The Witcher 2 - Thread

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Collector's Edition ($129.99) includes:

•The Vernon Roche Commando Jacket, which is:
◦Available only in Collector's Edition
◦Unique item, obtained through one of the early-on quests
◦Very valuable object, that when equipped noticeably boosts player's sword-fighting abilities.
◦Customization-wise, one of the best jackets the player will be able to find throughout the game (especially for sword-related character build).

•Making-of DVD
•Official Soundtrack
•World Map
•Art Book
•Geralt Sculpture
•Temerian Coin
•Dice Set
•3 Stickers
•Playing Cards and Rulebook
•Cursed Coin and Pamphlet
•Two Papercraft Figures + Bonus


Sadly, that concluded my time with the Witcher 2. However, my immediate feeling was that: Just like :D:D:D:D:D:D:D a succubus, the Witcher 2 looks and feels amazing, but it left me drained and wanting more. Now, that’s the sign of a great RPG. Perhaps it’s simply because I’m such a fan of the series, but I don’t think it will be hard for anyone to become deeply engrossed in the Witcher 2.
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