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Bonjourno fellow vapists! In 2 days I will have been vaping for 2 years and posted in this thread 156 time :eek:. Incredibly two of my original TW Tornado/eGo batteries are still with me, along with a 900mA purchased a few months after, and all still working. I do notice they are dropping off a little in run time and one vapes better than the other, so it really is battery time!

I've decided that mods are probably not for me, I can't imagine carrying a Vamo or Prov around in pocket. What eGo batteries is everyone using? VV Twists any good? I had a passthrough from ECW, which was awesome for sitting at work/home on the computer, but that died a death after only a couple of months.

Also, could the longevity of my batteries be down to using regular USB chargers, rather than fast chargers/high amperage wall chargers? Suits me fine, I have three on rotation at the mo
I catch mine at 3.7v personally.

Going that low (3.3v) regularly will shorten the lifespan and lead to issues on recharge typically. A good rule to follow is if you go above 4.2v or below 3.5 you have devalued your limbs ;-)

I prefer to keep within that range.

Thanks :) I'll keep a check on my battery levels from now on. I value my limbs :D

Tbh though i think you were right to do it, it cost me £15 for just 100ml so u saved a good bit, and u never know, if u invent a nice juice u could start selling it.
I started at 18mg, then down to 12mg, my DIY mixes are at 10mg and going to stick there for the forseeable future. Not in a hurry to stop Vaping, but u never know.
You going to split it up before freezing?

Glad to hear you've managed to cut down by almost half. Good stuff!

I'm going to split the nic into smaller bottles and stick them in the freezer. My local chemist has ordered some 100ml glass medicine bottles in for me so I'll do that tomorrow. Also popped into Boots to pick up some VG which was £1.29 for 200ml which I thought was a bargain. Although some say you don't really need to dilute if you use enough PG, I do plan to thin it by 10% with deionised water.

I hope I do get comfortable with mixing and I'll take it nice and slowly. No excuse after having bought so much nic and flavouring. That reminds me, I still need to order some plain PG!
I've decided that mods are probably not for me, I can't imagine carrying a Vamo or Prov around in pocket. What eGo batteries is everyone using? VV Twists any good? I had a passthrough from ECW, which was awesome for sitting at work/home on the computer, but that died a death after only a couple of months.

Also, could the longevity of my batteries be down to using regular USB chargers, rather than fast chargers/high amperage wall chargers? Suits me fine, I have three on rotation at the mo

I don't know that much about chargers apart from slower charges are normally recommended. Someone was asking a similar thing about choosing ego style batteries on a forum the other day and people were recommending the Spinners over the twists. Might want to look into one of those.
I don't know that much about chargers apart from slower charges are normally recommended. Someone was asking a similar thing about choosing ego style batteries on a forum the other day and people were recommending the Spinners over the twists. Might want to look into one of those.

I've used a 1 amp charge on my egos for ages and it hasn't effected them (about 3 years old now I think). TW are real rebranded egos. A lot of 'ego style' are knock offs.

I've heard both the spinners and twists don't last as long as normal egos but that spinners are a bit better. They are pretty long if you get a 900-1000mah one. I just use normal egos and change the attie to low resistance for out and about.

Got a order with the mesh company for 'trying it out stuff'. Got some more mesh and wire that I just needed and a load of different wicks to play with rewicking my protank. I'm only getting about 3 days good vaping out of a protank head but can stretch it a with changing the flavour wick and dry burning. They dry burn up a treat too.

Fun fact, I've been vaping about 3 years and only just learnt that the reason I've never got on with making my own silica wicks is I wasn't flaming them. Flaming them totally got rid of the weird taste and they look pretty cool glowing pure white. The wick looks different after a flame (boiling didn't work when I tried it)
Another random question... :)

Do you guys prefer keeping your tanks topped up, or do you let them run out and then refill. If the latter do you rinse them after each use?

I've noticed that the juice slowly gets darker and the taste gets worse over the course of a few refills, so i like to clean then out and refill.
Using V3 rebuildables at the mo, top them up at about half way. Did the same with cartos too, seems to extend useful life and prevent dry hits. With good boges I practically drip rather than fill, 5 or 6 drops a go
Bonjourno fellow vapists! In 2 days I will have been vaping for 2 years and posted in this thread 156 time :eek:. Incredibly two of my original TW Tornado/eGo batteries are still with me, along with a 900mA purchased a few months after, and all still working. I do notice they are dropping off a little in run time and one vapes better than the other, so it really is battery time!

