To be fair the Baby Beast is one of the best(imo) tanks you can get so you'll struggle to anything better in terms of build quality and flavour. The problem with pre built coils is that it's a lottery on how long they'll last as they're mass produced. I use mine for work and I can get a coil that lasts a couple of months or I might get one that wont even see the week out! Like many have said go RDA if you want the best. Watch a few tutorials on YouTube and you'll be a coil building, cotton wicking, cloud chasing pro in no time!
Unrelated to above. My Reuleaux rx200 bit the dust last week. Was chilling in my mates hot tub and was vaping on my Cloud Beast when I kinda submerged it. I'm not sure what actually happened, but it was like the mod got stuck on max wattage and the coil in the tank literally caught fire. Managed to yank the batteries out, but the damage was done. 3 batteries and the mod all deaded! JUst thought I'd share as the rx200 was my first high wattage mod I owned