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My new Elips kit has come and it looks very smart as well :D
But I got to charge each battery for 5 hours before use :(:D
Well 4th day with no cigars and all good... struggling to find a flavour I can vape daily though.

Wizmix Wizards leaf - Not impressed
Wizmix Coconut - to sweet
Wizmix Primal Ice Cream - to sweet and sickly
Vermillion Cirus Explosion - tastes like flash floor cleaner

Only one I can stand so far is Watermelon as it's quite subtle....

Got some Menthol and RV4 on order :(

have you tried El toro guevara
its like a real cigar :D
You can buy 10ml samples if you dont want to risk 60ml
Im sort of new to this vaping but i havent found one i liked yet all are sickly sweet or have a card board taste to them.

ones i have tried are
usa brand-awful

Redwood Blend

Right enough though my vv tank maybe still spiked from the other blends i only have one.
Anyone any advice on cleaning out the tanks or should i just change every time i change blends.

If you've been using quite a strong flavour, you'll usually get taste left behind, especially noticeable when moving on to a lighter flavour. I normally wash out the clearo when changing flavours or when the taste gets a bit burnt. For me, quite often the head needs changing/rebuilding at that time.

Keep trying different flavours. Sounds like the sweeter flavours aren't for you. Difficult to recommend anything as we all have different tastes. Personally I have quite a sweet tooth and I'm loving dessert flavours at the moment but I do have a change every now and then.
Water. Take the whole lot apart, rinse for 30 seconds or so under a warm tap then put everything in a glass of water for a while. Then take everything out, dry with tissue and let the remaining water air dry for an hour or two. Normally I just leave them overnight as I have more than one clearo.

If you've got flavours which don't seem to go away, you can soak everything in sterilising fluid (make these from the tablets) for a while instead of just water. If you do this, you want to make sure you give everything a very good rinse and soak in water afterwards.
Got some Scope's Apple Tart on the way (thanks for the introduction fellas!) - what a thoroughly, bloody nice chap he is, quick to reply and had already posted my sample before I'd even sorted the money out.

Also placed my order for some more Vivi Nova heads (1.8 ohms) and 100ml Apple Hangsen 8mg, delivered for under a tenner from VapourBreak...

I'm now covered for the next few weeks at least, which should give me a chance to put some pennies aside for an RSST type atomiser, (probably the Nautilus style one here:www.vaporbreak.com/en/home/219-odysseus-rebuildable-atomizerodysseus-short-modc-cov.html ) or if funds permit (new baby means my vaping budget is minimal!) this one: www.vapegear.co.uk/product/rsst Opinions welcome!
The apple tart was my favourite of his. The balance between pastry, apple and spice was rather nice. Let us know what you think of the Vaporbreak juices.
The apple tart was my favourite of his. The balance between pastry, apple and spice was rather nice. Let us know what you think of the Vaporbreak juices.

Will do, here's hoping that China's Airmail gets the parcel to me as quickly as my Vamo! Apparently DHL (at $40 extra) took 6 days - the bog standard delivery was a whole 24 hours longer!
Hmm, problem...:eek:

It seems the UK adaptor for the battery charger, supplied by VaporBreak.com with their Vamo V2 Kit is one to watch; CAREFULLY...






Have sent the above photos to their site contact address to let them know.
Obviously, this has happened just now, so VapourBreak.com haven't had a chance to get back to me - I'll update this post when I hear from them.

I just wanted to let this forum know, as I'm aware a few of us have taken advantage of the site's excellent Vamo price.

Now, anyone got a 650 charger, near Portsmouth, that I could borrow, preferably without the fire risk?:D
Looks nasty but at least it's nothing more serious.
Please get yourself a decent branded charger like the intellicharger and branded batteries such as AW or Panasonic!! :)
Yep buy cheap, You get cheap. VaperBreak are very cheap, I've ordered three times, won't bother again poor quality products IMO.
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