The Wierdo's of MySpace

VeNT said:
when you oooze manlyness like most of us, you have no need to fear pink.

got no problems with pink :p just stating over use of pink :D

and its nice to know that your so secure of your 'manlyness' that you need to remind us every 5 seconds .....
Sparky__H said:
Well the only run of the mill "Anime" i have seen the hentai bunny in is Street Fighter 2 other then that....

Think the tame one is call "Bunny Girl" or something along those lines

I have a book of hentai, believe me what mohinder has is just straight anime, nothing compared to the filth I have lol
knowlesy said:
got no problems with pink :p just stating over use of pink :D

and its nice to know that your so secure of your 'manlyness' that you need to remind us every 5 seconds .....

don't forget how manly I am dude
or I'll come over there and show you, gerrrrrrr
There is a funny page on, The Truth About MySpace, can't link as there is some swearing.

Never used it myself.
MySpace just got a lot more interesting, the Man Whore of campus just signed up so its now just all about him for most of the day - which is mildly entertaining and semi-bearable.

But I hate the constant bulletins about the fake MySpace trackers, grrrr!
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