The Wizard of Wolls: Follow the yellow brick gains

Different back session today as I was training with a young lad from work who hasn't been training for long.

Chin Ups
BW 8
10kg 6/6/6/6
BW 7/7

DB Row - no rest
30kg 10/10/10

Machine Row
40kg 12/12/12

Straight Arm Cable Push Down
41kg 10/10/10

EZ Curlz
32.5kg 12/12/10

Seated DB Curlz
8kg 10/10/10

Holy bicep pump batman!
I trained legs today and decided to increase the weights for all exercises.

This was a stupid and reckless idea. My legs are ruined and my life is over.

Leg Extensions
18kg 12
45kg 25/25/20

DBSS (weight is DB in each hand)
20kg 8/8/8/8

Walking Lunges
40kg 8/6
20kg 8

Leg Curlz
50kg 12/12/12
That's a sexy workout (DBSS to Walking Lunges).

But if it strikes you down, you will become more swoleful than could possibly be imagined...
Today I trained some shoulders :cool:

Seated DB Press
20kg 12
26kg 10
30kg 8/8/8

BTN Press
40kg 12/12/12

BB Front Raise / DB Rear Flyes
20kg / 10kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 0

Face Pulls
27kg 12/12/12
I totally love these Saturday arm sessions when the missus is working weekends.

Hetro Barbell Curlz
15kg 15/15
30kg 10/10/10/10/10/10

Concentration Curlz
8kg 10/10/10

Cable EZ Curlz
36kg 10/10/10

Cable Flex
14kg 10/10/10

Straight Cable Push Down
45kg 20/20/20

Chain (23kg) 10/10/10
BW 12/12

Lying French Press / CGBP
20kg / 20kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

20kg 15/15
Today was.... :( .... Cardio :(

5k, walked and jogged, as I still had horrific DOMS from leg day, which then caused shin splints :D
Chest (which is pretty much how you say Hello/Goodbye in Polish) today, so feeling good I waddled off to the gym.

I arrived there to be caught I conversation for ten minutes, but no more deterred, I got changed and hit the gym floor ready to press some averagely impressive weights. Only the bench press stations were all taken. Wut do. Must I use Dumbells instead?! Yes, yes I must.

For the first time in months, I did Heavy DB Press for some very wobbly sets. It's amazing the difference it makes in all those little stabiliser muscles when you haven't pressed heavy DBs for a long time!

Flat DB Press
12kg 15/15
30kg 12
40kg 8/8/6/5
30kg 10/10

Incline DB Flyes / Incline DB Press
16kg / 16kg
10 / 10
8 / 8
8 / 8

BW 10/10/10

Cable Flyes
18kg 12/12/12/12

Straight Tricep Push Down
41kg 20/20/15

Lying French Press / CGBP
20kg / 20kg
10 / 10
8 / 8
8 / 8

20kg 12/12
You could say I'm.... Back.... Again.

BW 8
10kg 6/6/6/6
BW 8

20kg 15/15
70kg 12/12/12/12
20kg 15/15

Row Machine
52kg 10/10/10

Straight Arm Cable Push Down
45kg 10/10/10/10

EZ Curlz
35kg 12/12/12

DB Concentration Curl
8kg 10/10/10

Couldn't take a swolefie as there was a bunch of cheeky kermits in the changing room, and one right in front of my magic funhouse mirror that makes me look swole.
Quick shoulder workout today...

DB Press
20kg 12
26kg 10
32kg 8/8/8

BTN Press
40kg 12/12/12

BB Front Raise / DB Rear Flyes
20kg / 10kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 0

Face Pulls
27kg 12/12/12/12
Well Friday is leg day this week.
BB Curlz
15kg 15/15
35kg 8/8/8/8/8/8

Concentration Curlz
8kg 10/10/10/10

EZ Curlz Dropset
25kg / 15kg / 10kg
15 / 12 / 10
15 / 12 / 10

Cable Bicep Flex
14kg 10/10/10

Chains (23kg) 10/10/10/10
BW 12

Lying French Press / CGBP
20kg / 20kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
As per Facebook, today was a chest day.

Flat DB Press
20kg 15
30kg 12
40kg 8/8/8/6
30kg 10/10

Incline BB Bench
50kg 10/10/10/10

Incline DB Flyes / Incline DB Press
16kg / 16kg
8 / 8
8 / 8
8 / 8

Cable Flyes
23kg 12/12/12
18kg 12

Cable Rope Push Down
45kg 20/15/10

Lying French Press / CGBP
25kg / 25kg
8 / 8
8 / 8
Took my colleague down the gym today who is only little, so had a lighter workout but still lots of volume.
Pull Ups
BW 8
10kg 6/6/6/6
BW 6

20kg 12
60kg 12/12/12

DB Row - no rest
30kg 10/10/10

Machine Cable Row
52kg 10/10/10
27kg 10 - very slow negatives

Straight Arm Push Down
45kg 10/10/10

EZ Curlz
35kg 12/12/12

DB Curlz
10kg 8/8/8
Very quick arm session today, didn't get to do much tricep work.
BB Curlz
20kg 15/15
40kg 10/10/10/10
30kg 12/12

Seated DB Curlz
10kg 10/10/10

Cable Flex
14kg 12/12/12

Chain 23kg 12/12/12/12
BW 20
Chest day after a full week off!

DB Press
20kg 15
32kg 10
42kg 8/7/5
32kg 10/10

Incline Barbell
60kg 8/8/8

Cable Cross Overs
18kg 12/12/12/12

Upwards Crossovers
14kg 8/8/8

BW 10/10/10
Yesterday was a welcome back workout for my back. Did some deadlifts and ripped half my hand off /melodramatic. But seriously ripped off a centermeter squared area of skin BELOW my callous. The bar slipped laterally in my hands, and the knurling sliced through.

60kg 10
100kg 8
140kg 6
180kg 3/3
140kg 6/6

Callous ripped open

Machine Row
59kg 10/10/10/10
27kg 10 very slow negs

Straight Arm Push Down
45kg 10/10/10

Chin Ups
BW 5/5
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