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You won't loose money on it mate.. Selling is hard at this time of year with Christmas coming up, your in for a bargain.

Any where in particular I should be looking? I'm guessing they are a little bit posh for the likes of UK Vaperz and UKVT Facebook groups, although I've posted on both
Ok, moved the Aromamizer to the Reuleaux... 140w... can just about take a long enough toot to get to 200C.. Very hot, im really not sure the chip is registering the resistance change right with twisted SS wire cause the odd toot has a slight tinge to it.. lots of flavour otherwise but the tank is hot as a radiator, can not hold it for too long.. damn toasty.

Has anyone else tried Twisted SS in TC mode?
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Any where in particular I should be looking? I'm guessing they are a little bit posh for the likes of UK Vaperz and UKVT Facebook groups, although I've posted on both

Ukvapers have a few.. Safer vapers/a bloody good vaping on FB has some one there at the moment, but they are ruthless on there, make sure you read rules else you will be out asap.
It is springy, but wrapping on a coil master coiler was easy, i just get the feeling either the TFR is wrong which i know it works fine on my single strand coils, or the chips is struggling with the coils... its a heck a vape, at 60w i get the flavour i expect and the temp feel when running just single strand dual SS coils... but im not getting anywhere near the TC limit, i have to push 100+ watts to get close to the TC limit, even at 140w its not even starting to throttle...
Ive never experiance such a warm vap in TC mode, it feels like a Kanthal build i had ages ago and that was dual 26awg single strand at 0.2ohms and 80w on a Dripper, this is in a tank!
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This is my current build in the Aromamizer 3ml, just cleaned out for some fresh cotton.

At work I've had it with the 2 hole band, pointed directly at the coils, 60-65w, at home I've currently got it with all 4 holes open at 100w, it will easily take more, would say the 120-140w region.




Apologies for the poor focus, my phone camera doesn't like the lighting in my flat at all.

As it is, this clapton wire from youde is my fave, easy to work with and tastes great.
Guys, I'm stuck. Xcube2 or RX200?

Both have TC - which I want to try
They're both powerful enough
They're are both bigger than my Kangertech Subox
They're the same price

Will be paired with a TFV4

Watched YouTube videos, they both look good, but can't make my mind up :(
TC does work on the Smok, but it is a janky piece of rubbish, all frills and no pants, the RX200 on the other hand is better built bar the wiring and the fact one has already blow up, though probably user error, ive not heard of a Smok going boom.

Of it were me, id go with the RX200, smaller, better battery life, looks better, solid box.

Think ive cured my twisted ss coil issue, used the older coil Calc on steam engine and now its acting as expected... i really dont trust the wire wizard as i had similar trouble with the TI profile too.
the RX200 on the other hand is better built bar the wiring and the fact one has already blow up, though probably user error, ive not heard of a Smok going boom..
I heard about that, mind you I also heard about a mod blowing up in some dudes chops only it turned out to be blank firing pistol. Then the Sun a few weeks back claimed an ecig blew up in a mans pocket, when reading the peace he'd put a 18650 battery in his pocket to mingle with his loose change. Then there's the S3 caught fire and almost started a recall, that ended up being the phone had been dropped in a swimming pool and the owner tried to dry it in the microwave.

I'll have a read up later but for now I'm on the fence.
It was the DNA 200 wismec that went up in flames and that's course the user was using unmatched batteries.

On the aromamizer, is there a method of getting the air hole to be in front of the coil? I'm running it on dual coil with it 3/4 closed off and it's still feels more airy than it should be.
The Wismec that fried was an RX200, Plumes of hazard had it on their last show inc pictures showing eh Black battery sled... the DNA sled is Not black.

You can get the authentic aromamizer of Fasttech now, much cheaper too and they are the revised velocity deck, the post holes are no longer drilled all the way through.

Slinxy, once you got the tank screwed onto the 510, hold the knurled base and turn the tank until its lined up, the tank may have a slight wobble but it will Not leak, i run two of mine that way, the third does not need it.
Mine just tend to end up in that position once it's all tightened down, I suppose you could put a slightly thicker oring on the bottom section? Or even double up the seals as there should be spares in the box.

Are you running the dual or quad hole vape band? I thought the 4 hole was a pain to set up the airflow with.

As for places to buy from, if you're not in a rush and want it cheap then fastech, otherwise a fair few UK based stores now stock them, expect to pay £25-30 in the UK and it's around £18 from FT.
One of my decks when tightened right down has the coil posts almost covering two air holes and its great to just screw down and vape with horizontal coils, the other two... all four holes are unblocked which would be great for vertical coils but with horizontal it reduces airflow, adds restriction to the draw as the airflow is hitting the cotton wick tails, buy giving the deck a slight turn so two of the holes are slightly blocked and the other two are pointing more at the coils, i get more airflow, less restricted. I dont use the vape bands at all on my tanks.
mine from what I can see, the holes are just where the posts are.. I can see the post in all four holes, which is ideal if I wanted it super airy and was running the four hole band..

There's so much I don't like about the tank.. but it does give a good vape. I drop some claptons in at some point. :)
Opinions on the Kanger sub vod for my first vape?

Anything else worth looking at in that price bracket (£30) or is it worth while dropping a little extra coin and getting something a tad more pricey? Willing to go up to £45 if it comes with everything I need.

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