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I have used that exact wick before and it gives am amazing vape.

Tips: Never dry burn, burnt cotton is disgusting.
A boil to clean it is recommended.

Wire wise, 0.20mm or 0.18mm if you want a bit higher resistance.
personally would recommend 0.2mm as it is more useful in other applications.

As I have posted these everywhere else today, I thought I may as well put them here as well. Got my juice from scorpionblood.com and it is amazing.

First set up in an IGO-L, was lovely but a little warm. (Just a link due to resolution)

Second set up, in dual coil.

Don't those coils short with the wraps so close?
Don't those coils short with the wraps so close?

Not at all, here is another I was playing with yesterday (or the day before, i forget now)


Disclaimer: If you don't have a good knowledge of the science behind it, please don't try and recreate my set ups.
Stick with what you feel comfortable with, and get a good handle on ohms law before moving away from the basic coil set ups.

Don't blame me if you make a battery explode, I warned you otherwise ;)
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I received my EGO-T CE5 kit today, I've only got two words to say about it at the moment - Love It :) I will write up another post on it later on this evening.

Just got my vivi nova, the box says 3.5ml (I bought it as a 3.5ml) on the top but the indicators on the tube only go up to 2.8ml. Is that right? Its the V2.
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How often do you Kanger Protank owners change the heads?

Also, I take it vaping inside isn't going to turn things brown like smoking would right? I never smoked in the house but do vape indoors, and dont want to taint the walls etc. :)
How often do you Kanger Protank owners change the heads?

Also, I take it vaping inside isn't going to turn things brown like smoking would right? I never smoked in the house but do vape indoors, and dont want to taint the walls etc. :)

It doesn't have the tar that does the staining so it doesn't.
Great stuff! What flavour are you vaping?

At the minute I've currently got the Strawberry & Cherry Cigar flavours, and I really like them! I've been smoking the Strawberry one throughout the day and I've just started to get into Cherry Cigar one properly :)

As soon as the kit arrived this morning I put together one of the units with the Strawberry fluid and decided to give it a quick test, and wow... a near enough instant nicotine hit (by the fourth vape the nicotine rush in my head was insane!) while at the same time enjoying the Strawberry taste in my mouth and out of my nostrils! - excellent.

I've been getting used to it throughout the day but by 6pm this evening I am already down to 0.7ml in the Strawberry's fluid chamber, down from 1.6ml when I first had it this morning lol!

The amount of vape and enjoyment these kits produce is absolutely amazing, such a nice step up from the rubbish e-cigs! Even though it's early days yet, I like to think that while having these things - I will never go back to proper fags again :)

So far I am really impressed with this kit, so much so that I've already placed another order on Vapeland for 3 more Clearomizers to go with 2 more flavour fluids which are also part of the order (Blueberry & USA Mix tobacco). Lastly the third Clearomizer on the order will be used in conjunction with a Gold & Silver tobacco fluid flavouring which is kindly being sent to me by Hicks on here :)

Many thanks to all of you guys once again on here who have helped me out and given me advice!

At the minute I've currently got the Strawberry & Cherry Cigar flavours, and I really like them! I've been smoking the Strawberry one throughout the day and I've just started to get into Cherry Cigar one properly :)

As soon as the kit arrived this morning I put together one of the units with the Strawberry fluid and decided to give it a quick test, and wow... a near enough instant nicotine hit (by the fourth vape the nicotine rush in my head was insane!) while at the same time enjoying the Strawberry taste in my mouth and out of my nostrils! - excellent.

I've been getting used to it throughout the day but by 6pm this evening I am already down to 0.7ml in the Strawberry's fluid chamber, down from 1.6ml when I first had it this morning lol!

The amount of vape and enjoyment these kits produce is absolutely amazing, such a nice step up from the rubbish e-cigs! Even though it's early days yet, I like to think that while having these things - I will never go back to proper fags again :)

So far I am really impressed with this kit, so much so that I've already placed another order on Vapeland for 3 more Clearomizers to go with 2 more flavour fluids which are also part of the order (Blueberry & USA Mix tobacco). Lastly the third Clearomizer on the order will be used in conjunction with a Gold & Silver tobacco fluid flavouring which is kindly being sent to me by Hicks on here :)

Many thanks to all of you guys once again on here who have helped me out and given me advice!


