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There is a higher risk of them blowing up. It is just an extra risk that ain't worth it.

Edit: I don't really know a lot about it but it has something to do with them damaging each other if they don't have the same charge or capacity.
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I know you shouldn't stack them, but why, what happens? No I am not going to try it!

When I tried stacking, I got a horrible burnt taste even at low watts. A bit like it tasted when I tried vaping at 15W to see how bad it was.
That vent hole at the bottom of your vamo? Imagine what happens if the top battery vents and that hole is blocked by another battery.
I had no idea stacking the 350s was a risk! To be fair, I have only ever used the two 350s I received with my Vamo at the same time and charged them both for the same time. I only use them when either of my 650s are charging...
I had no idea stacking the 350s was a risk! To be fair, I have only ever used the two 350s I received with my Vamo at the same time and charged them both for the same time. I only use them when either of my 650s are charging...

It is a higher risk but not a high risk. As long as the batteries stay in the same state of max capacity and charge level. Laptop batteries are stacked 18650s I've read and you don't hear of many fires. I personally feel it isn't worth risking and it adds more complexity for no benefit.
Well I've been vaping at 29.4w and its never tasted better!

Wow. Seriously? 29.4w?


Well in the red according to this, infact I did not even think it was possible to vape at such hich vottage.
Yeah of course its possible.

I have been vaping on my new mechanical all weekend.

Running a 0.6ohm coil with a fresh battery at 4.2 = 29.4w.

Obviously as the battery drains the wattage will drop but even at 3.8v I'm still happily vaping at 24w.

I'm definitely converted to mechanicals now, absolutely love it.

Behold the Nemesis:

This is running in 18500 mode and will easily last me all day long.

It's so tiny and pocket friendly. Perfect. Just need to polish my RSST properly now.

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Mechanical mods never give true 4.2v anyways, you get a voltage drop, so with a 0.6ohm coil, id expect at least a .20 to .30 drop on that anyways, nice to see your enjoying my rsst parts :o
Yeah of course its possible.

I have been vaping on my new mechanical all weekend.

Running a 0.6ohm coil with a fresh battery at 4.2 = 29.4w.

Obviously as the battery drains the wattage will drop but even at 3.8v I'm still happily vaping at 24w.

I'm definitely converted to mechanicals now, absolutely love it.

Behold the Nemesis:

This is running in 18500 mode and will easily last me all day long.

It's so tiny and pocket friendly. Perfect. Just need to polish my RSST properly now.


lol Thinking about it I vape at about the same. I use less than a 1ohm coil in my Orion, just never worked it out.
That Nemesis is very nice, infact the nicest hybrid I have seen since the Orion.
Nemesis isnt a hybrid, its a standard 510 mod, the RSST is quite a nice flush fit, But yea its a pretty nice mod - My Poldiac is looking a bit bland these days, thinking of selling it and moving on but not sure.
Yeah realised just then reading over what I posted. :D

It was the flush fit of the RSST that foiled me.

Love the size of the Nemesis in 18350, not much different to the Caravella though for some reason the Atmomixani's mods shine to me. So much so I nearly spent £15 on a mini me drip tip by him. :)
Yeah realised just then reading over what I posted. :D

It was the flush fit of the RSST that foiled me.

Love the size of the Nemesis in 18350, not much different to the Caravella though for some reason the Atmomixani's mods shine to me. So much so I nearly spent £15 on a mini me drip tip by him. :)

Personally I find the Nemesis too small for me in 18350 mode its like ridiculously small for my hands.

18500 mode is the perfect balance for my (big) hands and will obviously last a lot longer for me than a 18350. These Sanyo 18500 (UR18500F 1620mAh) batteries I'm using are very good indeed, from what I can gather they are the best 18500 batteries you can get. Actual tested capacity is 1734mAh!

Very impressive battery from Sanyo, at 1A discharge it far exceeds the claimed capacity, at 5A discharge it far exceeds IMR batteries:

Just measured the length of the Nemesis and RSST (excluding drip tip, not that it's big) = 120mm!

Atmomixani has a new genesis atomiser in the works called the Dome which looks very nice.

Dome Specs

User can choose mesh hole and change it whenever he wants
Adjustable air angle and control of vapor temperature
Insulated mesh
Control of air flow
Choose of different air holes
Can be set uo with double u wick
Regulate decompression of tank system
Tank can be opened for cleaning or liquid change without ruin your set up
Control of vapor temperature
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What I'd like to see in a new gensis is a way of turning the top cap so it seals the airhole and mouthpiece. Then I could let all the liquid fill the top cap and not leak in my pocket. Would take a long time to let it run back down but at least I'd be dry. It seems a fairly simple thing to do.

It has happen to me only a few times (normally I store it upright in a pocket so no problem) when I've had it in a jacket that is on its side.

Dome sounds good but I'm thinking will be out of my price range. I'm sure Insulated mesh holes are going to be the norm fairly soon. No downside and lots of pros for it. Not sure if this is what is meant by 'Regulate decompression' but the first time I flew with an ecig the tank of liquid I was using blow all the liquid out on take off.
That dome does sound like it ticks all the boxes. Watching with interest! Double U wick :D Also liking the look of that nemesis mod. How much did that set you back?
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