***The Vapers Lounge*** 3.0

Jackamoo said they don't add sweetener to there's so it won't be exactly like Elements. Which also hopefully means it won't destroy my coils! :)

Will let you know!



Jackamoos stuff has been quite good for me thus far in terms of coil life if you dont swap flavours too often, although the lemon creme oreo doesnt react well to a tfv4
Jackamoo said they don't add sweetener to there's so it won't be exactly like Elements. Which also hopefully means it won't destroy my coils! :)

Will let you know!



Yeah but then the concentrates they're using could already contain sugars/sweeteners.

No harm in trying it though, if it's clear in colour and your coils last then bonus I guess.
Yeah but then the concentrates they're using could already contain sugars/sweeteners.

No harm in trying it though, if it's clear in colour and your coils last then bonus I guess.

Ordered 100ml, if it's nice then great, of not then it's only £12.80 delivered so **** it. :)

They even said they will do it as 1.5 strength because I'm a pussy and 3 is too hardcore for me lol (gives me a headache)


Personally i find the q4's are the best coils compared to the tri/quad head coils, the multi heads add something strange to the flavour, the q4's give a nice clean vape.

Excuse my ignorance on this but are the Q4's not quad heads?

Made for the TFV4 tank, the brand new TF-Q4 coils are wholly unique. Featuring quadruple coil heads

I was getting confused when trying to get some heads to go with this tank and could only see the 3 or 4 head coils.
Apologies if already mentioned in this thread, but Isle of custard are having a 40% off sale as they are closing their online store from the end of the month. Discount code "BOUNTY"

For £35 I've snagged 110ml of Son of a biscuit eater + 110ml of Blackbeard's Blood. I rarely pay anything close to that for 220ml of juice, but it's certainly worth it on this occasion.

I tried them well over a year ago, and remember draining out literally every last drop of both bottles before admitting defeat and throwing the empties away!

Looking forward to trying them again, will probably let them steep until Christmas and have them as a bit of a treat :)
Finally got my 25mm Sapor RTA.... Probably the best flavor direct to lung RTA I've ever used. One con, and its mentioned in reviews is that due to the design it wobbles ever so slightly when its all lined up.

So far very impressed, wotofo are owning the RTA and RDA markets at the moment, can't fault them at all.
Excuse my ignorance on this but are the Q4's not quad heads?

Made for the TFV4 tank, the brand new TF-Q4 coils are wholly unique. Featuring quadruple coil heads

I was getting confused when trying to get some heads to go with this tank and could only see the 3 or 4 head coils.

Ahh yes, its very confusing how they market it.

The q4 is basically a giant vertical coil, looks to be two distinct coils along its length made of 2 paralell wires, but theres only one hole.

The tri and quad head ones (hex and octo coil) have 3/4 holes with 1 coil of 2 paralell wires.

You can recognise the q4's as they have horizontal slots in the sides and you cant see the wick.

Both the tri and octo heads have a vertical hole with the cotton visible.
Tonight's mixing!


ELEMENT Pink Lemonade clone.
Grapefruit (INW), Lemonade (FLV) & Marshmellow (FA) - something I came up with myself.
D D Danneh's Rhubarb & Custard - it's DELICIOUS!

285ml total. Took 20mins.
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Apologies if already mentioned in this thread, but Isle of custard are having a 40% off sale as they are closing their online store from the end of the month. Discount code "BOUNTY"

For £35 I've snagged 110ml of Son of a biscuit eater + 110ml of Blackbeard's Blood. I rarely pay anything close to that for 220ml of juice, but it's certainly worth it on this occasion.

I tried them well over a year ago, and remember draining out literally every last drop of both bottles before admitting defeat and throwing the empties away!

Looking forward to trying them again, will probably let them steep until Christmas and have them as a bit of a treat :)

If you are a fan of Son of a biscuit eater check out Flavour Boss, you can get enough concentrate to make 500ml of a very very close clone of it for around £15.
This Grapefruit Lemonade I came up with is lovely. Marshmellow just adds enough sweetness and softens the sharpness of the Grapefruit slightly.
Cant believe ive just bought all the stuff for mixing my own juices. I really REALLY hope its worth the £50 i just spent. :eek:
Dunno how it came to fifty as originally i had it all planned out to come to roughly £38 delivered. Due to the way one shop worked it out it came out a little more than i thought it was but then again i did buy the bottles from the same place as my nic and pg and vg which bumped the postage a few quid more too. Also bought a few more concentrates more than i had planned, as if i just got the 3-4 i was originally gona get which was for just muffin man clone i thought hmm im gona be spending all this for 1 flav juice of 100ml or so, fk that i want at least a few to get going so i got 7. :p

Really hope i can make a lot of tasty juice that i dont get bored of quickly or that it loses its taste after steeping as for some reason i tend to like juice fresh and not when its been in cupboard for a week or two lol.

Will try to post a vape mail of when the stuff gets here to show and show some bottled juices after i mix up some muffin man and some rhubarb and custard and if i can mix another thing with stuff i have concentrates wise a third one. Would have liked to get a strawberry and kiwi capella concentrate but i think ive spend too much. Maybe in a few weeks when i might have a few quid spare i might try making a mix of that with some stuff i have.

