So Tony B finally posted up his video about the drama of his regulated pulse bf mod on YouTube.
TLDW of the video
* When they started designing the Pulse 80 Vandy Vape had a regulated chip in development that they wanted to use. Tony B wanted the Gene chip.
* VooPoo had access to the design of the mod.
* VV and VooPoo had a contract for 40k chips at an agreed upon price.
* On the last day of ECC a well known vendor came up to Tony and said he knows at least 3 other companies that have tried to work with VooPoo, and at the last minute VooPoo tried to pull out or raise the price by 15-30%.
* VooPoo was supposed to deliver the chips just before CNY, or just after.
* After CNY VooPoo came to VV and said they want 15% more for the price. Vandy Vape agreed to the increase. This resulted in versions without bottles to still offer a lower priced SKU.
* VooPoo stopped responding to VV's messages saying they agree to 15% increase.
* VV sent somebody to VooPoo's factory to figure out what's going on. VooPoo assured them everything is good, they'll ship out the chips and thanked them for the extra 15%.
* Shortly afterwards VooPoo contacted VV again and said they're raising the price again by another 15%. So 30% off the original agreement. Tony B & VV agreed and they started thinking about releasing a lower cost version with the VV chip after shipping out 40k units with the Gene chip.
* Tony B says through a source he found out a week ago that VooPoo is designing a 80W squonkers themselves. He claims VooPoo saw all the buzz around Pulse 80W and decided make a squonker of own than simply be the chip supplier for the Pulse 80w.
* Tony claims Voopoo was just stringing them along, stalling production so Voopoo can be the first to market. Once VooPoo's mod is out they could then completely back out of the deal saying Pulse 80w competes with VooPoo's product.
* Tony claims a top exec for VooPoo claimed Pulse 80w resin panels look just like the Drag panels, and VV was copying Voopoo. The exec said people might think it's a VooPoo mod. According to Tony VooPoo claims they have a patent on the resin.
* Tony also claims that VooPoo had their employees posting on Tony's posts promoting the Pulse 80w, saying the mod looks like the Drag, and VV is copying VooPoo.
* In this matter Tony says both VooPoo and VV sourced the resin panel from the same third party. Tony offered to source resin from a different company or not use resin all together, to which VooPoo didn't respond.
* VooPoo then sent emails to VV urging them to give up on the Pulse 80w, saying it can't compete with VooPoo's offering.
* Vandy Vape's chip has been in development for a year and it's gonna be used on the Pulse 80w now.
* Tony has tested the chip, they have other projects in development with that chip
* The chip will be ready to go when the Gene chip was supposed to arrive. He didn't say it but it seems like there shouldn't be any more delay past the current mid april dates.
* The mod is gonna cost less now. At least $10 less
* No DNA chip because of cost.
* Tony has a version of the Pulse 80w with the VV chip on the way to him right now. He will do a video mid next week.
Gotta say that’s some shafting by voopoo to do that to Vandy Vape :/. I’m not a fan of voopoo mods as it is, damn fugly mods but that’s real low what they have done to Vandy Vape.
No doubt voopoo will now release a gene chip regulated squonk mod themselves :/.