US: **The Walking Dead Season 10 - Contains Spoilers - No future content to be discussed **

return October 5th on sky .... only reason I've kept their covid nowtv entertainment sub - billions canned until 2021, need to try 3rd day though.

Oct 4th seems to be world beyond debut, if you get prime
OK, watched the latest episode last night and they're still idiots.
  1. Why did they give the whisperers enough time to bash out a hole big enough to throw a grenade through? Why not poke big pointy sticks through the hole before it got too big? Hell, why not stand at the top of the stairs with the same big pointy sticks and skewer any whisperer who appeared?
  2. Why were they going at a snail's pace with the horse and cart? Surely they could have picked the pace up and the zombies walkers would've still followed the sound.
  3. Why did Ezekiel's group just march into a trainyard and stand about like a gang of mopey teenagers? Surely the prudent thing would've been to lie up, scope the place out for some time and then go wagon by wagon as you enter the place. Hell they had a M249 with them, so why not get someone up high to cover their arses?
  4. Why was Gabriel guarding the door with an empty shotgun? He only had one round, and that was in his pocket right up until they broke the door down.
They now have decide to add an additional 6 Eps to the originally planned 16Eps to make season 10 a total of 22Eps to be shown in 2021.
They now have decide to add an additional 6 Eps to the originally planned 16Eps to make season 10 a total of 22Eps to be shown in 2021.

So there is definitely more episodes to come? Thought the finale was good. A few dodgy points but still thoroughly enjoyed it.

I see Aran is now basically the new Rick. He looks exactly how he would have except for.......:D

Tron people at the end?

No. ;)
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Just watching Minority Report and I thought that young woman is familiar -

took me three attempts to watch that final episode. was terrible. like scraping up bits just to make a episode. how it ended was like wtf :p
Good episode:

Ending was bit lame - Star Trek speech about final frontiers and assimilation and then storm troopers turn up!

Lots happening in the episode though, finally moving on from the Whisperers and Maggie's back :)
A bit **** if you ask me - oh no another group of bad guys to contend with, how original :(

Also, considering the Eugene group was left on a cliffhanger, i would have preferred more focus on that story.
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