Temp control is not the ultimate but i certainly like it personally, if set right, you should never get a dry or burnt hit again and can vape your wicks dry, but thats not why it was made, its there to stop you boiling your juice or burning the cotton and potentially releasing harmful chemicals if present however....
Its not quite as simple as doing a kanthal build, you are also working with much lower ohms so battery safety is even more important.
Using TC can allow you to tune your builds, between getting the right power to not overshoot the temp limit and the right temp to get the flavour you like from the juice you have.
SS wire is higher ohms per inch than TI and is a safer wire to use and can be dry burnt to pinch your coils if you do contact coils, I started on NI200 and hated it for how naff it was to build with and how weak a vape it gave, then moved onto TI and loved it but now im using SS wire and find i get an even better, warmer vape than with TI.
You Cannot dry burn TI, it will get to glowing super fast and if it gets to white hot then is nolonger safe to vape on, under normal mod use it is perfectly safe as far as we currently know.
Its something you should certainly consider trying, but be patient, do some reading or ask question and get more advice if your are not sure or having trouble.
Ive been using TC since it came out in the DNA40 boards and it has gotten better with newer boards and wires available.. still has room for improvements, but it can and does work if done right.