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Righto, nub to vaping here. Smoker for 15 years.

Want to buy a "starters" kit if poss. Looking at the Tornado or TITAN kit at the moment.

Recommendations? Considerations a nub would need?

EDIT: Screw it, gonna order a Titant Tank black kit.

Good shout on the tank, once you get to grips with how it all works and how your body reacts to different strength nicotine juices it's all gravy.

For all the guys just starting out with the tank system, I thought it'd be worth mentioning a few tips:

- if you get a burnt taste that means it isn't wicking properly: make sure the tank is properly fitted into the atty, give it a twist (sometimes the flap of plastic from the hole blocks the wick spike), take a few "dry hits" without pressing the button to suck some juice down the wick, or wait a minute or so for the juice to soak down (usually if you've been chain vaping this can happen). Also, if you happen to be lying in bed on your back, gravity is preventing the juice from getting to the wick so try facing it battery down and dry hitting it a few times.

- if you get a bubbling sound and get a harsher than normal hit with little vapour, especially when combined with a harder pull than normal, the atty may be flooded: remove the atty from the battery and clean out any liquid that's spilled through using a paper towel and blow any excess liquid back through from the battery end of the atty (should sort the hard pull). I also find tilting the tornado upwards (ie so the juice can't get to the wick) and taking a few drags until it starts to vape properly is an easy way to sort this. Worst case, remove the tank and vape directly from the atty until the excess fluid is burnt off (known as "tail piping"). I find tilting the ecig upwards is a quicker method of doing the same thing though.

Hope that helps with anyone having teething problems.

Oh yeah, it takes a bit for a new atty to get going so don't worry if you don't get any vapour straight away, keep at it until you've gotten through the primer and the juice comes through. :)
I want a tornado tank after a lot of reading, I don't smoke too heavily normally only a few a day and at work which I enjoy.

Bearing this in mind is it worth me getting the full tornado kit or will I be ok with the compact kit at half the price?


Depends really, for the occasional use, the titan is great and compact, but having the extra battery life of the tornado is certainly handy. The tank is what makes it so hassle free. Personally, I think it's worth getting the tornado, but if you only plan on using it a few times a day the titan would get you by. With the 30% off everything sale though, it's not hard to justify the extra expense :D
For everyone talking about it paying for itself, while this can be true there is still up keep costs for Juice and atomisers. The atomisers can really cost you if you are a heavy user.

Saying that, I've been using the same low res tank atty since 10th of may and it seems to be going strong, even compared to my much less used and more recently purchased backup (which I use for sweet flavours, apple atm).

Totalling all my purchases from TW in that last 3 and a half months (including the 510 stuff I don't use anymore) it comes to £130. I spent roughly £60/m on tobacco, as a conservative estimate, smoking 15 rollies a day. That means in total I've saved £210-£130= £80 and I still have supplies to last another month. So realistically it isn't as amazing as my new sig might imply, but it's still nearly half the price, I feel healthier, I can smoke anywhere I like, and my gf doesn't complain that I stink... as much anyway :p
i just ordered this tank kit.


thats two i have now, but im serious about quitting smokes so money is not really a worry. Had one smoke in the morning and vaped happily all day, hoping this tank with the 900m battery will last, as the nucig battery lasted from 9am to 2pm!

You'll be much happier with it. I actually get 2 days of vaping out of mine, but I can see how a heavy vaper (sat at a desk all day etc) might get through it in one. I think you'll find you don't want to quit it ;) Hell, if you do pass it on to the next guy.
I want to give up smoking and eventually nicotine by lowering the levels.

I have tried patches and tablets but no joy as I just need something to do with my hands when I;m bored - more habit really.

SO I see this as a great way. I am currently getting my nicotine fix but in the meantime I have had only 2 fags since Saturday and feel like I don't them.

Vaping has got to be better than smoking 30 fags per day and eventaully (hopefully) I will end up just vaping without nicotine.

I can;t see what your issue is here?

Awesome dude, best bit is there's always zero nic juice for those who want to quit the nicotine as well. I started on 11mg and I'm tempted to go up to 18 now I've gotten used to it and want a bit more throat hit.
No issue at all - I'm not having a dig :p

It's great that you're off the analogs which is a positive step in the right direction. If I did have a concern it would that one could potentially lose sight of the goal of being nicotine free and calmly slip in to vaping on a perm basis.

For me I gave up for 12 weeks from march, relapsed for 2 weeks and am now once again smokefree coming up to 5 days - Currently getting my nicotine fix via both patches and microtabs but am going to try a more rapid detox this time.

I'm not gonna tell anyone what to do with their own bodies, and if being free of addictions is your goal then rock on, but I think a lot of people are quite happy to vape on a permanent basis. I know I always started smoking again because I never really wanted to quit beyond the health reasons. Vaping means I never face temptation because as far as I'm concerned I'm not missing anything, and virtually all the negatives are removed so I'm guilt free! I have no intention of quitting vaping. I gave up the drink drugs and smokes, a man needs a vice! :p
Yeah I'm using the Tornado Tank. Is there anything I can do to remedy the situation?

