The Wizard of Wolls: Follow the yellow brick gains

Was happy with 8 reps of 34kg DB press today for shoulders, altho fatigue quickly kicked in. Fun session tho. Lots of eating today.
DB Press
20kg 12
30kg 10
32kg 8
34kg 8/5
32kg 6

16kg 12/12/12

Cable Rope Front Raise
25kg 12/12/12/18

Cable Side Raises
10kg 10/10/10

Cable Row To Chest
60kg 12/12/12
Been off work ill lately, bit of sinusitis I think. Been feeling absolutely woeful but still had an appetite so food gains have still been strong. Literally having to sneak to the gym round the corner from my work without bumping in to anyone and without my wife knowing :D :p

EZ Curlz / EZ OH Ext
30kg / 30kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12
20kg / 20kg
10 / 15
10 / 15

BB Curlz Slow / Cable Rope Push Down
20kg / 40kg
12 / 15
12 / 15
12 / 15

DB OH Ext / DB Curlz
40kg / 12kg
8 / 8
8 / 8
8 / 8

BB Bench
20kg 15/15
60kg 12
90kg 8/8/8/6
60kg 12/12

DB Incline Flyes / DB Incline Press
16kg / 16kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

BW 8/8/8

Cable across Overs
20kg 12/12/12/12

Pull Ups
BW 6/6/6/6/6

Chin Ups
BW 6/5

Seated cable row a full stretch/ straight arm cable push down
70kg / 60kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

Low Cable Hip Thrust/Lat Pull
50kg 10
55kg 10
60kg 10/10

Power Clean to Strict Press
60kg 6/6/6

BB Curlz
30kg 12/12/12

DB Curlz
10kg 10/10/10

You can tell I was feeling better by Thursday/today's session :D
Sneaky gains are the best gains.

Nothing like coughing your guts up, sniffing up a big bit of snot, then grinding out more pull ups than the guy next to you :p
The unknown sessions generate the most test. It's like how stolen food tastes better. Wait wut.

Ah get the Curlz done. It's taken a couple of months to build up the biceps for me, they're slowly starting to look better despite my genetic lack of peak. Ever since I've started going for a full stretch in the bicep and quick strong contraction with each rep, they seem to be growing.

For example, the 30kg EZ bar Curlz are not including the weight of the bar, which must be another 8kg or so? I struggled doing 25kg on fixed barbells a couple of months ago.
Lots of pressing today. Press press press press press press etc..
20kg 12
40kg 12
60kg 8
65kg 8/6

BTN Press
45kg 12/10

16kg 12/12/12

Leaning Cable Side Raises
10kg 10/10/10

DB Rear Flyes Over Bench
4kg 12
5kg 12/12

Machine Y Raise
12.5kg 12/12/12
All time Deadlift PB today after having not done deadlifts for AGES.
60kg 8
100kg 5
150kg 3
170kg 2
190kg 1
200kg 1
205kg 1 - all time PB
150kg 3
120kg 5
100kg 6

Power cleans to strict press
60kg 8/8
Chest today for a 1RM test and then the usual volume after that.
BB Bench
60kg 15
80kg 8
100kg 3
110kg 1
115kg 1 - PB
120kg 1 - PB
80kg 12/12
60kg 12

Incline DB Flyes / Incline DB Press
16kg / 16kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

BW 8/8/8

Cable Crossovers
20kg 12
25kg 12/12
Back session today, energy was a bit meh, joints and forearms aching a bit, so decided to mix things up ever so slightly and focus on pull ups.

Pull Ups
BW 6/6
5kg 6/6/6

BW 6/6/6

Seated cable row a full stretch/ straight arm cable push down
70kg / 60kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

Low Cable Hip Thrust/Lat Pull
60kg 10/10/10/10

Power Clean to Strict Press
60kg 6/6/6
What's that, my legs still feel achey from Saturday's deadlifting session? Even tho I haven't trained legs in two weeks? I best play it safe and train arms instead....

EZ Curlz / EZ OH Tri Ext
12.5kg / 12.5kg
12 / 12

32.5kg / 32.5kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

22.5kg / 22.5kg
10 / 15
10 / 15

DB OH Ext / DB Curlz
40kg / 12kg
10 / 8
10 / 8
8 / 8

BB Curlz / Cable Flat Push Down
20kg / 45kg
12 / 15
12 / 15
12 / 15

Cable Rope Curlz / Cable Flat Narrow Push Down
30kg / 45kg
12 / 15
12 / 15

All in all, good fun. Filmed the superset too, altho the rubbishness of Instagram's 15 second videos doesn't help me show anything. No idea how Bradley Martyn has got 60 second videos :mad:
Shoulders today, tried something new, didn't work. Single Arm press after already doing some decent DB work. Instabilities all over, left side really struggled to do anything at all.
DB Press
22kg 12
28kg 10
36kg 8/8/6

Standing single arm Press
30kg 6 / 5
30kg 6 / 2

DB Front Raise
10kg 10/10/10

Cable Leaning Side Raises
10kg 10/10/10

Cable Bent Over Flyes
10kg 10/10/10

Machine Y Raise
12.5kg 12/12/12
Hope you don't mean the single armed ones :p

Had an awful awful weekend. Took the day off work today and hit up the gym at about 2:30, having had a big Burger King 45 minutes before. Despite all this, threw up some decent pressing.

DB Press
20kg 12
36kg 8
40kg 8/8/7

Incline DB Flyes / incline DB Press
16kg / 16kg
8 / 8
8 / 8
8 / 8

BW 10/10/10/10

EZ Bar OH Ext
30kg 10/10/10

Cable Flyes
25kg 12/12/12/12
Yeah seriously one of the most humbling exercises I've done. Considering I could probably throw the 40s up for a few reps of strict press, I genuinely thought one armed press would be easy considering you get to add some push press-leg drive in too. Turns out nope, not even a little bit.
Cheeky back and bis. Pump was real.
Pull Ups
BW 6/6
8kg 6/6/6

BW 6/6/6

Seated cable row a full stretch/ straight arm cable push down
75kg / 60kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

Low Cable Hip Thrust/Lat Pull
65kg 10/10/10/10

BB Curlz
30kg 12
35kg 12/12

DB Curlz
12kg 10/10/10
Firearms are getting overly pumped at the moment, and impeding on my nerve around my elbow. So today's arm session was very uncomfortable and maybe not as intense as I'd have liked.

EZ Curlz / EZ OH Tri Ext
10kg / 10kg
12 / 12

32.5kg / 32.5kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

CGBP / DB Curlz
60kg / 16kg
12 / 12
65kg / 16kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

Cable V Push Down / Cable Rope Curlz
50kg / 35kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12
Today wasn't my strongest day.
OH Press
20kg 12
60kg 8
70kg 6/5
60kg 8/5

BTN Press
45kg 12/12

18kg 12/12/12

Cable Rope Front Raise - short stack
60kg 10/10/10

Face Pulls - slow
50kg 10/10/10

Machine Y Raise
15kg 10/10/10
Chest on a Monday, who'd have thunked it. Didn't train til 4pm, diet is a bit lapse at the moment (altho could be worse) but gave it a good shot anyway.

BB Bench
20kg 15
60kg 12
80kg 8
100kg 6/6/5
80kg 8/8
60kg 10/10

Incline DB Flyes / incline DB Press
16kg / 16kg
8 / 8
8 / 8
8 / 8

BW 10/10/10/10

Cable Flyes
25kg 12/12/12/12

25kg 12/12/12/12

Cable push down V grip
50kg 12/12/12
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