***The Vapers Lounge*** 3.0

Been over a month off the smokes now, best flavour I've had so far and for the last couple of weeks is Heisenburg, I'm currently using Vapour Freaks Voodoo (which is a rip off from Heisenburg), but get it in 100ml bottles for £25.
Vape mail!

Rx2/3, some batteries, xtar 4 bay charger, 22&32awg wire, and my order from jackamoo.

Only tried the blue slush thus far, but i am mightily impressed, and they included a few free samples with the order too. Waiting for batteries to charge before trying out the rx with the new paralells claptons in the vcmt.

Tl;dr this week gon' be gud

Id like your thoughts on the RX2/3 once you've got to grips with it, im looking for something to replace my Cuboid with.
Id like your thoughts on the RX2/3 once you've got to grips with it, im looking for something to replace my Cuboid with.

No probs.

Initial thoughts are its pretty nifty, it's got 2 backplates, one for the familiar hexagon shape with 3 batteries, and a flat one that makes it the actual releaux shape. Bit fiddly to re-attatch but seems secure enough (its a spring catch rather than a magnet)

Manual says its 6v 150w peak for 2 batteries, 9v 200w for 3 50a max current for either. Coil wise its the standard 0.1 ohm power mode limit and the usual ni200/ti/ss/programmable curve for tc.

Fits well in the hand, although kinda glossy finish (coming from the rubberised sigelei that is)

Usb charging looks both nifty and dodgy at the same time (cell balancing wise, but good for emergencies), firmware updatable too (although i dont bother with tc)

I'll give further thoughts once these batteries are done and i can get using it
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Well I've just killed my latest box mod. Sods law because last week I had a clear out and disposed of all my old mods, which I regret now as I sit here grumpy without nicotine.

Will pop somewhere local tomorrow and hope they have something decent in stock at a reasonable price.
Well I've just killed my latest box mod. Sods law because last week I had a clear out and disposed of all my old mods, which I regret now as I sit here grumpy without nicotine.

Will pop somewhere local tomorrow and hope they have something decent in stock at a reasonable price.

Feel for ya man, had it happen once and never again, always keep 2 functional mods in circulation at any one time.

Fingers crossed you find something decent
Feel for ya man, had it happen once and never again, always keep 2 functional mods in circulation at any one time.

Fingers crossed you find something decent

I was going to get the Rx2/3 but as a dripper man I thought it was about time to get a sqonker(sp?). I got the Kanger 160 Dripbox in stainless steel. Got it set up in the shop with a 100ml bottle of a beard #5 clone and so far I'm loving it.
I was going to get the Rx2/3 but as a dripper man I thought it was about time to get a sqonker(sp?). I got the Kanger 160 Dripbox in stainless steel. Got it set up in the shop with a 100ml bottle of a beard #5 clone and so far I'm loving it.

fair play

i've just been getting to grips with the rx2/3 myself.

seems to work pretty much as intended, currently chucking 80w through this build in the vcmt and it's running fine, no real comment there that's what its meant to do :D
Hey guys iv been vaping now since last Tuesday iv been a smoker now for 25 years since iv had this machine iv not had a roll up..

Was a bit of a outlay to start with but sure is going to be worth it in the long run, Wish i done this a long time ago
So some further thoughts on the rx2/3

Battery changes arent fun, the battery bay pops open fine and the 2 on the main half are ok, but the one in the backstrap doesnt have a ribbon, so it's either a screwdriver or a good ol' slap to pop it out. Re fitting batteries is easy though (compared to the sigelei which was a very tight fit for a flat top)

The backstrap is a tad fiddly to re-fit as the locking tabs are quite hard to line up, although tbf it's very securely held once on.

In use it does warm up a lot, although i'm not 100% sure if its the mod itself or heat transferred through from the vcmt (starting to think the coil is shorting through the casing)
So some further thoughts on the rx2/3

Battery changes arent fun, the battery bay pops open fine and the 2 on the main half are ok, but the one in the backstrap doesnt have a ribbon, so it's either a screwdriver or a good ol' slap to pop it out. Re fitting batteries is easy though (compared to the sigelei which was a very tight fit for a flat top)

The backstrap is a tad fiddly to re-fit as the locking tabs are quite hard to line up, although tbf it's very securely held once on.

In use it does warm up a lot, although i'm not 100% sure if its the mod itself or heat transferred through from the vcmt (starting to think the coil is shorting through the casing)

Interesting, to be fair my Cuboid gets warm during use, doubt its the tank as its only pulling 50w with a 40w preheat for 0.3s
Interesting, to be fair my Cuboid gets warm during use, doubt its the tank as its only pulling 50w with a 40w preheat for 0.3s
All my mods heat up during extended use.
With a lot of them, turning off then clicking the fire 10 times brings up the mod temperature. I assume there's a reason for that.
The same with 20 clicks brings up the firmware version on some of them too, incidentally.
25mm Sapor RTA better be good, accidentally ordered two. Had one on order with ft for a while, got fed up and ordered one from noble vapes, went to cancelled the ft to find its just come in to stock to be shipped :p
So, further thoughts, rebuilt the vcmt, and tried minimising wick, made a massive difference, i always wick to block up the juice holes and prevent leaks, however this time ive tried much less and it's worked well.

Took a couple of tries, theres a fine line between too much and not enough.

The rx2/3 is chugging grand now, not warming up so it was definately transmission from the tank before (think that coil was shorting on the tank, 4mm id might have sprung out), one downside i noticed is it gets quite slippery when you get any juice, which means condensation is fun.

Getting the hang of battery changes, but dont think its something one human has enough hands to do on the move.
went out drinking and lost my RX2/3 and aromiser supreme, im gutted.


I still struggle to stay off the cigs when I'm drinking. To the point I mostly don't take it out with me. The times I have, it last till a certain point, then I get weak and buy cigs. Anyone else? Or do you manage to stay on e-cig all night?
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