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So i've just ordered a Mini Freakshow RDA and a Wismec Reuleaux RX200 Mod. In the future I will make my own coils but for now will just get some pre made ones, so what coil would you run in it for max flavour. Also should I use Japanese cotton for the wick :)

0.5ohm 26 gauge kanthal is always a good starting place (7 wraps 3mm ID) MUJI is cheap and plentiful for cotton. Although I like shake and vape or Cotton bacon for ease of use
Morning chaps,

I'm in need of some new DIY flavours. Bored of the Unicorn Milk clone mix.

Anyone got a good fruity mix and maybe a custardy one that isn't GVC clone?
Received my OBS Crius last night and RX200. Put a dual coil SS317L 25AWG 6 wrap spaced 2.5mm ID coming out at 0.14ohms.

Firstly is this too low?

Secondly I'm using the standard SS set up. Should I use a different setting on one of the custom ones? If so what is the coefficient thingymabob?
Morning chaps,

I'm in need of some new DIY flavours. Bored of the Unicorn Milk clone mix.

Anyone got a good fruity mix and maybe a custardy one that isn't GVC clone?

CAP 3% NY Cheesecake
CAP 3% French Vanilla
CAP 4% Vanilla Custard v1
INAWERA 1.5% Biscuit

omnomnom :D

A very simple yet fantastic flavour is a Beard No5 clone;

CAP Sweet Strawberry 5%
CAP NY Cheesecake 10%
Sweetener to taste (I don't personally bother)
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CAP 3% NY Cheesecake
CAP 3% French Vanilla
CAP 4% Vanilla Custard v1
INAWERA 1.5% Biscuit

omnomnom :D

A very simple yet fantastic flavour is a Beard No5 clone;

CAP Sweet Strawberry 5%
CAP NY Cheesecake 10%
Sweetener to taste (I don't personally bother)

Brill cheers Tommy will order them up and give em a whirl!

What company is INAWERA? Not heard of them before.
Goblin Nano arrived... So tiny:
Received my OBS Crius last night and RX200. Put a dual coil SS317L 25AWG 6 wrap spaced 2.5mm ID coming out at 0.14ohms.

Firstly is this too low?

Secondly I'm using the standard SS set up. Should I use a different setting on one of the custom ones? If so what is the coefficient thingymabob?

.14 is ok, but SS works better closer to .5ohms. My typical dual coil SS build are .22 - .28ohms.
The RX200 SS setting is for 316L, very close but not quite right, set one of your custom slots to 0094 and use that for your 317L builds :)
I typically use 25awg 317L SS as its stiffer so easier to stuff in tight wick, but i use 26awg some times and the difference, considering its only .05mm thinner, is noticeable when wicking..
Just add an extra wrap or two, i get about 8 spaced wraps.
Brill cheers Tommy will order them up and give em a whirl!

What company is INAWERA? Not heard of them before.

You're welcome! :) Give them atleast 3/4 weeks steep though.

With Inawera, their flavours require very low %'s, a 30ml tester of the biscuit at 5%, overwhelming flavour!
I suspect 1.5% may be slightly too high, but for my personal tastes it's awesome with the rest of the concoction. :)

I use the following for an apple pie recipe too (the latest addition to this is a hint of biscuit upon it's discovery a few weeks ago, it's subtle against the apple & vanilla but is fantastic).

- 10% Apple Pie (CAP)
- 5% Custard v1 (CAP)
- 3% French Vanilla (CAP)
- 1.5% Biscuit (INW)
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Got a real urge to buy a noisy cricket, must resist...for now.

Will be drilling out the Kennedy 24 post holes tomorrow with a view to a quad coil build in it over the weekend :)
Alright folks. Been vaping now for about 3 months after quitting smoking.
Using a Kanger subox mini and I absolutely love it!

I feel like i'm getting there with the liquids, and thought i'd stick my oar in with where I get my stuff from (until I pluck up the courage to start DIY'ing).
8bitvape make quality custom liquids at really decent prices.

I also just started a subscription to vapeabox that is fairly good value for 'premium' liquids (I know, a misnomer). Got 120ml of overpackaged niceness that looks good on my shelf and actually mostly tastes really good too! £34.95 for a month is certainly better than the 300 I used to when I was a smoker...
Got a real urge to buy a noisy cricket, must resist...for now.

Will be drilling out the Kennedy 24 post holes tomorrow with a view to a quad coil build in it over the weekend :)

I sold mine off this week. They are gorgeous looking devices and do their job perfectly, but just too much power for me even at the higher ohms.
Got a real urge to buy a noisy cricket, must resist...for now.

Will be drilling out the Kennedy 24 post holes tomorrow with a view to a quad coil build in it over the weekend :)

I picked one up just for giggles and throwing some silly clouds with I will be bored after 10 minutes no doubt. but picked it up for £13 in the fastech sales just need to wait 7 months for it to arrive now
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