When you vape does it taste burnt at all? If so maybe you need to try some of the things I listed in an earlier post about tanks not wicking properly (twist the tank around a bit to see if the flap of plastic is blocking the wick, dry hit it a few times to draw fluid into the wick, etc). Might be worth a shot, or maybe you don't get on with the PG content as others have suggested, in which case a VG juice might be more your style.
My Tornado Tank also arrived this morning.

First impressions are a bit crap tbh, get plenty of vapour & a slight throat hit with the supplied tobacco tanks but geez it tastes rank - a real lingering aftertaste of something chemical that is not pleasant. Gave it a good go on & off this afternoon & didn't fancy a real smoke so I guess the nicotine was getting through which is a plus.

Had a read around & it seems the atomiser is primed with some sort of pre charger & to give it a good blow out & re prime with a few dry pulls with the new cartridge on before use - so will give that a go with the other atomiser & the med strength in a bit.


Stick with it, the good news is that you can try different juices out if you find the one you have doesn't float your boat. The primer is pretty rough so hopefully you're just working through that.
I have a 10ml of "very vanilla" from DV that I couldn't handle (way too sweet for me) if you want it? I've heard watermellon is good, that's next on my list of fruity ones.

For all the new guys, don't bother with mixing until you've had some time with the premades to work out what you like and what you want to achieve wih your mix.

EDIT: I caved and bought a 5 bottle mix of
10ML Totally Wicked Electric Cigarette E-Liquid: Watermelon, 11MG - Medium
10ML Totally Wicked Electric Cigarette E-Liquid: Coconut, 11MG - Medium
10ML Totally Wicked Electric Cigarette E-Liquid: Tobacco, 18MG - High
10ML Totally Wicked Electric Cigarette E-Liquid: Coffee, 11MG - Medium
10ML Totally Wicked Electric Cigarette E-Liquid: State Express, 11MG - Medium

God knows what state express and coffee will be like, but we'll find out. Also looking forwards to seeing what 18mg is like as I've always used 11mg
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I may have to get some clearomisers so I can have all my different flavours on demand. Otherwise they end up all mixed up and taste wack. Hmm, this might be my smartest moment ever *strokes imaginary beard*
I sometimes get a bit of a leak, it depends on the actual cartridge from what I can tell (though I'm only on my second cartridge!)

Occasionally there is a bit of liquid seeping out either the mouth piece, or around the mouth piece.

Don't worry too much about that, I find taking a paper towel to the cartridge stops any excess liquid traveling up to the mouthpiece. Nasty surprise when it does happen (usually hot days or if it gets knocked about in my pocket enough for it to leak out). I use the same cap loads of times, but if they flood all the time its time to change over.
Anyone here going to this years Vapefest?

Vapefest for DUMMIES 2011

That sounds like a good place to try other people'su gear out. And free mods/juice just for going sounds like it'd be worth the drive for me. Shame it isn't bristol, bit its not too far I guess. May have to convince the other half.

I'm leaning toward vg mixes now, I like a good throat hit, but a big cloud is equally satisfying and important to me. I'm going to have to look into this iatty business I think
Got my 5 pack today. So far, coffee is a winner. Not so sweet that it makes me feel sick and strong enough flavour to keep me interested.
got mine, found the taste of the tobacco flavour that comes with the titan pretty minging to begin with but it seems to have bedded in a bit and is now a lot more pleasurable, going to get through these carts then order up some new flavours, any recomendations for a really satisfying flavour?

As above, I'm finding red label coffee delicious. It's all-day vape material for me. Some sweet fruity ones make me feel ill if I vape them for a period of time, but coffee is all good to me :) Still yet to try out my watermelon and others though, enjoying coffee too much!
I didn't enjoy coffee. Not sure I like this Green Cow so far.
Loving my iAtty though.

What does it look like on a tornado battery? And would it eat batteries like that too quickly? As vain as it sounds, I kinda want it to look like it belongs, rather than some weird thing stuck onto a battery
Unless you have huge hands, I have to agree it does look fine. A bit industrial, but otherwise I may have to give it a shot. That cloud is ridiculous, are you going through more juice/battery using it?
Not sure, just asked Imeo himself, so will let you know.
You'd have to be on the ball mind, the first stock of 100 sold out the first night in three minutes.

Keep us posted! What battery are you using with it, and how long does it last? I'm quite tempted to make the jump now I've seen what size it is. I can always keep my tornado as a backup if the iAtty turns out to be the best thing in the world, or else I can donate it to another smoker who wants a go.

Unsurprisingly, vaping seems to be... addictive :p
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