The Wire appreciation thread

I thought season 5 was probably the weakest actually, although it's been a while since I saw season 2, and I'm waiting on my mate to return my first series box before I watch them all again.

I just thought the newsroom characters in season 5 weren't as well-rounded as everybody else was. Shifty Reporter Bloke was always shifty and naughty, Goody Two-Shoes Sub-Editor was never anything but the voice of rightness, and the Dopey Senior Editors were never humanised beyond "often makes the wrong decisions." The strength of the Wire for me was that no-one was ever 100% good or bad in it, but I guess only having ten episodes for the last series didn't give them enough time to do this for the reporters too.

I just found the shipyard workers "plight" really quite dull. The head honcho of the docks was a great character though, and so was his son Nicky or whatever he was called. It just annoyed me, because I loved the whole Stringer/Avon storyline, and wanted it to continue asap, so Season 2 came as sort of a barrier to that (although they pop up occasionally in Season 2). 5 had some good moments in the actual police which is why I liked it. Agreed, the newspaper storyline wasn't my favourite, but it wasn't bad.
I have to echo the views of others about the difficulty to follow characters. I thought Stringer was two people for a few episodes (street String and office String) :p. Although in my defence I was watching bad quality episodes (i.e. not DVDs).

I think I'm suffering post Wire stress disorder at the moment, I started watching Sopranos, which is good, but nowhere near the standard of The Wire.

I'm just hoping now that Generation Kill (Simon's next project) will be top notch as well.
I have to echo the views of others about the difficulty to follow characters. I thought Stringer was two people for a few episodes (street String and office String) :p. Although in my defence I was watching bad quality episodes (i.e. not DVDs).

I think I'm suffering post Wire stress disorder at the moment, I started watching Sopranos, which is good, but nowhere near the standard of The Wire.

I'm just hoping now that Generation Kill (Simon's next project) will be top notch as well.

Yea, it took me a while to be able to differentiate between all the people in Avon Barksdales crew....Bird and Bell took me a while. But I'm re-watching it now, and it's really obvious once you've seen it once!
I just found the shipyard workers "plight" really quite dull. The head honcho of the docks was a great character though, and so was his son Nicky or whatever he was called. It just annoyed me, because I loved the whole Stringer/Avon storyline, and wanted it to continue asap, so Season 2 came as sort of a barrier to that (although they pop up occasionally in Season 2). 5 had some good moments in the actual police which is why I liked it. Agreed, the newspaper storyline wasn't my favourite, but it wasn't bad.
Oh, I don't think there's anything in The Wire I'd call bad. Even "ok" seasons by Wire standards beat other programme's fantastic seasons. I even learned to like Avon Barksdale and Marlo after a while (something about their characters rubbed me the wrong way at first).

I agree the Stringer/Avon storyline was probably the best part of the entire show, but I thought they had it simmering nicely while they carried on with the rest of season two. After all, Avon was in jail, and so you couldn't exactly have him doing much. Plus season two had one of the best/worst death scenes in the show.

And I remember The Wire just utterly confusing me when I first watched it. As well as the characters, the slang just completely goes over your head at first. Once you learn it, it's easy to follow, but whole scenes just used to pass me by with barely a clue what happened in them.
Oh, I don't think there's anything in The Wire I'd call bad. Even "ok" seasons by Wire standards beat other programme's fantastic seasons. I even learned to like Avon Barksdale and Marlo after a while (something about their characters rubbed me the wrong way at first).

I agree the Stringer/Avon storyline was probably the best part of the entire show, but I thought they had it simmering nicely while they carried on with the rest of season two. After all, Avon was in jail, and so you couldn't exactly have him doing much.

And I remember The Wire just utterly confusing me when I first watched it. As well as the characters, the slang just completely goes over your head at first. Once you learn it, it's easy to follow, but whole scenes just used to pass me by with barely a clue what happened in them.

Haha yep, I've just got my parents into it, and quite often I'll have to translate an entire scene for them :p I liked Barksdale as a character, but then he wasn't actually that major a character....Stringer Bell was the main guy to watch. Marlowe is very annoying, but he's still a good character.

Refresh my memory also, which best/worst scene are you talking about? The one in the prison library? Been a while since I watched Season 2.
Yeah that's the one. [spoilers innit]D'Angelo's death. So obviously coming, and he'd been such a great character that I just didn't want him to die, but it was so inevitable it was painful. And the scene is really slow to mirror that.[/spoiler]
Season 3 is awesome! Really liking marlow in this adding some hostilaty and spicing things up ;)

Ill be gutted if anything happens to bodie/pooh :(
I thought it was a good show and have watched all of the episodes... But I think you guys are getting a little carried away with just how good it is :)

It was painfully slow in parts! But overall a good show.

*spoiler for those not watched s3 but im behind so not many I doubt"

Stringer bell just got executed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought it was a good show and have watched all of the episodes... But I think you guys are getting a little carried away with just how good it is :)

It was painfully slow in parts! But overall a good show.

I'd rather have it slow and explain stuff than just jump into action, ala Prison Break Season 3.

*spoiler for those not watched s3 but im behind so not many I doubt" [...]
I know that The Wire is full of brilliant OMG moments, but you could at least hide the spoiler text. Not everyone's got to Season 3 yet.

Reading this thread makes me want to go through them all again and revisit their world. I miss it, and I envy those about to see it for the first time :(
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I'd rather have it slow and explain stuff than just jump into action, ala Prison Break Season 3.

I kinda agree and I guess it almost had to be that way.

Oh and my favourite character is probably Jimmy... I love the way he always manages to annoy the hell out of everyone and he also deserves some respect for his car crash .. It was a hard turn!
I know that The Wire is full of brilliant OMG moments, but you could at least hide the spoiler text. Not everyone's got to Season 3 yet.

Reading this thread makes me want to go through them all again and revisit their world. I miss it, and I envy those about to see it for the first time :(

Yea same here, i wish i had spaced them out a bit more instead of watching them all in the space of a couple of weeks. As soon as an episode finished i put the next on :D. Think i watched 6 in a row one night/morning :eek:.

I cant believe its actually ended, the end of season 5 seemed to be left open so i assumed there would be more.
one of the best shows on tv :)

Fav character ? Mcnulty or Bunk or Omar,

Wire trivia question : name the British "hard man" actor who turned down a role in this?

As Shown: Watching season 5 on fx, cant believe they just killed Omar a kid!
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You really ought to make that text invisible. I've already seen it, but if I hadn't I would not be a happy bunny.

P.S. The Wire is the best TV series ever.
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