Hicks looking at your sig your going to be saving a fortuneNice one ;O
If you want to make it yourself Devrij I've heard it is just the custard from Capella with 2% (of 10%ish in PG) of ethyl maltol. I can't say if that is true or not but lots of people have been working on it. I'm not a real believer in steeping but have heard that this (and the pre made) need a good week to be even vapable.
Ordered a Vamo last night, does anyone know the best place online to get a nova? And has anyone had a problem with the drip tip coming off in their pocket? That's the only thing I'm worried about!
Guys, those UKV sigs break the forum limit of 20kB. Some of them are coming up at 38kB.
I've removed a couple but just posting this here to let you know why.
Whats the official word on buying/selling e-cig stuff here ?
Cool little trick for you DIY guys or for unsteeped liquids: using a (closed) glass container, sit the liquid in a pan of hot/boiled water (enough to mostly submerge it) for a few minutes, give it a shake, soak some more, and let cool. Instant steeping! Try it, it's sick.
Cool little trick for you DIY guys or for unsteeped liquids: using a (closed) glass container, sit the liquid in a pan of hot/boiled water (enough to mostly submerge it) for a few minutes, give it a shake, soak some more, and let cool. Instant steeping! Try it, it's sick.