Where do people buy from? I buy from Liberty Flights but their prices are not much different from TW. Are you lot above saying liberty flight are also money grabbing?
They are when you use ECR69 and get 15% off. I've never paid full price on anything I've bought from LF.
TW used to support the ECR69 promo code but stopped to do their own 'promos' and I haven't used them since (ECR69 also works on many other sites too including ecigwizard for 12.5% off)
ECR69 has been 10% for a while now. I also get earn 17p per review i do from LF. TW can do some decent yoyo offers. The only thing that really brought TW down in my view was the expensive p&p. Although LF now charge for p&p where as before it was free.
I've been looking at getting a lavatube but there's a lavatube and a lavatube mini. From looking at them it seems that the mini has a smaller battery. Is this right? Are there any other differences?
Also the lavatube has a 510 fitting but most of my tanks are an ego fit. Does the ego stuff work with them or will I need some sort of adapter?
An eGo is a 510 so yes it will work without an adapter.
Thanks for that, that's brilliant. Is that a 650mah battery?
About the 510/ego fittings: the ego has the larger screw thread on it, do these fit on ok? I mostly use vision ego tanks and I don't want to replace with other tanks if I don't have to.
Been looking into this as a friend has used it to get off the smokes and it's somthing I want to do myself.
Looking at this starter kit as don't want to spend lots to start with.
I have both the regular LT and the mini, the regular is 12.5cm long, the mini is 9.5cm. Both are just over 2cm in diameter.
If you want a visual comparison between the regular, mini and eGo here you go....