Depends on what part you've lost. If it's the wide bore bit that screws in to the top then that's Velocity specific. If you're using the adaptor that screws in its place and then takes a normal drip tip then the tip is just a normal 510 tip.
Depends on what part you've lost. If it's the wide bore bit that screws in to the top then that's Velocity specific. If you're using the adaptor that screws in its place and then takes a normal drip tip then the tip is just a normal 510 tip.
Sigelei are in full on defense mode now it appears, some insight into whats going down:
Reviewer pulled Sigelei's pants down over the 213 being woefully under powered, Sigelei respond by trying to get the video pulled, when that fails threaten said reviewer with legal action.
Bugger, God damn John Smiths.
EDIT: Just found the adapter knocking about in the wardrobe, I'll just drop a couple of quid on a tip and leave it at home next time I go dancing >.<
I haven't bought any vape gear for a few months, so i went a bit mad yesterday on attys
I have the following on the way:
Limitless RDTA
Mad hatter V2
Steam Crave Supreme
SIGELEI Moonshot
Tsunami 24
Supra RDA
Plus a load of different wire types, this should keep me busy for a while.
I have been using my Evic Mini and Crius as my daily driver, hoping one of the above tanks might displace the Crius. I am also itching to get a new dual 18650 mod, not sure whats worth getting at the moment, any suggestions?
Sigelei are in full on defense mode now it appears, some insight into whats going down:
Reviewer pulled Sigelei's pants down over the 213 being woefully under powered, Sigelei respond by trying to get the video pulled, when that fails threaten said reviewer with legal action.
i have, mostly out of boredom, learened to blow smoke rings, with great success.
that is all
I watched the review, and understand the underpowered part (he tested the voltage across a known-resistance coil and found the 213 actually puts out about 155W maximum), though I'm a little curious about his TC review. When he "locks" the resistance in, it clearly says "hold to lock", yet he doesn't hold the button. I'm wondering if that's the cause of his TC issues. The 155W could also be a consequence of the batteries' internal resistance not being accounted for, I'd like to see the tests re-done with a set of HB6's or some other cells to see if it changes.
Not that I'm defending Sigelei, their response was pretty appalling!
I hope you mean VAPE rings
Just had an email from Grey Haze, discount on the Asmodus Minikin making it a quid cheaper than FT just a heads up for those who may be interested.
Probably because the v1.5 is out soon!