.5 SS coil head on my Hotcig DX200 DNA200 mod.

The Koopor mini does indeed work well in TC mode with TI, however ive seen inconsistencies between mini's, mine took 315C to get a good vape where as my m8's Mini was as good at 200c..
6-7ml a day. Depends how I'm using it. If i'm out and about, I just use the 30w istick and a nautilus. If i'm home, then I break out one of the subtanks.
I can go through about 10ml a work day normally and about 15-20ml on a weekend day especially if i use a dripper in which case i can go through a whole lot more ...
About 10ml a day, between two devices... or add another 6-8ml if I'm Sub-Ohming!!

My Curve 20w is the general EDV one using Savourea's Noisette. Really got the hang of this device, now.

I also have an eVic VT60 with Aspire's Triton for vaping above 60VG, which is currently locked to Cuttwood's Boss Reserve. I'm actually getting on well with the included 1.8Ω coil, as I can dial down to 10-12w and keep it fairly sensible, or up it to 15-20w and blast out a few room-fogger clouds!
The sub-ohm coil is seriously powerful, although I'm still annoyed by the juice that collects in the chimney.

I just signed up for VapeMail which is all 80VG stuff, so looking forward to getting shouted at for über-fogging on some of those!!
I think somewhere between 6-10ml a day here. I mix all my own (have done for years now) so it is pretty cheap. Mostly been vaping a mix of Lychee, Mango and Tangerine in the last month. I used to mix 50/50 but changed to just topping up the bottle with VG (after measuring nic and flavouring) since the Aromamizer can wick high VG with good wattage without a dry hit in sight.

I'm still using one of the first batch istick 50w without an issue but next payday I'm going to order the D2 and another Aromamizer 6ml.
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