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That Velocity is not made by Tobeco, can tell easily from the box.

FT don't ship cloned stuff in their retail packaging. Black box as opposed to Tobeco box.

Look at the discussions page.

There's always the 1:1 copy.

As for Slurricane clone I have come across two recipes, I think it has been posted on here before as recipe number 2 could someone confirm this? :D TommyV i think

Guava (TPA)
Juicy Peach (CAP)
Papaya (TPA)

Sweet Strawberry (CAP)
Juicy Peach (CAP)
Sweet Tangerine (CAP)

I've recently picked up CAP Sweet Guava so I'm gonna give that a go w/ CAP Juicy Peach & FA Papaya.

Hopefully it'll be more like the real thing.
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Well my first experience with FT customer service has been great, swapped out the rig v2 on my order for the av able and gave me a gift code to cover the difference in cost :)
Just giving a bit more feedback on the Uwell Crown and I have to say I am disappointed really. It spits at me and even at 30w, not a great flavour. I might try some different flavours with it as I like the build quality but being a fan of Rip Trippers, I personally don't agree with him on this one :(
The Crowns SS Coils need much more than 30w to really shine, never tried the NI200 coils so cant say but ive not had a single NI200 coil head experience that was good, even making your own they fall short of other coil types on any tank/dripper.

As for Rip, hes fun to watch but i dont put Any credence in his "opinions", the mans either being paid or easily swayed by new shiny things as Every new device or tank is the best thing ever, its Very rare for him to give bad review, so take with a pinch of salt and check other reviews out before buying anything he plugs.

You are far better off asking real day to day users on the forums.
I don't mind the Uwell Crown. I have always used the RDA base and not stock coils. However it was a pain in the arse to coil correctly with no leakage and the spitting was still a problem. The stock drip tip in fairness helped combat this.

Keep persisting. Couple tanks I have had I almost gave up with but a little messing around can get you there eventually.
Is that a bad thing? :D

But thanks I will go for number two!

I've never actually tried Slurricane, but the mix that you're going for is very nice! Was dripping last night @ 90W on the twisted messes.

All I would say, is that to remove some of the harshness out of hte tangerine, let the mix breath for at least 12 hours once it's mixed and settled.

Tried 3 frosted donut based recipes yesterday;

- 8% Frosted Donut
- 5% custard v1
- 2% Bav Cream
- 1% Dairy Milk

- 10% Frosted Donut (always like trying flavours in isolation)

- 7% Frosted Donut
- 4% Custard v1
- 2% Choc brownie
- 3% Caramel

1 month steep before I try these, hopefully onto something nice with recipes 1/3! :)
Just giving a bit more feedback on the Uwell Crown and I have to say I am disappointed really. It spits at me and even at 30w, not a great flavour. I might try some different flavours with it as I like the build quality but being a fan of Rip Trippers, I personally don't agree with him on this one :(

The ni200 coils aren't good in the Crown at all. Tried them and hated them.
The 0.5 SS coils only start working at 50W and the 0.25s like nearly 80W before they work well.
I don't mind the Uwell Crown. I have always used the RDA base and not stock coils. However it was a pain in the arse to coil correctly with no leakage and the spitting was still a problem. The stock drip tip in fairness helped combat this.

Keep persisting. Couple tanks I have had I almost gave up with but a little messing around can get you there eventually.

The ni200 coils aren't good in the Crown at all. Tried them and hated them.
The 0.5 SS coils only start working at 50W and the 0.25s like nearly 80W before they work well.

Ahhh good comments and I will swap out the 0.25 coil for the .5 and see how that goes. I really want to like this tank, so will persist.
Since using the Quad coils in my TFV4 i seem to have gone from using 30ml juice a week to well over a 100ml.
So have been trying out some of the cheaper juices and these from Union Vape are great.
Blackjack is nice and aniseedy.
RY4 , very nice one of the better ones very carammely.
Energy , have to try this in a new coil it was ok but cant taste the red bull.
I used to pay £10-15 for my 30ml , £24 for 300ml is great.
Did have a go years ago at making my own but even after carefully following online recipes they tasted cack.

Afternoon all :)

Having found my new Kbox mini does TC, as will the Joyetech Cuboid when it gets here, can I ask a few questions before I go off down this particular rabbit hole?

Is it really all that much better than standard power based control?

If so, in what way?

