***The Vapers Lounge*** 3.0


Is it possible to mix my own if i get the stuff to make these juices at 70/30 vg/pg 3mg nic

Rhubarb and custard
Raspberry rasputin from rejuiced (if theres a clone of it)
Muffin man.

Without any nasties in? I looked at FA but when i searched the site for rhubarb nothing showed up.

Is it worth risking mixing for me as im not the best at having a spotless house lol so worried about contamination as im not the best at keeping stuff clean. Infact if i can help it id not clean stuff unless i have to hehe. Lazy i know.

Vapable sell a Rhubarb & Custard concentrate, it's their own brand so I'm not sure if it contains any Diketones. I think Danneh made a Rhubarb & Custard from scratch though so you may have to ask him for the recipe.

Raspberry Rasputin is just a standard Raspberry flavour isn't it? In that case, FA Raspberry or Capella Raspberry v2 would be a good start. Both great flavours.

Muffin man (I think) is FW (FlavourWest) Cinnamon Roll and FA (FlavourArt) Fuji. As I've mentioned before I stay well away from any FW concentrates. Saying that I've just found one that uses all Capella concentrates so you could swap them for the v2's and you'll be Diketone free. (Capella Apple Pie v2, Capella Cinnamon Danish Swirl v2 & Capella Double Apple)

You don't need a spotless house. If you're mixing for personal use I wouldn't worry too much (unless your house is an absolute ****hole). A kitchen worktop would suffice.


EDIT: Found Danneh's post

I grabbed the Raspberry too, it's very similar to FA's, not sure which I prefer. Both very nice!

Rhubarb 'n' Custard:
1.5% INW Rhubarb
1.5% FA Fresh Cream
1.5% TFA Vanillin (I'd use an FA vanilla, this was just all I had)
4% CAP Vanilla Custard V2

I'm sure that can be improved on a lot, but that was my first attempt and I liked it enough to make a 250ml that I'm still working my way through :p My mate also liked it enough to want to use my rhubarb to make some. He used his V1 custard though, which was admittedly nicer, but not enough to warrant nasties IMO.
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Yeah jackomoo isn't appealing to me to be fair these juices are loaded with sucralose it seems to me anyway as they are overpoweringly sweet

The pinkman (pink jizz) has a decent after taste but just too darn sweet. I'm yet to try the other flavours i bought but after trying two I'm not a fan.
Is there a cheaper scales i could get as £15 seems a bit much i thought.

Hmm cheers for the reply gee, btw added u on steam hope thats ok, just incase i need to talk through things if i start mixing etc.

Hmm so does this company have nasties in their concentrates? http://www.inaweraflavours.com/en/classic-flavours/1000-rhubarb-yummy-classic.html

These scales should work fine mate - link (ebay)

Inawera are a good company, I've got a couple of their fruit concentrates myself. However they've never released any documentation regarding whether or not they do contain any known diketones. From what I've found/read online they've said they do NOT contain them. But until I see some solid evidence I'll stick to the other manufacturers myself.

P.S. Accepted you on Steam!
Not that anyone cares but i just tried dragon tears again from jackamoo juice and again too sweet i don't know if its sucralose added or what but its an acquired taste i guess tastes just like pinkman but has a menthol aftertaste which i hate.

I'm not finding anything i like lately apart from the www3 brand i had before but it lasts about 5 mins sadly.
Not that anyone cares but i just tried dragon tears again from jackamoo juice and again too sweet i don't know if its sucralose added or what but its an acquired taste i guess tastes just like pinkman but has a menthol aftertaste which i hate.

I'm not finding anything i like lately apart from the www3 brand i had before but it lasts about 5 mins sadly.

Mmmm I've recently got some of the Dragons Tears and I don't find it sweet at all really, it's one of my least favourite ones I've had from Jackamoo.

I think I'm gonna stick with Blue Slush and the occasional Ribena to alternate from Jackamoo, not been super impressed with the other flavours in the range.
Mmmm I've recently got some of the Dragons Tears and I don't find it sweet at all really, it's one of my least favourite ones I've had from Jackamoo.

I think I'm gonna stick with Blue Slush and the occasional Ribena to alternate from Jackamoo, not been super impressed with the other flavours in the range.

i found a decent tasting juice called syco at my local bricks and mortar which has always been decent but thought i would try something different as it was £15 for 60ml where i bought 150ml for £25 and sadly wasted that as these juices just aren't doing it for me way too much sweetness going on and the aftertaste is nasty but of course YMMV

Just tried blueberg which is horrible

Its a shame as i like supporting local companies too.
i found a decent tasting juice called syco at my local bricks and mortar which has always been decent but thought i would try something different as it was £15 for 60ml where i bought 150ml for £25 and sadly wasted that as these juices just aren't doing it for me way too much sweetness going on and the aftertaste is nasty but of course YMMV

Just tried blueberg which is horrible

Its a shame as i like supporting local companies too.

Some juices need time to settle. Put them in a dark cupboard for about a week and come back to it.

