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Whats your thoughts on the zippo bottles? These the FT ones perchance? I've got them on my wishlist but not pulled the trigger yet.

Replacement RX sent out next day delivery, it was a week out of warranty but JT waved that fact and I should have the new device tomorrow :cool:
Replacement RX sent out next day delivery, it was a week out of warranty but JT waved that fact and I should have the new device tomorrow :cool:

How can it possibly be out of warranty? They've only been out a few months and you have a minimum of 1 year under the SOGA.
Couple of things I would like to get peoples feed back on.

I have a Cool Fire 4 with Aspire 2 Tank

Looking at getting a more powerful mod as looking to get a drip tank.

What Mod would you recommend for around the £60 Mark (don't mind buying 2nd Hand) that will do 70watts etc

What drip tank would you recommend to go with mod.

Many thanks :)
Whats your thoughts on the zippo bottles? These the FT ones perchance? I've got them on my wishlist but not pulled the trigger yet.

Replacement RX sent out next day delivery, it was a week out of warranty but JT waved that fact and I should have the new device tomorrow :cool:

They certainly are. Don't be fooled by the 'zippo' theme, they are significantly larger than zippo lighters. There is also no top cap for the juice bottle at all, if someone accidentally applies pressure to it bottle via the side of the casing when the shell lid is on, it'll be juice city!

Funky little gimmick for home use, but I probably wouldn't take them out with me.

Have been selling some homebrew lately in 100ml batches and including a 30ml flask bottle, will probably give these away instead of them as they look cool and it'll keep them coming back for more :-)

Nice one Tommy, any pics with the Derringer on the Mini Volt....?

Absolutely! I won't embed them as they are off my phone and the imgur app. No idea how big they'll come out!

Next to my current ADV;


A fresh fused Clapton with some very fine wire involved @ .99 ohms, vaping it at 20watts and it's a surprisingly nice vape with some DIY milkman clone. It has a black leather wrap on it from zapwrapz, it looks awesome without it but I always at least wrap my mods to keep them in good condition for when I inevitably trade them off ;-)

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Couple of things I would like to get peoples feed back on.

I have a Cool Fire 4 with Aspire 2 Tank

Looking at getting a more powerful mod as looking to get a drip tank.

What Mod would you recommend for around the £60 Mark (don't mind buying 2nd Hand) that will do 70watts etc

What drip tank would you recommend to go with mod.

Many thanks :)

Mod: Joyetech Cuboid (mine arrived today and it's a lovely thing).
RTA: OBS Crius v3
RDA (Dripper): Velocity
There are so many mods now its hard, you have regulated and unregulated, series and parallel and single cell.

But for 70w range in regulated there is the VTC Mini, Kanger 70w or 120w, the Vapeforward Classic, Mini and Nano, you have The Sigelei Fuchai or 75w.
Then there is the fix battery Lipo regulated mods, the Snow Wolf, the Smok M80 or newer R80.

All can deliver 75w or more and are good mods and cheap for what they can do... well the VF stuffs a little more expensive, but its only new gear.

For power and battery life, the Realeaux, either the cheap RX200 or the better but more expensive DNA200, both triple 18650 but will run Any tank/RDA.

As for RDA's... plenty but depends what you want, for clouds and easy build, The Velocity, for flavour the Magma or Snapdragon or Hobo.

Plenty of other options too and im sure others will have suggestions.
I spent all evening ultrasonic cleaning out my tanks apart from the four that I've using that the moment and right at the end I was emptying out the water and I saw a screw at the bottom of the basket... :eek:

Took me bloody ages to find where the screw belong too... :D

Just need to to the same to all my RDAs now.. :(
Luckily I'm been on a RDA hype so most of the are currently being used in circulation.

If you want a zippo style and size juice bottle.. Vintage Eliquid has some very nice designs that are reusable.. it's just a shame that their juice is glash..
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Well ive tried two builds on the lowpro, first coil was 8 wraps, 2.5mm id, spaced, 25awg 317L SS, came out about .5ohms and was centered in the deck, it spat like a mofo so was no good, so i moved the coil to one side and re positioned the wick and it was spit free but if you took any more than a gentle pull you would be eating the juice, so i ripped that build out and made a new coil with 26awg 317L SS, 8 wraps, spaced and around .9ohms and fitted to the outside but used less wick and placed some in the tiny space between the outer deck and coil, replaced the 510 pin with the squonk pin and am now running it on the Svapiamo Squonker at 50w in TC mode and its far better, a nice bit of flavour and boy can this tiny RDA chuck a cloud...

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For the last couple of day I've been trying out a couple of new tanks that looked interesting to me.

First, the Aspire Cleito. I've been vaping this with the 0.4 Ohm coil at 50W and it's a flipping cloud machine. Excellent flavour too, in fact possibly the most flavour I've had out of an off-the-shelf coil tank. It's incredibly open too. Almost as open as a good cloud-chasing dripper.
Complaints? It's way too small for how it gets through juice and you have to drain the tank if you want to change the coil unit out. This one's a keeper for sure.

Next, the Joyetech Cubis. I was interested in this because of the innovative design of the airflow. It does seem to work and has very good flavour. I've been vaping this one with the 0.5 Ohm coil at 25W. I've tried to use it in TC mode as it's a SS coil but I've yet to find a curve that works sensibly with it. Joyetech say it's 316SS but I beg to differ. It seems to have a much higher TCR than 316 so I'm thinking it might be 430. I will play some more.
Anyway, this is not a cloud tank but more a flavour atty. Counds are still decent with the 0.5 Ohm coil but nothing compared to what you might be used to with a direct lung tank. I've not tried the MTL coils it comes with yet but will do in time.
Complaints? It's gurgles a bit and the draw is too tight for me. Will probably move this one on.
looks good...

Derringer on sv for £25 pounds!!! lol
I'm not allowing my self to spend any more money at the moment, and I'm pretty damned happy with the Snapdragon at the moment.

What are your plans with it?

C-Frame DNA200, something like below all going to plan. Need to make some calls tomorrow to find somebody that can laser cut and CNC bend 5mm Stainless Steel plate, and someone that can CNC router the wood blank for me.


Edit: The vertical lines near the rear aren't joins its just the way solidworks displays things
First go with the VTC mini and I am impressed.
First Dual coil build = 25g 317L SS wire at 9 wraps each 2.5mm id, coming in at .24 ohms
Set the TCR to 94 as per someone elses table of values.
Temp limit set on 230C for now with power at 30W and it seems pretty good.
So i've just ordered a Mini Freakshow RDA and a Wismec Reuleaux RX200 Mod. In the future I will make my own coils but for now will just get some pre made ones, so what coil would you run in it for max flavour. Also should I use Japanese cotton for the wick :)
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