Which is better? Ti or SS wire? Are both safe for vaping?

Anything else I should be aware of?

Both the Heron and the Rose atties I have coming are designed for single coil, so I would've thought would be ideal candidates for playing around with temp control vaping.
Temp control is not the ultimate but i certainly like it personally, if set right, you should never get a dry or burnt hit again and can vape your wicks dry, but thats not why it was made, its there to stop you boiling your juice or burning the cotton and potentially releasing harmful chemicals if present however....

Its not quite as simple as doing a kanthal build, you are also working with much lower ohms so battery safety is even more important.
Using TC can allow you to tune your builds, between getting the right power to not overshoot the temp limit and the right temp to get the flavour you like from the juice you have.
SS wire is higher ohms per inch than TI and is a safer wire to use and can be dry burnt to pinch your coils if you do contact coils, I started on NI200 and hated it for how naff it was to build with and how weak a vape it gave, then moved onto TI and loved it but now im using SS wire and find i get an even better, warmer vape than with TI.
You Cannot dry burn TI, it will get to glowing super fast and if it gets to white hot then is nolonger safe to vape on, under normal mod use it is perfectly safe as far as we currently know.

Its something you should certainly consider trying, but be patient, do some reading or ask question and get more advice if your are not sure or having trouble.
Ive been using TC since it came out in the DNA40 boards and it has gotten better with newer boards and wires available.. still has room for improvements, but it can and does work if done right.
Is it really all that much better than standard power based control?

If so, in what way?

It enables a consistent vape without the risk of burning the wick and getting that nasty taste in your mouth.

Which is better? Ti or SS wire? Are both safe for vaping?

Both are fine. I prefer SS but that because it's easier to work with when building coils. The great thing about SS is that you can use it in either power or TC mode and it's fine.

Anything else I should be aware of?

SS is much more finicky about power than titanium because the resistance change with temperature is so small. This makes SS kind of cruddy for TC on devices like the Kbox that just hit the coil with the maximum power available and then try to regulate with temperature. It's fine for titanium where the resistance change is quite high.
Cool, thanks for the replies both.

Just looking at the kbox now and it only does Ni or Ti, not SS so if I want to use it on those, I guess it's Ti!

The cuboid does SS, so I might just stick to that for TC builds.

Does it have to be super low ohms though? Looking at steamengine 7 wraps, 2.5mm ID, 30awg SS316 should give me around 1.1ohm?
Temp control is not the ultimate

Agreed, had a phase where all I would use is TC mode, since running out of Ti wire I've stuck with Kanthal/SS(in power mode), and have had a very pleasant experience.

That's probably due to the nice clapton wire the misses treated me to at xmas though!

Already getting nostalgic over the triple twisted .4mm Ti wire, singl vertical coil in the aromamiser, fantastic vape!
For TC you dont need to do super low ohms, its just hard not to if you do a dual coil as most tank decks dont have room for many wraps or larger diameter coils, but the sweet spot for SS is meant to be .5ohms in TC mode.

I typically do dual coils and they come in around .22 to .28ohms, i have got a single ss coil build in my Zephyrus that came out to .46ohms and its a nice vape.
I've recently picked up CAP Sweet Guava so I'm gonna give that a go w/ CAP Juicy Peach & FA Papaya.

Hopefully it'll be more like the real thing.

Ah sweet, That recipe does sound appealing indeed! Perhaps see how happy I am with the mix I make before hand. I ordered 30ML of Sweet Straw, Juicy Peach and Tangerine yesterday from Alc Cupboard, the pain of 1 concentrate being out of stock on another site :( Will try my best not to order from them in the future I went for the cheapest delivery uninsured lower rate delivery bla bla still almost £3 but they try charging almost £5 for 1st class signed for :O

I've never actually tried Slurricane, but the mix that you're going for is very nice! Was dripping last night @ 90W on the twisted messes.

All I would say, is that to remove some of the harshness out of hte tangerine, let the mix breath for at least 12 hours once it's mixed and settled.

Me neither but I know that those flavours are my cup of tea sort of speak :D

Looking forward to trying it, Will mix a small batch and try it sooner than optimal but least that way I can get an idea of whether I want to go ahead and produce a large batch that can be steeping.
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New coils reading at 0.4ohms, now waiting for the batteries to charge as I forgot to do it overnight... :(
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