You may need to shake the bottle daily. I also like taking the cap off and squeezing the bottle a couple times to get fresh air into the bottle, then replace the cap.
Got some vapourdepot rasberry menthol today. Smells rancid, tastes absolutely fantastic :p Glad I bought 250ml of it, definitely an ADV.

Running on a troll V2, dual 24x2/32 Ni80 fused claptons, 6 spaced wraps over 3.5mm, 0.13ohm, a lovely cloudy vape at 140w.
After testing a whole host of flavours and ratios for my gf, we have a bunch to giveaway for free if anyone wants? Various suppliers, free postage, first come first served :)
After testing a whole host of flavours and ratios for my gf, we have a bunch to giveaway for free if anyone wants? Various suppliers, free postage, first come first served :)

Yeah i will as i need to try something different I'm going nuts

very kind of you.

i could also do the same with these jackomoo juices as i cant stand them.
Some juices need time to settle. Put them in a dark cupboard for about a week and come back to it.

You may need to shake the bottle daily. I also like taking the cap off and squeezing the bottle a couple times to get fresh air into the bottle, then replace the cap.

sorry but if I brought some juice that needed time to settle or steep.. it wouldn't be purchased again. My point of view is that I buy premade juice that's ready to vape and I'm paying them for the service of getting it ready for me.
I agree slinxy, when you buy stuff from a shop it or online as pre made you expect to be able to vape it when it gets delivered or taken home from the shop. Some places might not be able to but they should say that specifically that it has no storage for short term steeping at their place of creation and should be reflected in the price least then if those that are willing to steep can do and get a bargain but for the most part. Steeping should not be a requirement even for custard ones.

Gona try mixing which unfortunately will require storing in a dark cupboard for a week or more. But thats the price of going self made i guess. Hoping i can make stuff i really like and big quantity and save a lot of money with the cavet of having to steep it, some shouldnt take long tho, but some will probably. Plus knowing what is in them and getting stuff that is free from nasties is a plus.
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Hello everyone!

I'm new to the vape world and after abit of advice! I'm looking to pick up a starter kit in the next week or so and dont want to spend anymore than £60, anybody have any recommendations as to what to get? Looking for something quite small but not tiny! I've been looking at the smok alien?

Any help is much appreciated!
Avoid starter kits there no good imo.

MTL - Mouth to lung is where you vape like a cig. Might be good for start. If so google some guides that state mtl. A popular tank is the nautilus mini which atm i believe vape inc does it for 25 uid but using a code for 15% off should get that down a touch i think it comes witha variable wattage mod. Free delivery too iirc. Aim for ejuice that is aboout 50/50 so it wicks well. Might as well get spare coils too from smokepurer or somewhere like that. 1.8ohm ones and keep your watts about max of 11 but start from 9w.

DTL Direct to lung is more advance and you breath it straight to your lungs, its nice when you want more vapor but will cause big clouds and you use sub ohm builds like rda device or rta using a mod (battery device with controls) like a istick 30w or istick pico up to 75w. As lower the ohms the bigger the drain. pico is small and comes with a nice melo 3 rta or if you can make coils you can get aserpent mini.

Fasttech is good and cheap to get stuff but takes about 14 days from dispatch notice to get to you. Good savings tho if you can deal with the delay.

Pico requires buying 1850 batteries to put in your mod tho.
Istick 30 is enough for a naut mini or just use that mod that comes with naut mini kit from vapeinc.

Oh if you subohm most ppl go with 70vg juice and low nic like 3% but naut mini is like 50/50 juice but you can have higher nic juice than sub ohming.

Hope i have helped a bit.
Personally i'm still an advocate of the good ol' subtank/toptank, and an appropriate mod (battery box)

Its not the best but it'll allow you to do mtl, dtl, temp control and building your own coils all in one package so you can see what direction you want to go.

50/50 juice is a good shout as some tanks dont take well to heavier juices, although if you have a pg allergy then that'll decide things for you.

Mod wise you can go either an all in one unit like the istick or kbox, but bear in mind when the battery goes thats it, and itll take an age to charge. An 18650 mod is a good way to go if you want to future proof yourself a bit as if you decide you like cloud chasing its annoying buying new mods just because your old one isnt powerful enough.
Perhaps my favourite juice of all time Dripboy - Rabbix! Not sure if anyone is familiar with it? Anyhow I haven't had any for a while since as you know these "Premium" liquids tend to empty our wallets although it is on the cheaper end of the scale 50ML for £18. Anyhow I decided to give Jackamoo's - Lemon Heaven a try since it is their version of "Dinner Lady - Lemon tart" which I have tried and enjoyed! Now, Lemon Heaven is fantastic especially since out of no where it really reminds me of Dripboy - Rabbix too and coming in at £13.50 for 100ML I'm rather happy finding a new affordable juice since I was pretty exhausted of the typical "Strawberry/Cream OHW Milkman clones" Wasn't one for desert type flavours but really appreciating the subtle tones compared to fruit vapes.
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