Yeah that scene also could have been done much better, it looked like the kid was going to try and grab Carl.
Should have had the boy drop his weapon and get on his knees with his hands in the air, would have had a lot more impact.
That's sort of what I thought too. They said "Drop the gun" and instead he started trying to edge closer and hand it over to Carl.
They were clearly trying to make Andrea's death an emotional moment but I don't think it'll have worked for most people watching, she's been an annoyance for the majority of the past two seasons and could seemingly never decide whose side she was on. Never good to lose someone from your group, but she hadn't really contributed anything of value for a long time despite all the trouble she'd caused.
Carl has all of a sudden become very, very annoying, hopefully Rick will start to put his foot down a little more in S4 and stop being a pushover. Obviously a lot of is is because he abandoned Carl after Lori died, but it's about time he started to fix that otherwise it's just going to be a repeat of the Shane situation.
I'm glad they stopped with Carl taking a shine to Beth (who was looking awfully pretty in the finale too), they stuck with it for a couple of early episodes but the age difference made it feel really awkward. I suspect Beth's later role in caring for Carl's newborn sister had something to do with that too.
Nice to see that they went to some effort with the special effects at the end, there was an early episode where it was obvious none of the guns were firing blanks and they had just digitally added-in muzzle flash etc, it looked ridiculously low-budget and insulted the intelligence of the viewers really.
It'll be interesting to see what they do in S4 now they've got numbers. Should mean they can finally put some work into fixing up the prison and making it a defensible position, but it also means they're going to be tearing through food and supplies and it didn't look like they'd brought a whole lot back from Woodbury. Tyreese and Sasha seem like really good additions, their moral compass is pointed in the right direction so hopefully they can bring some rational behaviour to what's been a rather irrational group.