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i thought this was live Friday, or will it be a different price for the mail list?

Greed has got to their head so I don't know email or phone them. Sorry but I don't condone what they've done. Not only have they stopped discount codes from working because of the demand but they have removed the listing for the mod on it's own because they can get more profit selling it with batteries that cost them pennies.

I'm sure there will be other independent retailers stocking these at some point and the Cigreen price is even better without their 10% discount code.
I'm a bit peeved, needing a mod soon, I'm getting very sick of the constant battery swaps in the vt40, I need 100+ watts and decent battery life. This has everything I want but it seems like joyetech have decided to milk the life out of it.

The the vaporshark dna200 has fast charging so I suppose that is a short cut but I really want to avoid lipos.
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Ok, so new goodies have arrived, turns out the bundle came with a p3 attatchment nautilis which is significantly more badass looking in construction than the regular.

Seems my notion that the p3 was going to be smaller than the istick was misplaced, it's huge the whole assembly is about 8"long.

Tried the subtank mini with it's stock 0.5 coil, but tbh i wasnt that impressed at sub ohm (didnt really want to take it over 25w as it was hissing and spitting like mad), swapped it out for 1.2 ohm and instantly on 10 w was a massive improvement to my tastes. Much freedom of air.

Pretty glad the p3 came with the new nautilis, might start using it instead and relegate my current nautilis to spares/backup duty and use the subtank as the main out and about.
Yeah Joytech are supplying their own vendors first so all other vendors will have to wait till the second batch arrives at least...

yup it's like that guy on ukv said

Joyetech, Wismec, Eleaf are the same company. I'd be very surprised if Joyetech.uk aren't the first, if not the only seller of the Reuleaux - for the first batch release anyway. They are the UK distributor for Wismec.

Joyetech UK, Totaly Wicked and The Electronic Cigarette Company (TECC) are owned by UK Vapour Brands. They have a firm grip on the UK market for the aforementioned brands.

So if anyone is desperate to have one then those firms are your best bet but expect prices to not budge.
Ive ordered the stuff to make a dna133 from modmaker and stealth vape.

That will tide me over until when I decide the price is ok, going to be a month before one is readily available now anyway.

Mod comes in at £100 plus change with the step drills to make the thing.
Ah damn, thats not good, has the pad come off completely or just lifted, if lifted you can glue it back down.
Contact Evovl and get and RMA, all you have to pay is shipping as they are very good at doing these under warranty, be prepared for them asking what Soldering iron you used as they are trying to investigate why pads are lifting.
Ah damn, thats not good, has the pad come off completely or just lifted, if lifted you can glue it back down.
Contact Evovl and get and RMA, all you have to pay is shipping as they are very good at doing these under warranty, be prepared for them asking what Soldering iron you used as they are trying to investigate why pads are lifting.

Will RMA the boards but probably sell them on, I would appear I just don't have the skill or patience to DIY a compact device.

It lifted due to being pulled on rather than too much heat, I was trying to shoehorn everything in and must have put too much strain on the B+ wire.
Loving the vapor shark DNA 200, the board is brilliant, can near fully charge it inside an hour, light, comfortable to hold and use, such a smooth vape too. Evolv have done a sterling job with the chip and software, easy enough to use.

The only negative I have is the coating shows greasy finger prints.

Now I just need a cheaper DNA 200 mod for using at work.
Will RMA the boards but probably sell them on, I would appear I just don't have the skill or patience to DIY a compact device.

It lifted due to being pulled on rather than too much heat, I was trying to shoehorn everything in and must have put too much strain on the B+ wire.

I did a similar thing to the B- on my first board, the trick is to use shunts when tinning and soldering the wires so the solder does not spread up the wire and stiffen it, this way the wires stay more flexible. I dont have any but on my second board i use a crocodile clip from my helping hands and it did the trick.
Loving the vapor shark DNA 200, the board is brilliant, can near fully charge it inside an hour, light, comfortable to hold and use, such a smooth vape too. Evolv have done a sterling job with the chip and software, easy enough to use.

The only negative I have is the coating shows greasy finger prints.

Now I just need a cheaper DNA 200 mod for using at work.

Check out the Hotcig DX200, similar size and battery to the VS, but you can also get spare batteries for it so you can swap when you are out and about as the cells are in a sealed unit that can be unplugged from the Chip unit like the Hana One or the Innokin Disruptor mods.
Does anyone have tips for clearing out stubborn old flavours from tanks/atties?
I'm going through a Subs service sample box to try new flavours, but the last flavours are just obliterating any new ones I put in.

I've tried warm water, hot water, soapy water and boiling the atties, each time fully drying everything out, but to no avail. Last time this happened was with some Vampire Vapes and I ended up having to just get a completely new tank - I really can't afford to replace this many tanks now, though!
$109 dollars from AB, exc shipping I think and like Cigreen they have stated:

$23 for DHL shipping so that's $132 all in, depending on exchange rates that is around £86 which is pretty decent. Think I am gonna go with this as I can wait. If you can't then order from the retailers under UK Vapour Brand who will get priority stock.

Edit - $5.6 Paypal Fee if you're paying through them. So that's £90'ish and as I mentioned before they have the same preorder rules as Cigreen

PRE-ORDER rules:
- ETA time given us by Wismec is: between end-November and mid-December
- you can not cancel your order
- ETA date can be changed
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Does anyone have tips for clearing out stubborn old flavours from tanks/atties?
I'm going through a Subs service sample box to try new flavours, but the last flavours are just obliterating any new ones I put in.

I've tried warm water, hot water, soapy water and boiling the atties, each time fully drying everything out, but to no avail. Last time this happened was with some Vampire Vapes and I ended up having to just get a completely new tank - I really can't afford to replace this many tanks now, though!

sterilize in milton and then rinse under hot water or maybe you can try an ultrasonic bath.
Any ideas where I might be going wrong with my build? This is on the Aromamizer, dual 26g twisted Ti : http://imgur.com/a/WXNcK

I don't seem to be getting much flavour - less than my single Ni200/Kanthal twisted build in the Uwell Crown.

The top of your coil... the leg lead is very close to the next wrap, you may be getting a hot lead... plus the rest of the wraps are uneven too...if you are running in TC mode and what device and power settings are you using?
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