If anyone wants a shopping list of trying mixing let me know and ill upload it somewhere to share. You can save by removing the concentrates i picked and pick your own so theres about 18 quid from 50 saved there by removing the concentrates and ur free to pick what u like and maybe dont get 10x 100ml bottles just 5 so theres 2 quid saved there too.
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100ml PG 72mg nic £10
1L VG £7 (ebay)
30ml Vampire Vape juice £10

=£27 + P&P for 200ml of juice.

Next order 30ml VV juice £10 = 200ml for £10

repeat for ages since the nic and vg will make over a litre

Your fresh juice will need to be in a cupboard for a while anyway to steep if mixing up concentrates. You don't need to do this so much with the premixed ones like vampire vape
Cant believe ive just bought all the stuff for mixing my own juices. I really REALLY hope its worth the £50 i just spent. :eek:
Dunno how it came to fifty as originally i had it all planned out to come to roughly £38 delivered. Due to the way one shop worked it out it came out a little more than i thought it was but then again i did buy the bottles from the same place as my nic and pg and vg which bumped the postage a few quid more too. Also bought a few more concentrates more than i had planned, as if i just got the 3-4 i was originally gona get which was for just muffin man clone i thought hmm im gona be spending all this for 1 flav juice of 100ml or so, fk that i want at least a few to get going so i got 7. :p

Really hope i can make a lot of tasty juice that i dont get bored of quickly or that it loses its taste after steeping as for some reason i tend to like juice fresh and not when its been in cupboard for a week or two lol.

Will try to post a vape mail of when the stuff gets here to show and show some bottled juices after i mix up some muffin man and some rhubarb and custard and if i can mix another thing with stuff i have concentrates wise a third one. Would have liked to get a strawberry and kiwi capella concentrate but i think ive spend too much. Maybe in a few weeks when i might have a few quid spare i might try making a mix of that with some stuff i have.

If anyone wants a shopping list of trying mixing let me know and ill upload it somewhere to share. You can save by removing the concentrates i picked and pick your own so theres about 18 quid from 50 saved there by removing the concentrates and ur free to pick what u like and maybe dont get 10x 100ml bottles just 5 so theres 2 quid saved there too.

What others did you buy?

Your fresh juice will need to be in a cupboard for a while anyway to steep if mixing up concentrates.

Not true. Completely depends on the concentrates.
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rhubarb and custard concentrate 15ml for about £1.50 ish from www.lubrisolve.com (thought was worth a try for the price)

Chefs Flavours : Rhubarb £3.50 INW Delivered.

French Vanilla (V2) Capella Flavour Concentrate ( Bottle Size: 10ml (£2.29) )£2.29
Apple Fuji Flavour Art Concentrate (10ml)£3.20
Cinnamon Danish Swirl (V2) Capella Flavour Concentrate ( Bottle Size: 10ml (£2.29) )£2.29
Cream Fresh Flavour Art Concentrate (10ml)£3.20
Vanilla Custard (V2) Capella Flavour Concentrate ( Bottle Size: 10ml (£2.29) )£2.29
rhubarb and custard concentrate 15ml for about £1.50 ish from www.lubrisolve.com (thought was worth a try for the price)

Chefs Flavours : Rhubarb £3.50 INW Delivered.

French Vanilla (V2) Capella Flavour Concentrate ( Bottle Size: 10ml (£2.29) )£2.29
Apple Fuji Flavour Art Concentrate (10ml)£3.20
Cinnamon Danish Swirl (V2) Capella Flavour Concentrate ( Bottle Size: 10ml (£2.29) )£2.29
Cream Fresh Flavour Art Concentrate (10ml)£3.20
Vanilla Custard (V2) Capella Flavour Concentrate ( Bottle Size: 10ml (£2.29) )£2.29

Didn't know Lubrisolve did concentrates so I can't comment on how that R&C will be.

Looks like you got the flavours to make Danneh's recipe. I'm vaping it today and it's really good! Only going to get better with time too.

Did you get the scales as well?
Yep. :)

Yeah i tried to get the stuff for dannehs r&c recipe as best i could. Couldn't get fa vanilla so got cap vanilla instead hopefully just as good flav wise.

About lubrisolve concentrate. I know its a gamble, flav wise, but from desc it seems it wont have nasties in thats why i risked it, if its true i cant say but i gotta hope they arnt lying. As they said in desc. "Our flavour concentrates are free from Diacetyl, artificial sweeteners, sugars, sweet'n'low, splenda, saccharine, aspartame, caffeine or sodium & are corn, gluten and peanut derivative free."
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Couldnt get anything more than 1 concentrate from CF as postage would shoot up from £1 to £3.30 ish. So just got the rhubarb from them, rest at vapable due to if u do £10 worth its free del hence i got vanilla from there.

You reckon it was a mistake then and would effect the recipe too much?
Couldnt get anything more than 1 concentrate from CF as postage would shoot up from £1 to £3.30 ish. So just got the rhubarb from them, rest at vapable due to if u do £10 worth its free del hence i got vanilla from there.

You reckon it was a mistake then and would effect the recipe too much?

Vapable do sell Vanilla Classic - http://vapable.com/product/vanilla-classic-flavour-art-concentrate-10ml/

I've not used French Vanilla so I don't know how it tastes. I swear by Vanilla Classic though when a recipe needs Vanilla and that's what I used in the recipe so I'd recommend swapping it for that, personally.
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