The Wizard of Wolls: Follow the yellow brick gains

It's a pleasure/pain feeling Nick, it feels good and reminds you how much you enjoy training legs. Until you have to climb two flights of stairs :eek:

Did a back workout today, got a huge pump from it and looked great, but looking at it written down it looks a bit weedy.

BW 10/10/8/6

20kg 12 slow reps
70kg 10/10/10/10
20kg 12/12/12 slow reps, big contraction

Cable Straight Arm Push Down
50kg 12/12/10/8

Row Machine
30kg 12/12/12

EZ Curlz
30kg 10/10/10

Concentration Curlz
10kg 8/8
Yesterday was arms x 1000, and ten minutes cardio on the stepper.

Today is meant to be legs with the missus, which doesn't bode well considering I still have DOMS from Sunday :eek:
Bit more legs today:
Leg Extension
32kg 25/25/25
45kg 10/10/10

Leg Press
150kg 20/20/20

Walking Lunges
20kg 8/8/8

Leg Curlz
50kg 10/10/10
Of course :D she's complaining saying she didn't feel like she did enough. I'll update on how much she whinges about her legs hurting tomorrow :p
Strength across the board is down from a few months ago, but I'm slowly getting back to it.

20kg 15
60kg 8
62.5kg 8/8/5

BTN Press
40kg 12/12/12

Cable Front Raise / Cable Leaning Side Raise
23kg / 9kg
10 / 8
10 / 8
10 / 8

DB Rear Flyes
10kg 12/12/12
Fun enough Sunday morning chest session *flex*

Bench Press
20kg 12
60kg 12
92.5kg 8/8/6/4
62.5kg 10/10

Incline DB Press / Incline Flyes
16kg / 16kg
8 / 8
8 / 8
8 / 8

Cable Flyes
18kg 12/12/12/12

8kg 10/10/10

Cable Rope Push Down
23kg 25/20/15

Straight Bar Cable Push Down
36kg 12/12/12/12

Skullcrushers / CGBP
20kg / 20kg
8 / 8
8 / 8
8 / 8
Back to back....

BW 8
5kg 8/8/7 (3 body weight after)

20kg 12 slow reps big contraction
72.5kg 10/10/10/10
30kg 12/12/12

Straight Arm Cable Row
50kg 10/10/10/10

Row Machine
30kg 12/12/12

EZ Curlz
30kg 10/10/10

Seated DB Curlz
8kg 10/10/10

This was a fun session. The pump was ridiculous and pictures made me look pro. Howeve I'm back to looking like a peasant now that it's worn off.
Legs yesterday.

Leg Extensions
39kg 25/25/25
52kg 10/10/10

Leg Press
120kg 15
170kg 15/15/15

Barbell Lunges
30kg 8/8/8

Leg Curlz
50kg 12/12/12
I did take a pic but the lighting isn't ideal. Thankfully I still have some decent size in my legs when they pump up again, I'm trying my hardest to stick to training legs consistently, even if it means avoiding squats for a while.

However I do feel I'm missing some quad-dominant exercises? Hamstrings and getting all the action it seems.
Did some shoulders today and it was just all a bit meh. Walked in to the squat rack for some OHP, and there was a bar loaded up to 60kg already there at waist height. So I hand cleaned it up and re-racked it higher; and pulled my right shoulder in the process. Obviously a 60kg hang clean when completely cold is just too much :mad:

20kg 15
60kg 8
65kg 8/7/4

BTN Press
40kg 12/12/12

Cable Front Raise
27kg 12/12/12

Face Pulls
32kg 12/12/12

Pull Ups
BW 8/8
I did take a pic but the lighting isn't ideal. Thankfully I still have some decent size in my legs when they pump up again, I'm trying my hardest to stick to training legs consistently, even if it means avoiding squats for a while.

However I do feel I'm missing some quad-dominant exercises? Hamstrings and getting all the action it seems.

Front squats and DBSS...

Did some shoulders today and it was just all a bit meh. Walked in to the squat rack for some OHP, and there was a bar loaded up to 60kg already there at waist height. So I hand cleaned it up and re-racked it higher; and pulled my right shoulder in the process. Obviously a 60kg hang clean when completely cold is just too much :mad:

Ouch. Sorry to hear it. :(
Any squats are out of the question at the moment, but DBSS are a contender. That's when your rear leg is raised isn't it?

I have no pain in the shoulder now, just obvious discomfort for about half hour.
Bulgarian split squats are were you have the toes of the rear leg on a bench / raised platform. Keep your spine erect and when lowering as opposed to bending forward, drive through the front heel.

With all the shoulder issues I've had just hanging weights from my hands has never been an issue, you should be fine with them.
Did some shoulders today and it was just all a bit meh. Walked in to the squat rack for some OHP, and there was a bar loaded up to 60kg already there at waist height. So I hand cleaned it up and re-racked it higher; and pulled my right shoulder in the process. Obviously a 60kg hang clean when completely cold is just too much :mad:

Its too easily done isn't it. You always do yourself a mischief with the things you least expect. I remember years ago my dad was quite into his lifting but one weekend he went to move a plant pot in the garden and subsequently was off work with a ruined back for a year... :eek:

Its a case of "Well its only a... I'll just move it."

I hate Bulgarian Split Squats. Up there with DB walking lunges for me in the pain stakes. Although at the same time you know they are working you out.:cool:
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