***The Vapers Lounge*** 2.0

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3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco
Why do the gods torment me...


I love mothers' milk.. it's so pretty and limited edition black drip tip..
But it's also the price of a mod!
3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco
Is their a substantial taste difference from a e go type device to using a kbox and subtank mini?

yes... the clearomiser which provides the taste and vapour are on either ends of the mass market, in my point of view. :) With a sub tank you really need to lung hit it to make the most of the tank and I give anyone a tenner (virtual of course) that can lung hit an ego clearo.

It's just more airy on the subtank, so you will need more thicker (VG heavier) juice, with it being sub-ohming you will want to drop your nicotine levels too, as your vaping a lot more juice in one pull. Heavier VG juices have less flavour but since your vaping a lot more of it, it gives a lot more flavour.

Best thing mate is to take yourself down to a local shop and ask them to try one, it doesn't have to be a subtank, there's loads of devices that will give you the same effect from drippers to other sub ohm tanks.
18 Oct 2012
well, having read into the op, looking at the links i've realised that this vaping malarkey is even more confusing than pc's lol.

I'm looking at giving up on the old rollies (20+ a day of the strongest smelliest tobacco our local tobbacconist stocks) and trying vaping, i have tried just a cheapo one that uses the cartridges, but tbh i've smoked cigars that are less rough on the lungs than that thing

So what would be reccommended? I dont want to go too wild in terms of budget (how do some of these things cost hundreds :eek: ) but something decent i guess i'd be willing to pay for, a swappable battery would be ideal (so i can carry 2) but apart from that i've no idea whats good.

Would i be better going for a kit or assembling myself? Looks like these things have as much in the way of 3rd party kit as rc's.

Also what would be reccommended as a strong but mildly flavoured (ie not ripping lungs off) liquid?

Any help would be much appreciated, i'm hoping You guys can help me see the light.
6 Mar 2009
In training.
I'd say 12 or 18mg would be a good nicotine level eliquid to start with depending on the set up you go for. I would say 12mg. The flavour is one of the main things to find you like and is very subjective. Main categories are tobacco, fruit, desert, menthol and custard flavours.
Kit wise I would recommend going straight for a box mod like the sigelei and either a rebulidable tank or dripping atomizer. They are really quite straight forward and if you are going to vape for any length of time you will get one or the other or more likely both, so I would definately recommend jumping straight in.
Maybe get some disposable atty to bang on the box mod so you can try some flavours straight away while you learn to build. Not sure which are the best to go for nowadays.

Well there is a start, I am sure you will get some more good and better suggestions
3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco

The istick 30w or 50w, thou the batteries are not removable they are either 2100mah or 4400mah, which will last me an average vaper (when not cloud chasing) 2 or 4 days respectively, thou I change devices when I get home from work, I can quite happily say 2100mah will last me a day. The Segelei range is another cheap and cheerful brand, yet safe; offering 30/50/100/150 watts.. but you will have to get your own batteries and charger.

Tank wise, get the Aspire Nautilus its a mid ohm tank that will allow you to adjust the airflow and get different ohms rated heads, allowing you to experiment and adjust to your needs.

With juice, it all depends on your taste, I started of on 18mg but keep dropping lower and lower but vaping more and more but I was never a heavy smoker (7-10 a day), so you could try 24mg of nicotine.

Flavour wise; most people start of on a tobacco taste, RY4 is a sweet tobacco which almost every shop offer their own version, most experience vapers I know hate tobacco, just pick your favorite fruit and as long as it's not something silly like dragon fruit, get a juice to match. I tend to vape lemon and lime as I have it as a mixer or cherry menthol. Custard vapes is very popular and smooth but I personally find them to heavy to vape everyday. :)
16 Dec 2005
Halifax W'Yorkshire
Today I made a little stand out of kitchen worktop offcut for my mechs & attys...


Though I should have made it bigger, looking at how much I've got coming from fasttech.

Looks spot on, what did you use for drilling holes? on the one iv made, I just drilled about hmm, 510 sized holes so that my drippers fit in, also the 510 connectors on drippers fit in it and sit on it, not got a drill bit wide enough to drill holes to fit a whole mech mod in tho haha. but it does look good.

good job fella
18 Oct 2012

So a 4.4ah will last a few days? really my main fear is running out of electricity in the middle of the day, i wouldnt be a fan of just charging it every night either (yes i'm that guy who always fully discharges his laptop battery once a month)

I'm ok with it being bulky, i see theres some use big box batteries (i guess thats the 4.4ah or therebouts) and such, and it'll still be nothing on the tin, filters skins etc i'm used to carrying around.

