***The Vapers Lounge*** 3.0

Seems to be chucking them clouds today... Seems like now I am wanting another mod lol, currently running the Alien, so something a bit more powerful, probably more than 2 batteries... Any ideas lads?
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Seems to be chucking them clouds today... Seems like now I am wanting another mod lol, currently running the Alien, so something a bit more powerful, probably more than 2 batteries... Any ideas lads?

RX200S is a great mod for the price. I'm still using my RX200 (the previous model)
Expensive juice especially if you are using the troll rta. The way it just goes through juice is astounding lol.
Way I see it, it's still cheaper than smoking

Mind you I have about 4 bottles of monsta vape sweet and sour as that's my main juice.
Looks like myself & you have similar flavour likings

Really need to start mixing my own juice especially if I'm using the troll rta. Just need Gee to post up his diy mixing guide.
That is the plan for myself as well
RX200S is a great mod for the price. I'm still using my RX200 (the previous model)

pretty much this, rx2/3 has been my daily carry for a good while now and aside from a loose connection (which was fixed with 20mins and a soldering iron) it's been fine.

not pocket freindly though, you'll have to embrace the breast pocket if you want to take it anywhere


  • Scales - 0.01g precision for batches lower than 500ml // 0.1g precision for batches over 500ml
  • Bottles
  • PG
  • VG
  • Nicotine (I recommend PG based)
  • Concentrates
  • 2x 500ml bottles for decanting PG & VG into.
  • A smaller 30/50ml bottle to decant Nicotine into (preferably with a thin nozzle).
  • Sterile gloves & eye protection (remember highly concentrated Nicotine is VERY TOXIC and CAN BE FATAL. Be VERY careful when handling it. Wear eye protection & gloves)
  • Syringes/Pipettes
  • Mixing Calculator - http://e-liquid-recipes.com/create



  • Money saving!
  • Guaranteed way of knowing exactly what's going into your mix
  • Make your liquid whatever ratio/strength you want
  • Ability to use concentrates that you know are clear of Diacetyl, Acetoin & Acetyl Propionyl (Diketones)
  • Takes roughly 2 to 3 minutes to make a 1-2 concentrate 100ml bottle.

  • Give your concentrates a good shake before using them
  • If you got two of the bottles for decanting I linked above, put 250ml or so of both VG and PG into one of each.
  • CAREFULLY decant some Nicotine into a spare 30/50ml bottle
  • Nicotine likes to spend it's time in a cool, dark place. Away from direct sunlight and odours. Ideally if you can, store it in the fridge or freezer. Nic (PG based) usually has a shelf life of around 10 years if it's kept in the freezer. Don't worry, it won't freeze.
  • VG I don't bother refrigerating. It's a right pain in the backside handling this if it's cold.
  • PG again I don't bother refrigerating.


I'm not going to go into too much detail here, I'll try and keep it short and sweet.

First off what I do is I find a recipe I like the sound of, in this case I'm going to be making a 100ml bottle of a personal favourite of mine, FlavourArt Apple Fuji and FlavourArt Forest Fruits, at 1.5mg Nicotine and a 60VG 40PG ratio.

Below is the main screen you see when using the ELR (E-Liquid-Recipes) calculator. As you can see it's pretty blank and has the default values in.


Here we need to do a little inputting of some values first for our finished product. See below:

Here you can see I've added the amount I want to make. Notice how I've put 90ml? The 100ml bottles from iBottles are 100ml right up to the brim. I leave a 10ml gap so that there's enough room left in the bottle to give it a thorough mix.

I've also changed the desired strength of my mix to 1.5mg and set my desired PG/VG ratio. My nicotine strength is set to 72mg. I'm using PG based nicotine so keep the 'PG-Content of nicotine' value set to 100%. If you are using VG based nicotine, set this to 100%.

I'm not adding any Water or Vodka to my mix so I keep this value at 0.


I've also added the concentrates and the percentages as well. Here I'll be using Apple Fuji at 4% and Forest Fruits at 3%.

First off, turn on your scales and put a bottle on the top. Reset or 'tare' the scales to zero them. As per the values, I'm going to be adding 1.95 grams of nicotine to my bottle. Try and be precise here, you can go a little but under or a little bit over but try and keep it as close to the value as you can.

Okay so you've added your nicotine? Good, now zero or 'tare' your scales.

Next, I'm going to start adding my concentrates, here I need 3.6 (3.60) grams of Apple Fuji and 2.7 (2.70) grams of Forest Fruits. Add your first concentrate, again try and get this as close to the value it says as you can.

Once you've added the first concentrate, zero/tare your scales and add the second. Zero/reset again.

What I like to do here is put the nozzle and lid on the bottle and give it a good shake. This gives the concentrates a prior shake to make sure they're blended well enough before you add your VG/PG.

Once you've done that (obviously remove the lid and nozzle!) you can start to add the last two parts of this mixing journey, your PG and VG.

Put the bottle on the scales again and zero them. Time to add the PG. Here I need 28.83 grams of PG. Try and keep this as close as you can, for me personally, I'd probably round this up to 29 grams just for quickness. I'm not saying bang in 35 grams of PG but use your head and round that up if you want!

Added your PG? Good, reset the scales again.

It's VG time. 68.1 grams of VG needed here. I'd probably take your time with VG. At room temp it's like thick cooking oil but if it's been stored in the fridge you'll die of old age before you fill that bottle up.

Added your VG? Good, put the cap & lid on the bottle. Give it a VERY good shake. WE DID IT!


That's pretty much all there is to it. That was for a simple two concentrate recipe, but the steps are always the same.


