The Wizard of Wolls: Follow the yellow brick gains

Back day today:
Pull Ups
BW 6/6
10kg 6/6/6

BW 6/6/6

Cable Close Grip Row / Cable Straight Arm Pull Down
75kg / 60kg
12 / 10
12 / 10
12 / 10

Cable Close Grip Row
85kg 8/8/8

Power cleans
65kg 6/8
Traps are always pumped when you have horrific posture :cool: :p

Arm day today but my workout was a bit shorter - my forearms are so pumped up and knackered at the moment, I'm struggling to grip anything. Even driving is a pain at the moment - any suggestions to stretch out forearms?

EZ Bar Curlz / EZ Bar OH Ext
25kg / 25kg
12 / 12
35kg / 35kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12 (long rest before set)
25kg / 25kg
10 / 15
10 / 15

CGBP / DB Curlz
65kg / 16kg
12 / 8
12 / 8
12 / 8
tie some string around a brick and a short length of broom handle and rotate it using both hands so the brick raises up towards you, Guy Martin does it before his races to help ease the forearm pump of wrestling a bike around the TT.
This has been going on for a couple of weeks now Tom, not sure if from over training or stress, or both.

Will have a look at this in more detail later.
The wrist finally couldn't take any more and is now lightly sprained :p so shoulders was quite light and just pressing movements today, avoiding having to grip anything.

20kg 15
60kg 8/8/8/8/8
Long rest on last set

BTN Press
45kg 12/12/12

16kg 12/12/12/12
Post birthday chest workout after eating every carb in Scotland and a handful of proteenz
BB Bench
20kg 15
60kg 12
90kg 8/8/8/8/6
60kg 12/12

DB incline Press
30kg 8/8/8/15 (long rest before last set)

Cable Flyes
25kg 12/12/12/12
Very short shoulders today.
20kg 15
28kg 10
34kg 8/8/8
22kg 12/12

18kg 12/12

Cable Rope Front Raise
25kg 12/12/12

Gotta have a rest from the gym now. My right wrist is completely ****ed and I can't even open or close my car door properly any more. It's not just getting worse by itself, I keep injuring it doing things, and it's getting to the point if I keep training, I'm gonna do myself some serious harm.
Pretty much sums up my lifting this week :p

On the topic of lifting (or not as the case may be), foam rolling hurts. It realllllly hurts.
Alright work out, nothing fancy. Massive chest pump from it though which was unusual.
DB Press
20kg 12
30kg 12
36kg 10
40kg 8/8/8

Incline Press
60kg 10/10/10/10

Cable Flyes
25kg 12/12/12/12

Cable Flat Push Down
55kg 12/12/12/12
Nice gentle back session to keep myself ticking over without upsetting my wrist. 3 weeks off soon.

Pull Ups
BW 8/8/8

BW 8/8/7

Straight Arm Cable Push Down
40kg 12/12/12/12

Machine Pull Down
70kg 12/12/12/12
Do I even lift? :confused:

DB Press
20kg 12
28kg 10
36kg 8/8/8
22kg 12/12

Cable Front Raise Rope
25kg 12/12/12/12

BTN Press
20kg 15/15/15
Cheeky deadlift session despite having bad/tight/cramping hips, legs, glutes and back for the last two weeks.......

70kg 8
120kg 4/4
160kg 2
180kg 1
200kg 1
220kg 1
Video of 220kg pull here:
160kg 1
120kg 2
70kg 4

Seated DB Curlz
16kg 12/8/8

Cable Rope Bicep Curl
40kg 10/10/10

Few cheeky sets of biceps afterwards as they've been neglected due to forearm issues lately.
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