Are there any neutral flavours? might be the best place to start until i have the chance to try a few.

Looking at the ealeaf istick 4.4ah and the nautilis, comes to about 80 quid, although i suppose thats 2 months of rollies so maybe not so bad.
7 Apr 2006
Oblivion aka East Anglia
Looks spot on, what did you use for drilling holes? on the one iv made, I just drilled about hmm, 510 sized holes so that my drippers fit in, also the 510 connectors on drippers fit in it and sit on it, not got a drill bit wide enough to drill holes to fit a whole mech mod in tho haha. but it does look good.

good job fella

Thank you. :)

It's solid oak and looks better up close than in the pic. I used a couple of flat drill bits I found in an old set. 25mm for the mechs (annoyingly the 22mm bit I have is about a micron to small) and 12mm for attys/drip tips. I'm going to drill another row of 12mm holes as there's space. I'm happy with it though, no more knocking the Kayfun over when I nudge the desk.
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3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco

The common size battery (18650), is around 2000 mah, depending on make and price of course, even the mods that are running in parallel for more battery life, rather than in series (to give power) is only going to match it. Of course the battery life will die down over time, but by then you would have likely moved onto the 'next best thing' and stopped using it by then.

Most good devices offer a pass through or charge while vaping option, and the isticks do offer that. It's also charged via micro usb, but I do not recommend you using the USB port of a computer, Iphone/ipad charger. Get one that's either 1-2 amp regulated charging for safety and battery life.

Its cheaper at innovapours.co.uk? I used them to get myself a istick 50w which came in two days. they only have the mini Nautilus in stock but when you first start, people don't vape a lot of juice. I only use about 3-4ml in total on average a day and I get bored of a flavour rather quickly and with larger tanks its often an effort to finish them before I move on to the next, or they just sit there for weeks on end till I fancy it again.

You can get no flavor juice or tobacco flavour that matches brand like GV or old holborn, but I've not tried any.

size comparison against a 20 deck of fags:
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18 Oct 2012
I've got plenty of chargers around from 0.1 to 2 amps (all phone chargers but oem ones not fleabay specials) are these things nimh's or lipo's with a cutoff? I'd have thought if its just the standard usb 5v (or whatever it is) any charger would do?

I'm hoping if i can start off paralell until i get used to it, then i dont need to worry about batteries too much, once i've got into it i'll likely get a second batt for crisis prevention.

Edit; thanks for the shout on innovapours, i was looking at cloud9 on the basis i couldnt make head nor tail of angelfiremods site and it was next in the list.
3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco
It's a lipo (good for an avg 500 charge) in the istick and has a safety cut off, there's a meter on the istick that will give you a rough idea on the battery life. The batteries in the istick are not removable.

Here's a review of it by a very respected reviewer of vaper gear.

There's a big difference before volts and amps, it's amps that kill not volts.. like wise with battery life.

Once you get settled in to the vape life, take yourself to a local shop and most places are more than happy to let you try the juices, but I'm OCD about using stuff that people have had their lips around before.
18 Oct 2012
There's a big difference before volts and amps, it's amps that kill not volts.. like wise with battery life.

Once you get settled in to the vape life, take yourself to a local shop and most places are more than happy to let you try the juices, but I'm OCD about using stuff that people have had their lips around before.

less amps is always my preferred method, my main general use charger is 0.5 amps, so that'd probably be good enough, i'm fine with it taking ages if it lasts long enough, never liked fast charging stuff.

One problem with going to my local shop is its also the tobbacconist, place smells tooo tempting with all the cigars, rolling and pipe tobbaco around the place.

I think i'll maybe go with cloud9 on the basis i can get everything and some mixed packs of juice to start me off until i find a flavour i like

Edit; aaand being me i'm already wondering about riggin up my old rc lipo's with a regulator to get insane battery life :eek:
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3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco
Save yourself some baccy and after a few days vaping try smoking a fag
For me it was poor compared to vaping; at that point I thought I really don't need to smoke.

There are those moments when stress hits; and there's a mental need for a fag but by holding off for a few minutes; it quickly passes. ;)

Edit; aaand being me i'm already wondering about riggin up my old rc lipo's with a regulator to get insane battery life :eek:

And this is why we don't buy cheap kurd and spend loads of batteries.. modern vaping batteries are chemical safe, not like laptop batteries; which is where they started from.
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18 Oct 2012
Save yourself some baccy and after a few days vaping try smoking a fag
For me it was poor compared to vaping; at that point I thought I really don't need to smoke.

