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Oh OCUK vaping community, lend me your assistance please.

I have a Big Buddha v2 which is a monster of a device. Loving it so far. In it I have four coils at 6 wraps at 3mm of 24 guage kanthal. As you can imagine it drinks the juice and produces volume & flavour in equal measure. Problem is, I now was a device to replace my ipv3 as the Buddha doesn't fit and the ipv3 only goes up to 200 watts. I'm not opposed to an unregulated mod, but finding something that provides the power and lets the Buddha sit on top without looking like a nasty bolt-on is a challenge.

OCUK Vapers community: Please spec me a suitable mod :)
Oh OCUK vaping community, lend me your assistance please.

I have a Big Buddha v2 which is a monster of a device. Loving it so far. In it I have four coils at 6 wraps at 3mm of 24 guage kanthal. As you can imagine it drinks the juice and produces volume & flavour in equal measure. Problem is, I now was a device to replace my ipv3 as the Buddha doesn't fit and the ipv3 only goes up to 200 watts. I'm not opposed to an unregulated mod, but finding something that provides the power and lets the Buddha sit on top without looking like a nasty bolt-on is a challenge.

OCUK Vapers community: Please spec me a suitable mod :)

AFAIK, there aren't any regulated mods that go above 200W, if you're looking for more, the Hammer of God might be the way to go. It's a 4 battery parallel-series unregulated mod. Bit big, but you need it to be to get the power you're looking for.

Bear in mind however, that because it's series, it's likely that your current build won't work. I'm guessing it's around 0.15 ohms? With a series box (8.4V max), you'd be pushing up to 470 watts at 56A, which is 28A per battery - doable with some LG HB2's and taking into account voltage drop, but still very much pushing the limits of safe. Personally I wouldn't dip below 0.2-0.25 ohms (with VTC4's, 25R's, or HE2's) if you went for that setup, without further testing with a multimeter to work out the voltage drop/internal resistance.

edit: Supreme is up and running! Pair of kanthal fused claptons, 6 wraps, 0.5mm cores wrapped in 0.2mm, angled because they wouldn't fit. Vaping beautifully at up to 150W, though I like 100W.

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UKDTweak - The grub screws arrived today unfortunately the one's which do actually fit are slightly too long, guess I have a weird clone :/ thought I would give you an update. Thanks again non the less
Thats a shame Gilbert, it would seam that no two clones are the same, as i said, my two take different sized screws between them, one uses much thinner, but both are about the same length.

You could sand the screws down if they are not that far off?
AFAIK, there aren't any regulated mods that go above 200W, if you're looking for more, the Hammer of God might be the way to go. It's a 4 battery parallel-series unregulated mod. Bit big, but you need it to be to get the power you're looking for.

Bear in mind however, that because it's series, it's likely that your current build won't work. I'm guessing it's around 0.15 ohms? With a series box (8.4V max), you'd be pushing up to 470 watts at 56A, which is 28A per battery - doable with some LG HB2's and taking into account voltage drop, but still very much pushing the limits of safe. Personally I wouldn't dip below 0.2-0.25 ohms (with VTC4's, 25R's, or HE2's) if you went for that setup, without further testing with a multimeter to work out the voltage drop/internal resistance.

edit: Supreme is up and running! Pair of kanthal fused claptons, 6 wraps, 0.5mm cores wrapped in 0.2mm, angled because they wouldn't fit. Vaping beautifully at up to 150W, though I like 100W.

Thank you very much for your advice. Yes, you're right I'm at about 0.17 which is quite low, but it's a pleasant vape :)

Further consideration is required it would seem.

Thanks again.
Yip its the same for all Joyetech current mods and VF Stout, Classic and Lite. Also, when powered off, press and hold fire and up to get into the custom TCR menu for the M1, M2 and M3 settings :)

Turn the Mod off.
Tap the fire 10 times, it tells you the chip temperature.
Turn it off again.
Tap it 20 times, it tells you the firmware version.

