Greetings one and all...
Just a brief outline of my recent experiences finishing with a summary of where I think I'll be heading kit-wise come next pay day, for any who may care to read it and who may enjoy reading rather lengthy, meandering appraisals.
My [former] cigarette routines were based on approx 30-a-day rollies with a slimline menthol filter.
20 + years worth be precise.
However, around about the beginning of March, the missus.. [also a rollie smoker] was gifted a basic Ego-C starter kit by her mum... [ now a former rollie smoker who had recently made a successful switch to the vape, for health reasons... ]
This starter kit just sat on a table for a week or so, with both myself and the missus doing little more than eyeing it up suspiciously as we both continued on with our rollies. Then, about a week later, the missus had cause to take a bit more of an interest in it. She was going out to a house-social, and the weather [as we all know] was bitterly cold in the U.K. She didn't really fancy standing outside in a garden or a front doorway whenever she wanted a cig, and here was a golden opportunity to put this vapour 'thingy' through it's paces for an evening.
She assembled it and filled it up with some of the 10 ml 'ice-menthol' (11mg nic) which accompanied it. We both gave it a go and to be truthful, it wasn't really love at first 'vape' for either of us. However, she took it out on the road and came back with tales of how good it was not to have to stand shivering outside throughout the evening.
Thereafter, rollie smoking continued.
I then decided to take this little Ego-C with me to work one evening throughout a night-shift with a view to avoiding my own need to nip out into the baltic temperatures in the wee, small hours. I also took my tin of rollies because I was nowhere near having ANY faith or trust that this little gizmo [by itself] could be a viable surrogate for my nicotine requirements.
The upshot of this, was that my needs/desires to 'step outside' for a smoke were at the very least halved throughout a 12 hour period. This made me extremely curious about the whole 'vaping' process, and that's when I proceeded to go on-line and investigate it all in much more depth. I found this forum, and soon realised that an Ego-C was generally regarded as a popular gateway device to a much larger and far more complex [and fascinating] sub-culture amongst ex-smokers.
'Vaping' now had my full, and undivided attention and for the first time, I entertained the notion that this could very well be [for me at least] the way forward towards better health, and a far more economical [and interesting] way of enjoying my 'nicotine-routines.'
I don't use the word habit, because I've always enjoyed smoking, and have always been self-aware enough to realise that I indulge in it entirely through an educated choice.
I decided that I was going to give vaping a shot, and that I was going to be my own 'guinea-pig' in the process. The one thing I knew right from the outset was that I would only ever migrate from smoking to vaping if I could consider vaping to be preferable to smoking. Not just a reasonable simulation which would involved a series of nagging compromises....but actually PREFERABLE, as in....
....give me a smoke and give me a vape, and tell me I can only suck on ONE of them....and I willingly and without any hesitation....choose the vape and chuck the smoke back at you with contempt.
I knew that this would be the only way that I personally....could be sold on this vaping malarkey.
In preparation for the upcoming experiment, I bought three more Ego-C batteries, four more clearos, another charger and a variety of E-Liquids ranging from 16mg nicotine through to 26mg.
If I was going to give myself a fair shot at this, I would have to feel confident that I had enough kit to get myself through working shifts [day & night] which lasted 12 hours at a time, without feeling that the technology involved in vaping could let me down at some stage.
I also decided to take my tin of rollies with me, and to put no pressure on myself if at any time I 'chose' to smoke rather than to vape. In truth, I did 'choose' to smoke a couple of times in the first few days, but as things progressed...these occasions became very few and far between, as gradually....I began to lean on the vaping act....rather than the smoking act.
Then came the day when I decided to take only my vaping kit with me to work. No rollies at all. By doing this, I was totally withdrawing that psychological backup I had in place, and as this day was a great success....another day.....and then another day.....and yet another day occurred when all I had with me was vaping kit, and I found this to be just fine and dandy as far I was concerned.
Then came the opportunity to say to the missus:
" If you're running short of rollies at any time, then there's still 30 in my tin which you're welcome to take whenever you want.....and don't need to replace them thank you very much...."
And take them she did, and so that meant that I was now rollie-less.....and did I care?
Nope....Not a single damn was given that day.
It was after about three and a half-weeks that I realised that I had passed the point of no return with this. I could now begin to smell the 'smoke' from the wife's rollies, and could also smell an even staler version of it on some of the clothes I had in my own wardrobe.
In the mornings, I am now waking up and taking in what feels like a big lungful of oxygen. I am no longer hawking up dark phlegm throughout my morning routines.
For my part, I now feel that the good old Ego-C has done it's stuff in bringing me this far and now that I consider myself to be a full-time's time to begin the business of upgrading.
So far, this has merely involved a rather modest purchase of the EVOD BCC....which has been really working well for me in delivering far better hit and taste.....even on a poky Ego 650 battery.
However, much reading and you-tubing has convinced me that my pathway is clear.
My next purchase will be a Vamo and as far as tanks go...I'm just going to enjoy the experimental process and continue learning....because to be honest, I think I've now earned the right to be in that highly pleasurable position.
E-Liquid flavour-wise....having already gone through the necessary 'novelty' phase of things like bubblegum and buttered popcorn....[yuck on both counts]..I seem to have settled on varying combination mixes involving menthol, apple and blueberry etc...I enjoy having a more fresher, citrusy flavoured vape given that it's something I'm doing practically all day.
Nic strengths have for me...settled anywhere between the original 16-26mg range I've already been buying, and only in the mornings or after meals...will I tend to load my tank with the higher strengths in order to get that higher kick, but even this routine is not especially crucial to me....especially since I purchased the EVOD.
So there we have it.
The missus has now been gradually weaning herself off the rollies and is only smoking one first thing in the morning and one when she comes in from work of an evening. The rest of the time, she's sucking an Ego/Clearo. I don't think she's having quite an easy time in 'transitioning' as I initially did.....but she seems just as determined.... and even as I write she only has mere 'crumbs' left in her baccy tub and has opted not to purchase any more.
Many thanks to this forum for being an invaluable lurking source of educational and moral support, and may this long continue.
I'll now remove myself to the parts of the board which cater for stupid questions from total novices who have money to spend and a shiny widget [or two] to purchase.
I thank you.