There are those moments when stress hits; and there's a mental need for a fag but by holding off for a few minutes; it quickly passes. ;)

thats the plan at least, i'll probably keep the tin close by for a week or two until i get to that stage, i tried the same with the cheapo cartridge kit but a day on that made the rollies seem like a much better alternative.

Thanks for the advice, i'm definately less confused than at the begginning
15 Jun 2003
I'd suggest possibly looking into the Subtank Mini, it's a sub-ohm device which most people find a more satisfying vape as it's capable of producing much denser, tastier vapour. You really need to lung-hit with it though so it's a bit different from smoking - the Nautilus is better for mouth-to-lung hitting and is still a very nice device, it's what I used to give up smoking. :)

The iStick 50W takes 5 hours to fully charge and that's with a 1A charger I believe, but that's really the only downside to it, it's got two 18650 batteries inside so lasts a very long time for such a small device. The Sigelei 50W V2 is the best alternative imo, but then you'll need to buy at least one battery - it has a USB charging port but it won't last anywhere near as long as the iStick as it can only hold a single 18650, so it's a bit wasted unless you buy at least a couple of batteries and a charger. The batteries need to have a high amp rating, so Sony VTC4, eFest purple 35A, Samsung 25R are all good, and a Nitecore charger is a safe bet - I've got the 'Intellicharger i4'.

For cheap juice - http://www.onepoundeliquid.com/ - I'm very impressed with these so far, I've got Virginia Tobacco (Golden Virginia) in my dripper at the moment and it's a really nice rich tobacco flavour, very different from actually smoking though but well up there with some of the more expensive tobacco flavours I've tried. Having said that, I wasn't too impressed with the Very Berry, it tastes alright but the flavour is a bit too muted, I like my fruits to be a bit punchier.

I went with 24mg nicotine while I was using the Nautilus but had to switch down to 12mg when I got my Subtank/Atlantis (the Atlantis is also a very good sub-ohm device, but probably not quite as good as the Subtank Mini).
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16 Dec 2005
Halifax W'Yorkshire
For people who are trying to go to vaping instead of ciggies.

Like, I quit smoking 2 years ago, used to do a 50G pouch in about 3-4 days depending on who was nicking a roll up or two, but was a heavy smoker. one day I got a cheap nasty (well now I know there cheap crap) e cig off the market for 3 quid, I mean it worked did the job for 2 weeks, but luckily enough iv got enough brains about me to research for my self to get more of a kick from it. (way before I found this thread that is!)

So if you actually do want to take up vaping, take the advice from the ocuk guys, we will get ya off the nasty fags :)

2 years 3500 quid saved, 21,000 rollups not smoked apparently says my smoke free app on my phone.

If I didn't have a missus id see that 3.5k aswell but you know. but once you actually kick the dirty fags, vaping becomes more of a hobby, it gets to a stage that theres so much vapour that you actually don't need that much, you could tone it down and vape that for ever what you have, or quit all together, or happily chug along blowing clouds with what you have with your set up, or you can make it a hobby and want better vapour better flavour, bigger clouds just like making a rollup perfect for example for what ever difference I used to think it made, well its all DIY is vaping, start kits then build your own device (tank/dripper plus battery/mod), then you get into building your own coils for them devices.

But please start at scratch and don't try building things on cheap batterys unless you want a bomb in your hands!

Either way, smoking is dead, vaping is the future. as quoted by riptrippers.
15 Jun 2003

***! Didn't realise quoted for truth was a sweary? :p

I'm kinda surprised how much I've got into it - I was perfectly happy with my Nautilus until I got the Atlantis and the Subtank, and since then I've been on a mission to find the perfect vape! I want to try lower ohms but can't really with the wire I've got without sacrificing surface area, need slowtech to hurry up. :p

Just a bit about the safety - if you're using 0.5ohm coils and only going up to 50W then you'll be fine as long as you're using good batteries, but you'll probably find the Subtank/Atlantis can't really keep up with that much heat anyway.

Crikey - just tried the British Tobacco from onepoundeliquid and it's not my cup of tea, tastes quite cigar-ish. The Virginia Tobacco is much nicer imo.

Just realised I've actually tried all of them from onepoundeliquid now - I'll almost definitely be getting more of the Mint Blast and Virginia Tobacco, possibly more Pineapple but I'm still on the fence about it - Menthol is as you'd expect really but I find it a bit bland (probably goes for all purely menthol juices), the Very Berry and British Tobacco are a bit meh. They're all good quality though and taste is subjective so other people might really like them.
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