Will go swap the other bottle I got and see how I get on, thanks for all the comments guys..Try with a 50/50VG juice mate. You'll have much better results.
Will go swap the other bottle I got and see how I get on, thanks for all the comments guys..Try with a 50/50VG juice mate. You'll have much better results.
Hmmmm and what do you have now?
Where do you get your bottle shots? Been using Boss shots lately but find the flavours hit and miss, found a few nice ones though.
I use ELFC mostly as if you sign up to their email, they do 2/3 offers a week with good discounts:
DripHacks- Sparkout's been my adv for about a year now-it's labelled as a Vimto flavour but to me it tastes exactly like chewing a load of fruit pastels, really fruity, Mango/Mango Cryo/Cryo Granita(Lemon slush puppy)-Smashberry/Fall of Jotun(like a refreshers bar).
Nom Nomz- Nom Bongo fruity, and Nom Bongo Ice-but it really is Icy.
Punk Juice
They do an Artistry brand too, now although I haven't bought any I'm pretty sure they are Flavor Art concentrates(the FA blended range that sell in 10ml and ELFC have made them into bottle shots that are cheaper than buying just the 10ml concentrate direct from FA).
For example this:https://www.eliquidflavourconcentra...flavour-shot-diy-elfc/cream-tea-shot-diy-elfc
Is https://www.chefsflavours.co.uk/flavourart-concentrates/2121-cornish-cream-tea.html
Captains custard range
Also use Darkstar for Cerberus-custard https://www.darkstarvapour.co.uk/bottle-shots/bottle-shot-cerberus
DripHacks- Sparkout's been my adv for about a year now-it's labelled as a Vimto flavour but to me it tastes exactly like chewing a load of fruit pastels, really fruity, Mango/Mango Cryo/Cryo Granita(Lemon slush puppy)-Smashberry/Fall of Jotun(like a refreshers bar).
Just an update guys, popped back to the shop and got some 50/50 Berry Nice juice, my new 0.5 coils arrived today and hey presto no burn got it on 20w at the moment with ring neck tight so no air flow just direct to lungs, so far so goodTry with a 50/50VG juice mate. You'll have much better results.
How often should I change the coil, when I taste burning or every two week or so?
Cheers G, is it SnV?Try FA Vimtonic at 3-5%. Been trying it for about a week now, pretty good Vimto flavour.
Cheers G, is it SnV?
I'll give it a try next time I put an order in, just so happens that artistry brand I was talking about has a V-Tonic bottle shot has 10ml concentrate(recommended 8%) and costs £2.75.
You tried any of the new flavours yet?
Looking into doing this for health reasons so wanting to go for a kit without messing about and recommendations on CBD eliquids/oils.
hopefully this will help reduce my medications
All advice would be grateful
Yeah it is mate. It's quite a pokey flavour as a shake n vape, but it settles down somewhat after about a week. I mixed it at 3% but I reckon you can go higher than that without issue.
A few places I've seen now are buying FA stuff in bulk and re-bottling it to make it cheaper. I've seen Chefs and Vapable both doing it. Chefs being Flavour Creative (£2 / 10ml) and I think Vapable's is Arte Italiano (£1.49 / 10ml). Wouldn't surprise me that ELFC are doing something similar.
I've tried a couple of the new flavours. I ordered all of them but only tried Asso (Ace), King and Jack. Asso is pretty damn good tbh. Haven't done anything with the others yet, although I did make an Elderflower (FLV) & Gin (FA) recipe which was pretty good as a summer time vape, albeit after a while it sorta tasted like Fennel/Aniseed!
Didn't know Darkstar were stocking FA now, £4 for 30ml is good. Just shame about the bottles they come in, wish they had a needle tip like most concentrates. Saves having to use a bloody pipette!