Speaking of Red Astaire, I've been vaping that almost exclusively for ages. I buy a 30ml concentrate from T-Juice about every 2 to 3 months for about £10 a pop and mix up 30ml bottles at 15% flavour (4.5ml), 70/30 VG/PG and 3mg of 72% nic.
I'm thinking it's about time I bought some more flavours and made my own Red Astaire. Can anyone recommend a good recipe that they've tried themselves that is very close to it? I haven't actually looked on e-recipes yet.
I go through 200ml of it a week 15%@1%Nic 80/20.
I've tried a mass amount of eBay liquids claiming to be close to the flavour and followed a recipe but they all taste so different. T Juice has something else in it in sure.