  1. Scales on
  2. Bottle on top, zero scales
  3. Add nicotine, zero scales
  4. Add first concentrate, zero scales
  5. Add second concentrate, zero scales
  6. (OPTIONAL) Add concentrates and zero scales if using more.
  8. Add PG, zero scales
  9. Add VG, zero scales
  10. Cap on, lid on.


FlavourArt are my favourite concentrates to use. They're exceptional quality and the concentration of them compared to others such as Capella or The Flavour Apprentice means that you don't need to use much. Not to mention they do not contain any Diacetyl, Acetoin & Acetyl Propionyl (Diketones).

With FA (FlavourArt) as well, don't think that the higher percentage of flavour you add, will give you BETTER flavour. With FA, usually less is more and most of the time the more you add, the more the flavour will diminish.

I've found with FA that most of the concentrates don't need any sort of steeping/breathing time. The only that I've found DOES need a little time, is their Custard. Usually a minute or two shake is good enough.

I'll let you be the judge on what concentrates you want to use, but personally I only touch Capella, FlavourArt and TFA (The Flavour Apprentice). I stay WELL away from LorAnn and Flavour West concentrates.

Educate yourself on which concentrate manufacturers use Diacetyl, Acetoin & Acetyl Propionyl (Diketones)


I recommend you all download the tasting notes from HeadInCloud's website here - http://www.hicsmixes.com/notes-etc.html // it's free, don't worry.

HIC (HeadInClouds) also has some VERY VERY good recipes on his website priced at $3 each.

You can also find tasting notes on ELR (E-Liquid-Recipes). Just search for the concentrate and click on the notes tab. You may need to make an account first.

My last bits of advice would be to experiment with flavours. Use your head and think about what goes well together.
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Cheers Gee for the guide, if a mod could sticky that to the first post that would be grand.

I think by next week when I get paid I'll start ordering stuff to make my own juices and save some money at the same time.

Only thing is that I'm a huge fan of Malaysian e juices which use koolada and having a look round, there's not much out there recipe wise. Might be that I'm looking in the wrong places but not having much luck.
Good guide gee, nice too about giving the nic and concentrate a shake before adding the VG/Pg, i was just throwing it all in and shaking at the end :)
Very nice Guide there Gee, excellent and should help a few people on the road to their own mixing, great job :)

New mod... Oni 167 (DNA250, Dual 18650)
Only thing is that I'm a huge fan of Malaysian e juices which use koolada and having a look round, there's not much out there recipe wise. Might be that I'm looking in the wrong places but not having much luck.

That isn't much of an issue, you can just buy koolada (normally 10% in PG) and add about a drop a ml to whatever flavor you are mixing.
That's an amazingly detailed guide, Gee. Excellent. I must admit, though I use gloves for the nicotine, I really should start wearing eye protection too. I should also buy a smaller bottle with a thin nozzle to decant my nic into. At the moment, I use a pipette or syringe directly from the main bottle which is not too clever.

I don't know if it's worth adding to your guide that as well as individual concentrates to mix, that there seems to be quite a large amount of one shot concentrates that can be bought these days making DIY even easier. So you still have to mix up your nic, VG and PG, but don't have to worry about mixing up different concentrates as the flavour recipe is already done in the one shots. Like Darkstar do a one shot concentrate called Cerberus "Vanilla Cream Custard - Classic vanilla custard expertly blended with cheesecake, marshmallow and cream." Certainly for beginners this might make life a bit easier. For myself, I have a ton of individual concentrates from FA and one or two from Capella, but I bought 30ml Red Astaire concentrate from T-juice which is cheap enough, will last me quite a while, and saved me buying a bunch more individual concentrates to make authentic Red Astaire.
That isn't much of an issue, you can just buy koolada (normally 10% in PG) and add about a drop a ml to whatever flavor you are mixing.

Correct. I tend to keep the percentage of Koolada quite low for me personally, I put in too much once on a recipe I was trying and it hurt my chest after a while. Usually 0.5% is enough for a nice cooling effect. Max I'd say would be 1-1.5%.
After posting about Koolada I double checked I had remembered that right and read it degrades nic? First time I've heard that but the posts about it say it is lab tested that it. I'm not 100% convinced as surely people would have noticed this as loads of juice has Koolada in it.

Edit: did a bit more reading and it seems Koolada might just mess up the results of some testing methods for nic level. This sounds about right as surely people would have noticed if it really lowered nic level quickly.
Ok fair enough, once I've ordered my stuff for diy then I'll give it a go.

Start off with small amount to see how I get on. One good thing is that at least I can mess around with different flavours rather me having to buy premade liquids and costing me money. I've got a few juices that I bought but do not like so just sitting on my shelf gathering dust lol.
After posting about Koolada I double checked I had remembered that right and read it degrades nic? First time I've heard that but the posts about it say it is lab tested that it. I'm not 100% convinced as surely people would have noticed this as loads of juice has Koolada in it.

Edit: did a bit more reading and it seems Koolada might just mess up the results of some testing methods for nic level. This sounds about right as surely people would have noticed if it really lowered nic level quickly.

Light/UV, heat, oxygen degrades Nic.

Ok fair enough, once I've ordered my stuff for diy then I'll give it a go.

Start off with small amount to see how I get on. One good thing is that at least I can mess around with different flavours rather me having to buy premade liquids and costing me money. I've got a few juices that I bought but do not like so just sitting on my shelf gathering dust lol.

Good going, Yas. If you need any help or recommendations on what to try first gimme a shout mate.
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