I've decided that mods are probably not for me, I can't imagine carrying a Vamo or Prov around in pocket. What eGo batteries is everyone using? VV Twists any good? I had a passthrough from ECW, which was awesome for sitting at work/home on the computer, but that died a death after only a couple of months.

Also, could the longevity of my batteries be down to using regular USB chargers, rather than fast chargers/high amperage wall chargers? Suits me fine, I have three on rotation at the mo

The VV ego-style batts are worth a punt alright. But it's a gateway drug. Once you go VV, you don't go back!

PS: 570 posts! :eek:
Sent you a trust message but I'll ask here too. Was there a use by date on the Classikool PG that you bought and if so what was it?
Sent you a trust message but I'll ask here too. Was there a use by date on the Classikool PG that you bought and if so what was it?

My VG from classikool had a best before date for next year. Never bought their PG so don't know but assume it would have one. J.col can likely tell you his date but it might not be the same batch.
My VG from classikool had a best before date for next year. Never bought their PG so don't know but assume it would have one. J.col can likely tell you his date but it might not be the same batch.

Thanks. I know the shelf life of Classikool VG minimum 9 months according to their website but PG if stored below 40°C should last 2 years but it's from date of manufacture. As you say, it may not be the same batch but I'm guessing that they send out in order of manufacture or close to it.
Thanks. I know the shelf life of Classikool VG minimum 9 months according to their website but PG if stored below 40°C should last 2 years but it's from date of manufacture. As you say, it may not be the same batch but I'm guessing that they send out in order of manufacture or close to it.

I personally think if cool and dark you are good to go for years. I haven't been able to find anything that suggests otherwise expect people saying it without a source. The chemical info says it is very stable at normal temps. If you are really worried about it then decant some for use and keep the rest in the fridge / freezer.
I personally think if cool and dark you are good to go for years. I haven't been able to find anything that suggests otherwise expect people saying it without a source. The chemical info says it is very stable at normal temps. If you are really worried about it then decant some for use and keep the rest in the fridge / freezer.

Good call, thanks. I'm doing that for the nic anyway so will just make some more space in the freezer :)
The only down side I can think of is both VG and PG will absorb water and you can't get it totally airtight and fridge / freeze will have some water in them.

Thanks. The plan is to wrap the bottles in clingfilm and bubblewrap then put them in some sort of container. Also with the bottles being glass medicine bottles, I can't imagine moisture being too much of an issue.
Thanks. The plan is to wrap the bottles in clingfilm and bubblewrap then put them in some sort of container. Also with the bottles being glass medicine bottles, I can't imagine moisture being too much of an issue.

It shouldn't really matter. Water doesn't really effect this use anyway. You can easy add water to ejuice and it will vape fine. Just thought I'd point out it could be a downside. As you say the amount that could get it is tiny, would need to be lots before you'd get more steam than vapour.
It was worth mentioning though. I'm going to fill the bottles near to the top as the PG in the nic shouldn't expand, just turn more viscous. Also less air in there would mean less moisture and also less oxidation. I was also thinking about introducing CO2 to fill the air space but not really knowing whether it will react with the nic/PG, I've ditched that idea :)
honestly, any water tight bottle is fine - you could use a coke bottle.

coincidently i just received 50kg of VG at work today. Not for vaping of course!
honestly, any water tight bottle is fine - you could use a coke bottle.

Yes, you're right but I don't really have any in a handy size. The 100ml glass medicine bottles were only 50p each from the chemist and assuming I don't have any accidents, should last a while.
About to go on hols. Anyone know if these nova tanks from TW leak when on their side. How should I pack them? Gonna put it in luggage. We can cope with out vaping for 6 hrs
Yes, you're right but I don't really have any in a handy size. The 100ml glass medicine bottles were only 50p each from the chemist and assuming I don't have any accidents, should last a while.

How are u getting on decanting?
and i know you have done your homework, glass bottles are recommended for long storage of nic, as nic can breakdown plastic over time ;):p
PG/VG is different, any old plastic bottle will do, but you will know this already, so why am i posting this? :confused::p
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