Clear/light eliquid also prolongs cartomiser life. My coffee liquid clogs them real quick but vanilla does makes them last nearly twice as long
So I've bought a eGo mini starter kit to help me in my ongoing struggle to kick the ciggies due to the good things ive heard in this thread.
First off, I understand that all I'm doing is replacing cigarettes nicotine with this but I figured that being on vapour instead of tobacco has to be a good start.
Couple of questions, first off I bought both 8mg and 24mg menthol liquids from vapeescape, but I find the 24mg a really harsh hit but the 8 mg isnt supressing my cravings long enough :/
Because of this I am just trying to use the eGo to get over the initial urge to smoke, but with the 8mg and 24mg how long do I need to 'puff' for it to be equal to having a cig (I tend to inhale about the same as I usually would with normal cigs)? See I don't want to find out I've been vaping too much and making my cravings and addiction worse steadily.
First off, I understand that all I'm doing is replacing cigarettes nicotine with this but I figured that being on vapour instead of tobacco has to be a good start.
Nicotine isn't the harmful substance in cigarettes, it is the tar, carbon monoxide etc.
Nicotine is comparable to caffeine, it's addictive and a stimulant but taken in small does (like you get from a cigarette or e-cig) is fine.
The first 2 weeks is a bit of a balancing act with finding your feet and routine. Since there's no defined "end" of an e-cig, you can vape as much as you feel like. I found vaping a low nic juice, but vaping it a lot was my preferred option, because then I could sit down and relax with a good long vape as opposed to having my head blown off with a few toots on a high nic juice. I'd say maybe vape the low nic stuff in the evening, and then vape the high nic stuff when you're on the go. I would suggest either 11mg or 18mg for the future though.
sorry, what I meant was that I realise I'm not getting rid of the addiction, just replacing the source of the addiction if you will (and as you say all the tar etc)
thanks anyway
So the Ego Mega seems pretty harsh and I don't really get a lot of vapor from it - get much more from the 510.
I have made sure the tank is filled - in fact I probably over filled slightly to begin with.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong this time?
Ok ive got a couple of questions again, Recently got some Ry4 which is VG based, the seller diluted it with some distilled water for me, but its still not thin enough for the Bulli, its struggling to pull it down with 1 or 2 strands of wick, and with a straight mesh wick it floods and leaks - Any idea where i can Distilled water from? or If its safe to mix some of my same strength RY4 PG based into the RY4 thats vg to do the same job?.
Second is to Bulli owners/users, did your bulli kinda seep liquid from the threads between the base and spike part above the knurling? Mine is and im wondering if my threads are too loose.
You can get distilled water from any motoring shop (they use it for car batteries), or the easiest thing to do is just boil tap water and let it cool (that's all distilled water is in essence).
Yes you can mix your PG liquid with your VG. I make my own e-Liquid and although it's mainly VG based I use PG as a thinner. Another option is to use Vodka, it increases the throat hit and of course it distilled by nature.
Got a Vision Ego V3 rebuildable today, along with a spare head. Seems good so far, the first few puffs from a freshly charged battery are really throaty. It seems to vape quite hot and produces plenty of vapour but the flavour isn't quite as good as the Boge cartos I'm used to
7/10 so far