hi guys. a bit of advice please
I currently use a KF mini v3 on an archaic provari mini which I've had for nearly 3 years.
I coil at around 1.3 ohms with the pro vari set to 4.2 v and am reasonably satisfied with the results but am wondering if I'll get more out of it by getting a new mod?
Have been looking at the diocodes dani extreme v2 and understand the temp control stuff is more aimed at sub ohm vapers but wondered if the VW side will improve things for my KF?
I dont really want a box mod and the dani extreme seems like one of the better tube mods but not sure if its worth it?
you been using the kf mini v3 for 3 years? it's only been out for about 3 months.
There's not much movement in the regulared tube mods at all, dicodes is about the best there is...
There's a rather lovely gem and wizard set being sold by a nice man (ted) over at ukv that's worth looking at. Both the atty and mod own their own in their respected market.