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While you're waiting for a new charger and batteries, don't leave the room using those supplied. They are known to be of cheap quality and a fire hazard.

If you're prepared to wait for a week or two:

Charger (they also do the i4 that can charge 4 batteries. Xtar are another well respected brand):

Batteries - ideally you want IMR batteries with a high discharge rate. These are the highest capacity IMR batteries available now:

If you want them a little more quickly, Torchy sells quality stuff on ebay:

As for operating the Vamo, read this:
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The Kanger Pro Tanks are fantastic, I got mine from Vape Escape and use ukvapers as the code for 10% off. I much prefer it to a Vivi Nova but it's an airy draw and takes a little of getting used to.

I've not tried GVC yet as I've only been vaping 5 weeks, as soon as his website comes back up I'll be ordering 50ml!

Anyone any idea when the website will be back up?

I love the KPT, so much so in fact I now have three, each with a different juice ready to go. :D

That said, GVC and the KPT doesn't seem to be a good mix. I've got an EVOD for the GVC which is much better, only down side is the EVOD just doesn't hold enough juice.... :/

As for Grants site, i'd guess around 14 days, so he can fulfil all the back orders.
I know i just posted this a bit back, but i figured my post was lost in the replys, which sites are best to get juice from? i'm using Totally Wicked red label at the moment, and it seems a tad, erm harsh compared to the patriot juice ive had from them, which of the other sites are trustworthy/ have decent quality juice etc?

cheers in advance
I know i just posted this a bit back, but i figured my post was lost in the replys, which sites are best to get juice from? i'm using Totally Wicked red label at the moment, and it seems a tad, erm harsh compared to the patriot juice ive had from them, which of the other sites are trustworthy/ have decent quality juice etc?

cheers in advance

I saw your post but didn't answer as I've been mixing my own for almost the whole time I've been vaping. I haven't tried that many premixed juices. The patroit range are high class American juices that TW bought (I think they change them not long ago so this might not still be true) I was leaving a reply to someone that might be able to help you out better.
I saw your post but didn't answer as I've been mixing my own for almost the whole time I've been vaping. I haven't tried that many premixed juices. The patroit range are high class American juices that TW bought (I think they change them not long ago so this might not still be true) I was leaving a reply to someone that might be able to help you out better.

I am going to have a go at diy mixing soon, have u any decent recipes?;)
I also like the KPT, still my main Clearomiser i use during the day.

@Landy, i have been mainly using other peoples diy stuff, i did buy some juice off a site, and to be honest it was cheap and therefore quite dull in flavour.
I have noticed form the vaping forums, u get what u pay for, so if you go for a quality juice like alice in vapeland, its more expensive but supposed to be much nicer, so u have to pick either quality or quantity lol
here is their uk site http://www.switch2-ecigs.com/Alice_in_Vapeland_s/1863.htm
or vaping king is supposed to be very good, i have heard good things about their custard recipe.
and here is some ejuice reviews http://ukvapers.org/Forum-E-Liquid-Reviews
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I am going to have a go at diy mixing soon, have u any decent recipes?;)

Not really I just mix single flavours mostly (often with ethyl maltol) Nothing fancy. If you want recipes there are lots out their.

My main flavour atm is raspberry so I just bought 100ml of raspberry flavouring which at the 10% I like it will be enough for a litre of juice. I'm out of VG right now but have a litre in the post.

Thinking about trying out some of the custard recipes. I don't normally like the 'baked goods' type juice so worry it will have the same butter flavourings.
Nice one - cheers

I have the i4 charger and it is the dogs. My first one turned up doa from ecigwizard, but was replaced in days and hasn't missed a beat since.

As far as premixed flavours go, I can never recommend el toro el cigarillos highly enough if you like tobacco flavours, although I actually like the red label stuff myself. I mix my own these days so I can't be of much more help I'm afraid.

In case you guys haven't heard, it's time to stock up on batts because they will have to be couriered now due to the fire risk posed by shipping loads of batts. This only applies to companies so we can still post each other batts, but I would expect the increased shipping costs to be passed on to us soon.

Oh yeah, for those of you with RSSTs, mine seems to leak slightly from where the base meets the tank. Is this a common issue and if so what's the fix?
In case you guys haven't heard, it's time to stock up on batts because they will have to be couriered now due to the fire risk posed by shipping loads of batts. This only applies to companies so we can still post each other batts, but I would expect the increased shipping costs to be passed on to us soon.

Is that just for batteries posted within the UK?
@ Devrij, my Aga t2 doesnt leak yet so not sure on a fix, is there an O ring there?
@ Crowort lol thats what i want to try first
i have 2 custard recipes

1. Greendollar's Vanilla Custard Elixir

15 % TPA's Vanilla Custard
3 % TPA's Barvarian Cream
3 % TPA's Butterscotch
1 % Vape Wizard
1 % Dulce de Leche

Capellas Vanilla Custard Min 12% Max 16% though some like it higher

Dulche Leche 2%

Ethyl Maltol, between 1 and 2 drops Per 10ml of the completed mix

@Hamster i sent u a trust
@ Devrij, my Aga t2 doesnt leak yet so not sure on a fix, is there an O ring there?
@ Crowort lol thats what i want to try first
i have 2 custard recipes

1. Greendollar's Vanilla Custard Elixir

15 % TPA's Vanilla Custard
3 % TPA's Barvarian Cream
3 % TPA's Butterscotch
1 % Vape Wizard
1 % Dulce de Leche

Capellas Vanilla Custard Min 12% Max 16% though some like it higher

Dulche Leche 2%

Ethyl Maltol, between 1 and 2 drops Per 10ml of the completed mix

@hamster i sent u a trust

Capellas + ethyl maltol is meant to be a lot like Grants. 2% Dulche Leche sounds high to me. It is very strong and can overpower a juice. I use only a few drops per 20mls
Capellas + ethyl maltol is meant to be a lot like Grants. 2% Dulche Leche sounds high to me. It is very strong and can overpower a juice. I use only a few drops per 20mls

i got these off ukvapers, as with any flavour, its best to add less then adjust to taste
Torcheys are what they say unlike a lot of them. He posts the test results and is a nice guy in general. Pretty good price to.

If sent packed right they are really not that unsafe. If they are just rolling about a short is bound to happen and make them discharge. I know I always have my spare ones safely stored. Heard too many reports of people just putting them in their pocket with keys and/or coins and them shorting and burning them.

Edit: the ones you are using are fine.
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