Dunno if all Mods are like this, but my Cuboid does it! :D
What's the score on mode boxes these days? My Sigelei 75w isn't working properly. Anything that can take 1 18650 and does 75w or so should be fine. I've seen the Sigelei Spark 90w, Snow wolf 75w. Anything else decent and cheap these days?
What's the score on mode boxes these days? My Sigelei 75w isn't working properly. Anything that can take 1 18650 and does 75w or so should be fine. I've seen the Sigelei Spark 90w, Snow wolf 75w. Anything else decent and cheap these days?

vtc mini, does everything your asking and more, can be had for £30 or less too.

VTC Mini all the way dude!

Link - use discount code BUNNY for 10% off.

Comes to £22.47.

Shipping I'd choose Registered Airmail via China Post. You'll have it in about 5-9 days.
Has anyone else had to remove the rewrap on torchy batteries? They work fine in everything but the cuboid. In it the right hand one gets stuck and needs something to wiggle it out. I was a bit worried about doing it but they have the original wrapper underneath and now slip in and out fine and don't rattle. I'm guessing they make the slot tight to stop battery rattle?
Has anyone else had to remove the rewrap on torchy batteries? They work fine in everything but the cuboid. In it the right hand one gets stuck and needs something to wiggle it out. I was a bit worried about doing it but they have the original wrapper underneath and now slip in and out fine and don't rattle. I'm guessing they make the slot tight to stop battery rattle?

Yeah I've had to remove the orange wrap on a couple for my mech mods, it's no big deal, just makes em a little more vulnerable. You can rewrap them as well with a heat gun, I've just ordered a pack of 180 or 280 pre-cut wraps from ebay for about a fiver. I read a hairdryer can work too, but I haven't been able to test it yet.
The VTC Mini is a cracking little single 18650 mod that will do 75w and TC with NI, TI and SS, plus a custom TCR mode too...

Torchy usually wraps over the original battery wrap, so you can safely remove the outter wrap to reveal the true wrap underneath, not a safety issue, but you can re wrap them yourself, you can buy packs of wraps in many colours from the bay or cheap on fasttech and all you need is a hair drier, ive done several myself, takes seconds to do a single cell.
hi guys. a bit of advice please :)
I currently use a KF mini v3 on an archaic provari mini which I've had for nearly 3 years.
I coil at around 1.3 ohms with the pro vari set to 4.2 v and am reasonably satisfied with the results but am wondering if I'll get more out of it by getting a new mod?
Have been looking at the diocodes dani extreme v2 and understand the temp control stuff is more aimed at sub ohm vapers but wondered if the VW side will improve things for my KF?
I dont really want a box mod and the dani extreme seems like one of the better tube mods but not sure if its worth it?
hi guys. a bit of advice please :)
I currently use a KF mini v3 on an archaic provari mini which I've had for nearly 3 years.
I coil at around 1.3 ohms with the pro vari set to 4.2 v and am reasonably satisfied with the results but am wondering if I'll get more out of it by getting a new mod?
Have been looking at the diocodes dani extreme v2 and understand the temp control stuff is more aimed at sub ohm vapers but wondered if the VW side will improve things for my KF?
I dont really want a box mod and the dani extreme seems like one of the better tube mods but not sure if its worth it?

Honestly? No. Its all going to be looks alone if you are happy with what you have. If anything you could try a new RTA as flavour will be an obvious upgrade. Ive just got a hurricane and love the flavour off of it
Now then, I fly out to Portugal tomorrow for a stag do and ideally I don't want to fall back down to smoking cigarettes. What's the crack with travelling with a vape in the hand luggage? Obviously liquids go in the liquid bag but should I drain the tank/carry batteries separately?
Now then, I fly out to Portugal tomorrow for a stag do and ideally I don't want to fall back down to smoking cigarettes. What's the crack with travelling with a vape in the hand luggage? Obviously liquids go in the liquid bag but should I drain the tank/carry batteries separately?

I went to Menorca a while ago. All I did was keep the liquids in my bag in the hold with spare battery and coils. On my carry on I just had my e cig, filled up.

Put it through the x ray etc, all fine no issues whatsoever. So many people use them these days there common. You will be fine. Just dont use it on the plane as the sensors in the toilets do set them off I have been told ( by a Jet2 employee)
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