Well done, i felt exactly the same :)
I usually go through about 2.5-3.0 mls a day, but i use 11mg juice.
Dont forget to order some replacement coils, it works out cheaper than buying the whole clearomiser. or if u feel like it, try recoling them yourself, its quite easy on the CE5's, loads of vids on youtube.
A coil will usually last 2-4 weeks, u will know when it goes, no vaper or taste
Well done, i felt exactly the same :)
I usually go through about 2.5-3.0 mls a day, but i use 11mg juice.
Dont forget to order some replacement coils, it works out cheaper than buying the whole clearomiser. or if u feel like it, try recoling them yourself, its quite easy on the CE5's, loads of vids on youtube.
A coil will usually last 2-4 weeks, u will know when it goes, no vaper or taste

Thanks for the heads up mate, I will keep that in mind and in future I will order the replacement coils :)

Just pressed Go on the VV2 SS kit from VapourBreak, along with a SS Vivi Nova, Vivi Nova kit (with spare coils) and 2 spare 650 batteries. How long did others wait on average (I appreciate the orders coming from China) with standard delivery?
Also ordered some Apple ejuice from Vapeland as I've been using that flavour cartomiser on the cheapo e-cig my mate gave me. Will see how I get on before trying other flavours (I really like the fruity taste) and can't wait to try Coconut Ice... Thanks to everyone for your advice - fingers crossed for speedy delivery!
From what I've read of people buying them from Vaporbreak, anything from 8-30 days, usually at the lower end of that range.

You probably already know this but the cheap chargers that come with the kits are reported to be a fire hazard and probably best thrown in the bin. Xtar and Nitecore make decent quality chargers so you may want to look into getting one. Shouldn't really leave batteries charging unattended but I'm sure most people don't spend hours in the same room as their charger!

If the Hangsen apple is anything like the Hangsen apple sample I've tried, it's not a tart flavour but more of an apple juice flavour, quite realistic at that. Not quite my cup of tea but everyone has a different taste for flavours, Hope you get on with it though. People always give the good advice of trying small amounts of liquid before buying loads of it and here's a good site where you can buy 5ml samples of Hangsen:

My GF dropped my VAMO/Protank yesterday, Bent the thread..... Now the PT sits at an angle on the VAMO. Ordered a new one, in fact ordered two more, in case she does it again....! lol

Bought some Decadent Vapours menthol nice clean flavour with a great throat hit although nothing amazing and still prefer my Titan fluid menthol.

Quick question, read that GVC performs better with Silica Wick now I'm using it in a DCT now what are peoples thoughts in using GVC in a Dual Coil Carto is this not getting the best out of the juice for me as I can't say I can taste any subtle flavours just mainly the spice of the juice.
My GF dropped my VAMO/Protank yesterday, Bent the thread..... Now the PT sits at an angle on the VAMO. Ordered a new one, in fact ordered two more, in case she does it again....! lol


The Uk Vapours forum has a thread showing people how to put a new o ring in (some of the first version were shorting at the 510 connector) so it shouldn't be to hard to fix it for yourself.

DV menthol is just menthol crystals doesn't have any of the mint or tobacco background that other menthol flavours often have.
Got my Vamo v2 delivered to the office today... getting funny looks from people who think I've got a lightsabre haha!

Absolutely loving it, and it has proven that it was my eGo-C Twist which was burning my wicks in my Vivi Nova and mini. They work perfect with the Vamo v2 :)

Any one suggest an awesome, flush fitting (although not necessary) tank to go with? I saw the RSST but then saw you had to man handle some mesh and got scared. Protank looks nice - which tank do you guys prefer with your Vamo? :)
kanger protank is perfect on vamo, i have 2. Do not screw it too tight though otherwise theres no resistance and the screen on the vamo will just come up saying "lo", this was giving me grief for a good few hours. Check the resistsance by pressing and holding the right hand small button down for a few seconds. Make sure its on setting no2 as well. Grants vanilla custard tastes strange through a protank though, i dont use it for that. Its great for fruity flavors like raspberry and strawberry.
Yep, got mine in RMS and currently reading a resistance of 1.9ohm on my 1.8 wick in my mini nova.

Will order a Protank, although I'm not a fan of the solid metal mouth piece, will give it a try anyway. Cheers :)
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